Just got reminded of another story that never got written.


Dec 31, 2009
Found the picture in this post: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/even-more-of-your-favorite-bdsm-pictures.1533168/post-97913773

The story concept of mine was a group of wives that would get loabned out for various parties and events. One was where they were dressed as living dolls, but in sheer dresses with exaggerated details and trimmings. They were set up on stands like those in the post linked above where they could be fully explored by the guests. They even had buttons the guests could push to make them talk, just like some real dolls. They would say very explicit things but in innocent, doll - like voices.
Imo that story is better left in the imagination. Or a Fox network show that was briefly popular a decade and a half ago. I think it was created by some guy with the initials JW and starred Eliza Dushku and other beautiful actresses. They called it Dollhouse and it is infamous more than famous today.
Found the picture in this post: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/even-more-of-your-favorite-bdsm-pictures.1533168/post-97913773

The story concept of mine was a group of wives that would get loabned out for various parties and events. One was where they were dressed as living dolls, but in sheer dresses with exaggerated details and trimmings. They were set up on stands like those in the post linked above where they could be fully explored by the guests. They even had buttons the guests could push to make them talk, just like some real dolls. They would say very explicit things but in innocent, doll - like voices.

Females on display in a group setting. Yes, a big thumbs-up. The idea goes down well with me - but I get the impression that sex in a large scale, group or organised context is a niche thing on Literotica. I've raised the idea occasionally but it doesn't seem to attract that much interest. People here seem to go more for one-to-one things, generally.