Just bought these great headphones


Gia Cat
Oct 12, 2007
I had to get some over ear headphones because my around ear type gave me earaches. Got these The sound has so much volume, I just love them. The bass can be boomy, so I had to turn the bass down on my stereo, but it did not effect the higher range any. Headphones have come a long way, these are so small, but do so much.
$179.99 for some headphones and they look like that?

These kickass basic Sonys only cost me $18 and I bet you six ways from Sunday their performance is similar if not exact.


If they get stolen or lost, I'm not eating a fortune and they're easily replaced.

Not saying that price isn't analogous to quality. But if you shell out for headphones, make sure they look like they're on the level of what they cost or there's no point. For damn near $200 I want some style. Here's what you should've gotten:


Bowers & Wilkins P5 Mobile headphones. $299.

Now, THAT is freshness actualized. THAT is what you shell out for. Those shits are butter on your ears, trust that. Every time I go to the Apple Store, I slide those babies on my ears and I am transported to nirvana. Reluctant to get them, because if those get vikked — and when you live in this city, you best believe eyes are on anything you wear that looks even remotely rich — I will be crying into my pillow for a month.
You can't put a price on sound quality, but if you were to try, my son's $499 noise-cancelling bass headset would come pretty close.
I absolutely love the sound that comes out of them!
And, to no surprise...

...wanker queen enters the thread and raises the ante of the You can't put a price on sound quality pissing pot.

And, to no surprise...

...wanker queen enters the thread and raises the ante of the You can't put a price on sound quality pissing pot.


I gave him HELL for wasting that much on headphones.
Then he gave me them to listen with.... Worth every fucking cent!
Personally, I wouldn't spend anywhere near that much. I prefer to have better speakers and have my music pumping over the valley :D

...that makes cents.

~ rolleyes ~

You're a dick :rolleyes:
My son is 20, earns his own money, and lives in a share house - he needs headphones.
I, on the other hand, live in the middle of fucking nowhere, and can have my music as loud as I fucking want.
But even if I had to keep the noise down, no way would I spend as much as he did. There are other, cheaper options.
But even if I had to keep the noise down, no way would I spend as much as he did. There are other, cheaper options.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

...unfortunately, "Worth every fucking cent!" is still the pimple which needs popped.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

...unfortunately, "Worth every fucking cent!" is still the pimple which needs popped.

Well..... they do sound pretty bloody awesome!
IF I could justify spending the money, I would get the same ones he has.
But I don't need to, so there's that.
Oh, ffs :rolleyes:
I will NOT apologise to you welfare bums for being well-enough-off that I can afford to go buy stuff.
Nor will I apologise for teaching my eldest son to be able to get a good job and manage his money well.
Stop being petty little fuckwits.
Who gives a shit what headphones look like? Once they're on your head you can't see them anyway.
They sound really nice, I mean, that is what matters to me. ~shrug~ I tested them in Skyrim. I went by some waterfalls, and into a Dwemer cave. The ambient sounds are very crisp. Dwemer caves have a lot of clinking and clanking, so it was a good test. Example
They sound really nice, I mean, that is what matters to me. ~shrug~ I tested them in Skyrim. I went by some waterfalls, and into a Dwemer cave. The ambient sounds are very crisp. Dwemer caves have a lot of clinking and clanking, so it was a good test. Example

I'm sure they sound sweet. For that price, they'd better. But why those exactly, when you could've saved about $150 to use for other things when all you're doing here is gaming and not remixing a Diplo track in your home studio?
always go with sennheisers; anybody that is an audiophile will tell you this.

i got me these for $250


and these workout ones for $70
I got some sweet earbuds for 10 bucks at Wal-Mart. They're pink and sound comes out of them when I turn on my iPod. When that stops happening I'll go spend another 10 bucks.
I did get a Bose dock for the iPod so I can rock out at home if I so choose. It was kinda expensive but that's like real speakers and shit. Still overpaid though cuz I don't ever actually rock out anywhere. I listen to the Beatles and Barry Manilow for fucks sake. Sometimes I'll get wild and throw down with some Buddy Holly. Watch out then.
Oh my God, NO!!!
You mentioned the PRICE!
Watch out now :rolleyes:

i think you failed to realize that's a bargain for audiophiles from a long time respected brand that are better than $400 monsters, Bose, koss, sony, or that $500 type your sons wasted on. i hope you were being ironic with that post. anyhoo, please tells the price of your shitty tattoo?