Just a thought I thunk: Compare Lit. to "Reality TV"


Affliction of the damned
Sep 7, 2002

I have been pondering and toying with this association allot lately and I'm just curious if anyone else noticed the similarities.

Both are based on reality yet it’s very skewed and well almost UN-REAL. But its reality based!

Allot of people refer to life offline as 'RL' or "real world". Yet, so many people look hear and judge reality.

Reality TV is almost more fake then fictional TV these days, yet...it's still called reality TV.

Truth is stranger then fiction I guess...

Anyone else have comments on the un-real of Lit. and reality TV ?

Rubyfruit said:
No, sorry, I don't watch reality TV.

But I did want to say hello.

So, hello!

hey, thats no fair...i dont' watch them either, but....i get fucking updates on them on my local radio station...arggg..Edge102 SUX.

Ah well....i still see the similarities..

and...HELLO, nice of you to drop by...care to stay for a 'SPOT' of tea? Or I can pour a cup..or mug..or glass..


I do not watch them but I definately see a corrolation between lit and "Reality" TV.

We all come into it with our personae be they who we really are or some variation there of. We respond to others KNOWING what amount of ourselves we are allowing to be seen, yet... often we see others as being solely what they reveal here.

Just like the characters of so many shows.... we only see what the producers want us to.... what is almost scripted or prompted... and we form a full perception.

Here, we show the drama, the fluff, quite often the munane... but it is still not a full picture... it is... "reality" internet?