Just Had A Drive-By........

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
About 11pm, a silver import car full of kids, unloaded a magazine into a next door neighbor's party they were having outside. I got outside in time to see what the car looked liked as it turned around. We called the cops, and identified where all the brass fell. We gave our statements, and everyone is intact, so now comes miller time! I'm having a cup of coffee, got my pistol, and I'm going to go look for that car to get a license # for the cops. I'm only packing in case they get frisky, then'll I'll defend myself. The problem is, this same scenerio played out three weeks ago, against the same people. We think it's some friends of a older female that lives adjacent to the people that were shot at. She might have said something derogatory about them, they're Mexican, and are real good people. We as a neighborhood will not let this pass without retribution if we can have a say in it. The shooters are all Crackers, about 17-19yrs old, if they come back, they may not see their next birthday. :mad: :D

*What would you do?
Lost Cause? You be careful. :rose:
Me? I would leave it to the cops.
No luck...

No sign of the little bastards. I kept trying to think, "If I was under 21, where would I hang out?" Well, I'll keep an eye out for them as I go about my daily business.
In response to some of the posts, if we aren't responsible for our lives and safety, who is? The cops have been out here twice now, and they don't even swing by to check on things. Next time, it may be one of the neighbor's children. The contract we have as citizens demands we all work for each other, and to assist in the prosecution of the laws. That's the purpose of my being here, when a wrong is being done, I will stand up to it. If you see a perv trying to force a child into a car, are you going to dial 9-1-1, or intervene for that child? After this drive-by, it took the cops 10 minutes to show up. If those bastards got out and started hosing everyone, who's responsible to stop them? That's were the 2nd Amendment comes into play, it gives us the ability to intervene on behalf of another when they are facing possible death or acts of violence. There are about 300 cops in a city of 120,000, they cannot protect everyone, even the US Supreme Court has said that they are not bound to protect us.
I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees! :D
It would probably be more use and take far less form filling, if you shot them with a camera, rather then a gun
That's a bloody good point, and yes, in the circumstances you cited I would take action. When it comes to drive-by's though that is way out of my league. It is partially because there are pretty tight gun laws in this country in regards to owning a gun and where you can take it and what you can do with it. We don't have the right to bear arms, we earn it the same way you learn to drive a car. Thats not to say we don't have murders and assults because we do. I don't think such a thing exists as a community without a criminal element. Theres just some criminals I'm willing to tackle and some I'm not.

On the other hand I've never been in the circumstance you are in, I am judging my actions in the cold light of day, not the heat of the moment.
I commend your good will towards your neighbours, community and assisting the police. I don't have the guts that you do.
What happens when they have someone along who doesn't know which house? Or just doesn't care?

Hell, they don't care already.

I'm not going to say what i would or would not do, because i was not there and no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

So far i have always returned fire.
Ordinarily, I'd agree with other people. But if anyone did a drive-by in a nice neighborhood I live in on nice people, they deserve to be shot in the head with a rifle, assassination style.


Good luck, Lost.
It's almost tribal....

When someone comes into the 'tribe' and tries to hurt one of the clan. When we got hit on 9-11, I didn't cry because of the act, i cried because they killed and hurt MY brothers and sisters, of the American Clan. That's the only way I can explain it, except I was taught at home, and in the military, to watch out for the family/platoon/clan. I look at it the same way when it comes to protecting children, I'm like a dog (my biker nickname), I'm always watching out for anybody's kid. That's part of my reaction to last night, I felt, "How dare they come here and threaten the children!" They are our future, and it's going to be hard enough for them without having to grow up afraid of mindless idiots. If nothing else, we teach them by our actions that we will not be threatened, without a price to pay.
All is well. :D
Video tape the next encounter.

You were right to inform law enforcement. Right to arm yourself, but to fire without being fired upon is simply Un-American. You better hear a hiss :D if you start shooting.

I wouldn't want you in jail or creating an issue for the enemies of freedom to use against the rest of us.
How would you feel if a child were gunned down by your return crossfire?

Would you be the hero then?

I know what the immediate gut reaction is, and if you act immediately on said gut reaction, you have an argument to use in court. If you think about it and do it, you don't have a leg to stand on.

Peace bro,
12 years in the military.........

In combat arms, and some as an MP. I went through all 'shoot/no shoot' training for the tactical teams I was in. My evaluations always indicated in some way, a clear head under pressure and not once did I ever kill an innocent under pressure on duty. You always check your field of fire before following through, I wouldn't recommend anyone else do what I'm doing, especially if they're not mentally able to take a life, because ultimately, that could happen here. Somebody else can videotape while the bullets are flying, I have my truck staged, and if I can, I'll pitt manuever their asses into a tree, or at least get a license plate# for Barney Fife!
Your caution has been taken under consideration Sin, thanks! :D
Good Gawd MAN!

You are going to be portrayed as some kinda wacko nut with your resume...

I'll JUST HAVE to watch the networks tonight!

yeah that works.

makes you no better than them.

some idiot with a gun chasing down others.

good job.

spare your american clan propaganda too.
I'm certified alright...

You wouldn't know it normally, until I'm threatened, then I "throw the switch". It's my own personal lil' demon, whom I hug now and then! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!.....:D
you're just as bad as they are if not worse.

with any luck, you're next.
Gee, unregistered...

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your cowardice!
Don't call us, we'll call you....bye..bye..:D
Myrrdin said:
It would probably be more use and take far less form filling, if you shot them with a camera, rather then a gun
That is probably what is going to happen; after the first drive by I thought it wouldn't happen again, but now I am looking into putting up a video cam on the street side of our house that will record (on my computer) any motion in the area where this has occured. Maybe then, if we can identify this scum we can get the cops to investigate the problem - maybe even put them away (what a concept! :rolleyes: ).