Hot Wife Couple Context


Experienced Noob
Oct 23, 2018
I'm writing a story about a couple's (M31 and F29) hot adventure with the new young bachelor neighbor (M24). The setting is they live in a rural area; I'm thinking on a hill where everything is spread out, but their only neighbor lives maybe 5 minutes walk away. They become quick friends, and eventually, the couple wants to seduce the young hunk into sleeping with the hot wife. I have the idea of what I want to happen in the seduction, but I do feel like some context is needed into WHY the couple wants this.
Only a few I can think of that are quite common, but still good context. I don't know what would work best. I do feel like the context wouldn't matter as much because I have more scenes I'd like to add in. I feel like the context should be short but good enough for everything to fall into place.

I think the easiest one would be that the couple were swingers before, and the husband enjoys more watching his wife be a slut. This makes it plausible why they would want to seduce the neighbor. However, I feel like this might weaken? the story a bit as they already explored their sexual adventure. I still think it's a great background to the couple as it would make sense, even if I feel like this may not be "new" to them.

The other one I can think of is that they got into the hot wife/cuckolding some time ago and haven't implemented that in their lives yet. Like husband got into "wife sharing" (which idk if I would need more context for?) and told wife and they get super aroused by it. Now with the new neighbor who is young and a hunk, they desire to start taking action. I like this one more as it IS a new adventure with the neighbor. The problem I feel I might face is, is it maybe too rushed? like I don't want to focus too much on the past for what would happen later, you know?

There's this one where maybe the Neighbor is the one to initiate everything but I don't really like this as it seems a little manipulative even if couple is basically doing to same in the previous options. idk, maybe you guys can convince me otherwise.

Also there is a scene I'd like to add in which I hope doesn't ruin any of the options that might be here or given. Let me know if it can fit or if I should just trash it. This would be a scene where the couple and Neighbor have rapport and no actions have been taken from the couple yet, but they tease about it. The scene is the Neighbor invites the couple to his birthday party. They have a great time there but Husband wants to leave as its getting late, but the wife wants to stay longer. Neighbor says he'd keep her company and would even walk her home. Husband is ok with that, he talks to wife privately before leaving, say goodbye and teases that if something happens between her and the neighbor then to let it happen. Wife gently smacks him playfully on the shoulder as he leaves home. He can't sleep as he's imagining what they could be doing. An hour pass, he gets a notice on the front door camera, he opens it and sees neighbor walking the wife to the front. They have some laughs and stay by the front door a while. He can't make up what's going on but then hears something that makes his cock hard. He hears them kissing. They kiss for a while, husband hears some ruffling which can be them embracing/feeling each other and then the neighbor says something like, "Come back with me... finish what we started." A long pause and then the wife says that its late. Neighbor lets her go home. Wife comes to Husband who is raging hard and he mounts her. She explains everything to him and admits that if he pushed a little more, she'd have gone with him and let him fuck her. Husband cums hard. This is what makes them want to explore this kink further. They now hatch a plan to let it happen.

Hopefully this doesn't ruin the story?

What are your thoughts and what should I choose? Or should I not even care about the context and just continue without it?
Thank you in advance.
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They use to enjoy the wild hot tub parties their friends threw in their collage days in the big city . They never really went that far in the hot tub but later, after the party, while they were having sex, they would role-play doing more.

Now that they have moved to this more rural location, they had thought that those days were over and resigned to lustful memories. Then the neighbor moves in and it rekindles those old desires. It's a second chance to go where they didn't dare before. But now that their relationship is more stable the possibilities are all of a sudden attainable.

One weekday the husband calls the wife at home and tells her to be on the lookout for a delivery truck and crew. They are gonna install the new hot tub I just bought today. "Remember college?"
They use to enjoy the wild hot tub parties their friends threw in their collage days in the big city . They never really went that far in the hot tub but later, after the party, while they were having sex, they would role-play doing more.

Now that they have moved to this more rural location, they had thought that those days were over and resigned to lustful memories. Then the neighbor moves in and it rekindles those old desires. It's a second chance to go where they didn't dare before. But now that their relationship is more stable the possibilities are all of a sudden attainable.

One weekday the husband calls the wife at home and tells her to be on the lookout for a delivery truck and crew. They are gonna install the new hot tub I just bought today. "Remember college?"
I like the hot tub idea, the arousal you get with little clothing on. The skimpy bikini. I do wanna know where the hot tub is, like are they in campus? In a sorority? Rent a house? For a college student, I don't think they would be able to afford one and having sex in a hot tub where other students are. Seems risque but idk.
Ok, let me try. The hot tub is located at the off campus house/mansion of one of the more wealthy trust fund brats. And perhaps he might be taking an interest in our lady in the story and that's how they both got invitations to the parties he threw.

Spit balling here so...
Ok, let me try. The hot tub is located at the off campus house/mansion of one of the more wealthy trust fund brats. And perhaps he might be taking an interest in our lady in the story and that's how they both got invitations to the parties he threw.

