Have you ever been so tired and out of it that you cannot sleep or function? The bed does not hold any comfort for you because it is empty and cold? Ever wish there was another voice in the house to listen to, talk to, to bounce ideas off of? That is me tonight. I am so tired and so lonely that I cannot sleep. I have tried reading, finished the book in fact, tried the computer – well still doing the computer part, tried a little stress relief, tried some Tylenol PM, but nothing is working. I think I have hit the funk of being alone and not having a man near me that wants me. I know I should be happy alone, and usually I am okay with that, but tonight, the wind is blowing its cold chills and the night is dark and there is nothing to hide me from my thoughts. What is a girl to do? Hell, what is a person to do at these times? I know that being with others is not a sure fire way to battle the loneliness, hell, I have been lonely in enough crowded places in my life to understand that fully. I have been lonely with a guy in my life, but it is these late at night (okay, no so late yet) that gets me to thinking and evaluating my life. I have accomplished much in my time but how is that at these times, those accomplishments feel empty and not so great to brag about? Could it be cause they cannot hold me, caress me, kiss me, cuddle with me, whisper lightly in my ear that they love me and only me?
I was hoping that typing this out would help get this off my chest and let me get some sleep but guess what. It has not been that therapeutic yet. Should I type more of my ramblings while I sit here in the dark squinting at the screen cause I forgot to grab the eyeglasses? I have always wished that I could be one of those outgoing or secure in who they are people but I am just me, a scared little girl in an adult body with no idea of who she is or who she is supposed to be. This could also be contingent on the fact that I about to be a year closed to 30 and while I am ashamed to admit that growing older is affecting my psychy I cannot help but let it take me on its roller coaster ride.
Guess I will end this pity party now and let you get back to more important things than my ramblings and insecurities.
I was hoping that typing this out would help get this off my chest and let me get some sleep but guess what. It has not been that therapeutic yet. Should I type more of my ramblings while I sit here in the dark squinting at the screen cause I forgot to grab the eyeglasses? I have always wished that I could be one of those outgoing or secure in who they are people but I am just me, a scared little girl in an adult body with no idea of who she is or who she is supposed to be. This could also be contingent on the fact that I about to be a year closed to 30 and while I am ashamed to admit that growing older is affecting my psychy I cannot help but let it take me on its roller coaster ride.
Guess I will end this pity party now and let you get back to more important things than my ramblings and insecurities.