Just finished Bioshock Infinite. What are your thoughts?


Literotica Guru
Jan 27, 2013
Absolutely loved the game! Great combat, story was fun and interested and the visuals were stunning....

There is always a but :), I'm kind of disappointed about how the thematic issues touched upon are mainly just a background to the main events of the story. I'm really longing for a guy like Ken Levine (designer) to do a straight look at the hard issues such as racism as the central pillar of a story. Doesn't have to be modern day, i just feel like it could have been a bit more interesting...

But hey that's just my view, what does everyone else think?
I only just started playing it. It looks incredible though.
Yeah it's the new one, I've been hyped since it was announced. Not usually excited for a game day one, but i love the Bioshock series, and the System shock series that came before it.

Multi-verse theory seems like cheating when used in a plot, but I enjoyed it.
There haven't been any spoilers so far, and with a title that includes 'Just finished Bioshock' i think spoilers should be expected!

I've been thinking more about the game and I'm liking it more and more. Usually game endings are never as much fun as the journey.. but this one has me all smiles. Think they did a great job for what they were going for...

Oh and it also has led me to have the Beach Boys stuck in my head. :)

Multi-verse theory seems like cheating when used in a plot, but I enjoyed it.[/QUOTE]