Spit balling here so...
As much as I like the hot tub idea, I feel like I'd have to change how the first initiation started with the install of the hot tub. I COULD do the hot tub afterwards?
Right, after the neighbor moves in and stirs those old feelings again. Reliving a wild and carefree youth.
They grew up in the area and haven't ventured more than a few dozen miles from where they were born. Met in school early on and stayed together through high school. No college. Parents died and they moved into one of the family homes, one of only two houses either ever knew.

The new guy bought his distant uncle's house without ever having visited the area before. He's city folk that tired of the rat race at an early age and gave it all up for country life. But he still has enough city in him to get Becky Sue's eyes ta' twinklin' and she gets Jimmy John to go along with her plan of gettin' right neighborly.

What she and JJ don't realize is that she's a mighty purty lady (because they never thought of each other that way) and the new guy is taken with her from the git go.
They grew up in the area and haven't ventured more than a few dozen miles from where they were born. Met in school early on and stayed together through high school. No college. Parents died and they moved into one of the family homes, one of only two houses either ever knew.

The new guy bought his distant uncle's house without ever having visited the area before. He's city folk that tired of the rat race at an early age and gave it all up for country life. But he still has enough city in him to get Becky Sue's eyes ta' twinklin' and she gets Jimmy John to go along with her plan of gettin' right neighborly.

What she and JJ don't realize is that she's a mighty purty lady (because they never thought of each other that way) and the new guy is taken with her from the git go.
I'm getting Jed Clampett vibes. I like it.
As much as I like the hot tub idea, I feel like I'd have to change how the first initiation started with the install of the hot tub. I COULD do the hot tub afterwards?
Maybe the neighbour has the hot tub?
The scene is the Neighbor invites the couple to his birthday party.
When he invites them, he can say that he has a hot tub so they're welcome to wear swimsuits under their clothing. This can remind the couple of those times in college when things got hot and heavy at frat house hot tub parties. Maybe it reminds them of a discussion they once had after one of those times where they thought about doing more and staying longer to see what happened. It can get the seed of naughtiness into their heads which then blossoms when the husband leaves. The neighbour can try something "tame" or "accidental" in the tub like copping a feel of her breast that then leads to the make out outside her house.
The other one I can think of is that they got into the hot wife/cuckolding some time ago and haven't implemented that in their lives yet.
Also, I prefer this. That thing I mentioned above about staying longer at those old parties could be what originally made the husband imagine sharing his wife. Whether she knows about this in advance of the neighbour entering the fray is up to you.
I think you are trying too hard to justify their desire. It really isn't necessary beyond the fact that they wanted to. Many, (fucking many) years ago I was involved in a MFM with a married couple. They had an open relationship (unbeknownst to me) and one evening after I helped them move into a new house, she seduced me. Later that night, the three of us had ourselves a hell of a time. When I asked later, they just said that she never feels as turned on as she does when she's being double teamed.

In your instance maybe the couple has always wanted to do this. But maybe they are respected members of the community and were worried about their reputations. But when a young man moves close by their rural/remote home, it's too much to resist. They have him over a few times and get to be good friends.

One night over drinks the young man compliments the wife on how great she looks. She smiles, walks up to him and then lays a smoking hot kiss on him. His eyes go wide and he throws his hands out so that the husband can see he's not instigating this. When she breaks the kiss and walks away, he's super nervous.

"Listen, John, I'd no idea she was going to do that!"

The husband just waved it away. "She'd love to do much more than that." He looks the young man in the eye. "I'd like to see that myself. What about you?"

The young man is stunned and rather speechless. Then the wife walks out in just her bra, panties and pair of fuck-me heels. His jaw drops and he babbles something unintelligible.

The husband smiles. "What was that son? I didn't catch that."
I think you are trying too hard to justify their desire. It really isn't necessary beyond the fact that they wanted to.
You're probably right. It will remain a brief part of the story as I want to progress to the seduction and thenwards to other hot acts.
Maybe the neighbour has the hot tub?

When he invites them, he can say that he has a hot tub so they're welcome to wear swimsuits under their clothing. This can remind the couple of those times in college when things got hot and heavy at frat house hot tub parties. Maybe it reminds them of a discussion they once had after one of those times where they thought about doing more and staying longer to see what happened. It can get the seed of naughtiness into their heads which then blossoms when the husband leaves. The neighbour can try something "tame" or "accidental" in the tub like copping a feel of her breast that then leads to the make out outside her house.

Also, I prefer this. That thing I mentioned above about staying longer at those old parties could be what originally made the husband imagine sharing his wife. Whether she knows about this in advance of the neighbour entering the fray is up to you.
Ok, it seems the hot tub is good idea lol. Now I got to put it in! I think the context of the hot tub is brief enough where it can be mentioned and then move forward with the progression of the story. Thanks.