Just like ice cream


Apr 30, 2011


Jennifer Wisen, 18 years old
Most recent singing TV talent winner.
Currently on her debut music tour.

How long had it been since Jen last looked at the clock? 10 minutes ago? 5 minutes ago? She looked at it again and cursed under her breath, damnit, only about 30 seconds ago!

Her 'appointment' was at 9 o'clock tonight. It was only 8:52 PM.

Why was she so nervous? Lots of people did things like this every day.

Didn't they?

Sure, her mind raced, a lot of women hired men to have sex with them. Or in Jen's case, have sex with them in order to take their virginity.

Yes, that's what was happening in this case. It had all been arranged by her agent but it was all Jennifer's idea.

Why did Jennifer want this? Because she was tired of being a virgin. Or perhaps it was peer pressure from the media or the crew or just from every one in general. Of course it wasn't something asked when she was interviewed, at least not on record. She would lie of course and say yeah, she wasn't a virgin.

Well, after tonight, it wouldn't be a lie anymore.

Jennifer felt this was just something that needed to be done. Something she wanted. Yet, deep down, she didn't realize it, but it was something she craved.
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Brad looked at the note he had received a few weeks back from Jennifer Wisen's agent, Robert Trent. He had known Robert back in college when they both played football and out of the blue Robert had called him, telling him he would be in town for a short stay and wanted to talk to him. They met at a local bar and that was when Robert approached Brad with the strange proposition.

Robert told him he was actually here at the request of Jennifer who was now a famous singer but she was still a virgin. Robert told him she did not want just anybody off the street. With her recording time and appearances she didn't have time for dating or meeting that someone special.

Robert knew Brad was well hung and well versed in picking up the ladies in college. As he sipped his bourbon and water Robert decided to make a plea for Brad's help. "Brad if you do this for me there is a lot of cash in it for you," said Robert trying to sweeten the pot. "I think we can offer you $1500 for one memorable night with the latest singing idol," he continued pressing Brad for an answer.

Brad was a bit taken back by the strange request that the newest singing sensation was still a virgin. He had watched her on the television show that made her famous never dreaming he would ever get to meet her.

"Robert I don't know about this. I have never sold my body but the money sounds good right now. Ranching is not all that good right now and I hope this is not some sick college joke," he added remembering the pranks the two of them played on each other just a few short years ago.

Robert assured him it was no prnak and they shook hands on the deal. Robert gave him a note telling him the date and time Jennifer would be expecting him in her hotel room. Now as he stood outside the fancy hotel at 8:55 pm, he looked at the note. "Jennifer will be staying in the penthouse and will be expecting you at 9:00 pm sharp. Dont' disappoint her,"

There was no way he would disappoint her but he hoped she was in for a long night of sensual loving. He felt a jolt in his balls as he thought of all they would do together. If she was truly a virgin then he would have to make sure she felt comfortable.

He stood outside her door at 8:59 pm wondering what the hell he just got himself into as his hand rose to knock on the thick ornate wooden door. A door that would soon open a new world to him and to Jennifer Wisen.
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Part of the perks of being a 'star' was that no one really monitored what you did, what you ate or what you drank. So Jennifer helped herself to the alcohol in the liquor cabinet. She needed something just to relax and help her nervousness.

Opening the mini bottle of scotch, Jennifer drank it directly out of the bottle. The liquid burned as it was going down but with the small amount she drank, she didn't think it was really going to do anything. With a sigh, she tossed the bottle aside.

What the hell was she doing?

"Ugh!" she said out loud and flopped down on a plush sofa. She pulled out her phone and brought up the picture Robert had send her of the guy he was sending over. He had explained that this guy was one they could trust and wouldn't be running to the press afterward about what he did.

Jennifer stared at the picture and smiled. Brad was handsome. He looked nice and Jennifer hoped that was true. He also looked taller than Jennifer. She laughed softly because everyone was taller than her 5'1" frame.

The knocking sound brought Jennifer out of her thoughts and she couldn't help but jump up! She wanted to run to the door and yank it open but that would show her being a bit immature.

Yeah, just a bit.

So, after taking a few steady steps and a deep breath, Jennifer reached for the doorknob and turned it. Jen smiled (in what she hoped showed confidence) and pulled the door open and standing there was him-Brad.

"Hello, you must be Brad, please, come in." She waved him in as she opened the door wider. After he entered, Jen closed the door and locked it. "Would you like something to drink? I could order some room service if you want?"

She didn't realize she was babbling.
When the door opened, Brad was taken back by the beauty of the newest singing sensation. Yea it was true that all the stars on television and in the movies were made up to look good for the camera. But in the light coming from the penthouse, Jennifer Wisen looked stunning. "Hello, you must be Brad, please, come in."

Entering the large penthouse, Brad found himself staring out the large windows to the twinkling lights of the city. The sun was just setting in the west, setting the sky ablaze with red. Turning to Jennifer, he smiled and held out a bouquet of flowers he had picked up at the gift shop in the lobby.

"I thought you might like these," he said handing them to her.

"And yes I would like to have a drink. The food can wait for later when we need to refresh ourselves," he answered her with a smile. He chuckled to himself seeing her nervous and babbling. He knew they would need a little alcohol to calm their nerves. He also knew he would have to take control of the situation and this would be the awkward moment as they got to know each other.

They could dance around the issue as to why he was there, trying to play a game of pretending or he could be straight forward. He saw her eyes grow a bit larger as he walked to her. Taking her hands in his he looked directly into her eyes. "We both know why I'm here Jennifer." He leaned close to her, smelling her sweet perfume before kissing her on the cheek while whispering, "I think we should start with a drink. Where is the liquor cabinet Jennifer? Or do you prefer to be called Jen?"