Just Can't Seem to Stay Away

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Originally Posted by deadeye_76
In keeping with the cookie theme from earlier, I would love to see you make a video of you stirring up the cookie batter with those scrumptious tits bare and shaking around; maybe with a little flour on them, looking all domestic, like you are just waiting for me to come and and show you how to really hold a hard instrument and stir up some batter to swallow.
I think this is a fabulous idea!

Hmmm. Which idea is better, making the video, or me showing up to help whip up some man-batter? I like both!

LMAO...you did not just say man batter...OMG. I always call in man-chowder...so...I suppose yours is better.
... because you ' just can't seem to stay away' , now I just can't seem to LOOK away !!! Good God you are lovely !

Thanks...and thanks for giving me your virgin post :)

Step 12 would get you in a lot of trouble if you looked at me like that.... GD YOU ARE SEXY.

hehe - thanks

Totally speechless. My mouth was open so long I actually drooled on my desk. Oooops.

haha, I love it

PK HOT DAMN you sure don't know how to do a strip tease NOT

be it video or pictures you are HOT!!!!!

even with old tired borgs eyes fred

I never said I can't do a strip tease...but I can't do it slow. I suck at slow.

I can think of a better use for the butter, but hey.


How PK goes from soccer mom to sex kitten in under three mintues:


It originally had music, but it wouldn't let me upload it with the song. Sorry for people who can't use photobucket. I will post some images from it tomorrow...;)

Who gives a fuck about music. My eyes were keeping time with the bounding soccer balls you had hidden in your polo. I wonder how many of the fathers at the game were undressing your sexy body in their minds. Actually, I wonder if there were any who weren't doing that.

LMAO...you did not just say man batter...OMG. I always call in man-chowder...so...I suppose yours is better.

I don't care what you call it as long as you let me in to hold your tits up so they don't get in the cookie batter. Then I'll show you how I can stir your pot.
Who gives a fuck about music. My eyes were keeping time with the bounding soccer balls you had hidden in your polo. I wonder how many of the fathers at the game were undressing your sexy body in their minds. Actually, I wonder if there were any who weren't doing that.

Who gives a fuck about music????????? Oh God...my heart...

Also...my kids don't play soccer, LOL. So none of them. :)

I don't care what you call it as long as you let me in to hold your tits up so they don't get in the cookie batter. Then I'll show you how I can stir your pot.

so many punny things today ;)

Toasted teacakes. Digestive biscuits.

Or you could suck it off my cock. Your choice :D


Seems like I missed an exciting day.

You're here now...that's exciting!
Ugh I still need to shower. But here is the recap of how I go from soccer mom to sex kitten:
(also...DO NOT REBLOG MY FACE IN COMMENTS...I know what I look like)
Step One: wear a polo shirt and jeans
Step Two: unzip the jeans
Step Three: remove the stupid polo shirt
Step Four: put on slutty make up
Step Five: let the hair down
Step Six: make a slutty face
Step Seven: bust out of the camisole
Step Eight: prance around in panties
Step Nine: because assassassass
Step Ten: pose casually on the couch
Step Eleven: repeat
Step Twelve: make a pouty face
Step Thirteen: you have completed all the steps

However, now I am back in my Chucks and the hair is up in a ponytail and I'm back to normal ;)

You are gorgeous, I am ugly. However, if this is going to work we need 2 steps: one you get naked - two : we make love! :cattail:
How PK goes from soccer mom to sex kitten in under three mintues:


It originally had music, but it wouldn't let me upload it with the song. Sorry for people who can't use photobucket. I will post some images from it tomorrow...;)

Does it make me a terrible person if I skipped towards the end? Yeah, I just wanted to see you nekkid. :cool:
Just got caught up on your thread and all I can say is wow I love your videos looking forward to seeing more
DAnm sexy as always sweetie!!

thank you so much love!

Got any cookies left?

yup...come get em

Your transformation from soccer mom to sexy badass is HAWT.


Just got caught up on your thread and all I can say is wow I love your videos looking forward to seeing more

♥ thank you

Sigh, fine, I will "shaddup" as you say. But I am going to make you pay later ;)

I ain't scared

Does it make me a terrible person if I skipped towards the end? Yeah, I just wanted to see you nekkid. :cool:

LMAO...meh, I only wanted to see me naked too.
To be fair, that really is the point of this whole exercise, no?

well it started as two things.

one, someone requested to see me clothed. i hate me clothed. i have one of those, not fat but not skinny bodies. compact that with my just shy of five feet in height and packed with boobs, hips and booty...i don't look good clothed. the less clothing i wear, the better i look!

two, i was telling someone about an older video i had done of the same thing...

hence - this video. but yes...nudity is the goal.

and that reply was far too wordy.
well it started as two things.

one, someone requested to see me clothed. i hate me clothed. i have one of those, not fat but not skinny bodies. compact that with my just shy of five feet in height and packed with boobs, hips and booty...i don't look good clothed. the less clothing i wear, the better i look!

two, i was telling someone about an older video i had done of the same thing...

hence - this video. but yes...nudity is the goal.

and that reply was far too wordy.

Ha! Get as wordy as you want with me, I'll never complain. My remark was really meant to be pithy as much as anything, but, yea, I understand where you are going.

I think most of the crowd would tell you to shut it re: how you look clothed. Lovely if lovely, but you are, of course, certainly entitled to your own personal opinion.

And, also, too: Less clothes + More boobs = Good :)
well it started as two things.

one, someone requested to see me clothed. i hate me clothed. i have one of those, not fat but not skinny bodies. compact that with my just shy of five feet in height and packed with boobs, hips and booty...i don't look good clothed. the less clothing i wear, the better i look!

two, i was telling someone about an older video i had done of the same thing...

hence - this video. but yes...nudity is the goal.

and that reply was far too wordy.


and you look amazing clothed or not, ya liar!
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