Jus' Place

Tom Collins said:
*walking over, talking 'bout how cute yer ass is in them jeans, licking yer Adam's Apple, sucking yer earlobe* Thirsty, coquette?

Congrats Tom, you are the 100th post here on this thread
You get anything you want

Tom Collins said:
*walking over, talking 'bout how cute yer ass is in them jeans, licking yer Adam's Apple, sucking yer earlobe* Thirsty, coquette?

thirsty?.. *getting distracted now* yeah sure.. okay!
jushorny said:
Congrats Tom, you are the 100th post here on this thread
You get anything you want


I'm the shit, baby, take a biiiig whiff. *chuckle*
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Tom Collins said:
I'm the shit, baby, take a biiiig whiff. *chuckle*

*Whew walks over and turns thermostat down, eyes never leaving the two of them*
I may be a friend, a good friend even, but I draw the line at showing or looking at any bushes, human, plant or inanimate. Looks like that is just as well as this room seems to be filled with lots of beefcake interested in beefcake. LOL

Congrats on your new place,

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joeys-game said:
Why would you want to take your eyes off them..lol

Hey Joey was going to ask where you have been hiding lately, but I looked at your profile .. you ain't hiding nothing at all. :eek: LOL
jushorny said:
You mean he will join you in here, your cherry???

Night sexy man and thanks mucho for stopping in.

Oh yea, if ya can say g'night to Tom, he seems sensitive to me :rolleyes:
No, no...I meant the AV of my ass ;)

Eight hours later: g'night Tom!
Finishes cleaning, coffee made, hot water for tea and hot chocolate. Muffins, bagels and fresh fruit set out. Sits down to relax.
Just my luck :rolleyes:

Good morning, you're up awfully early, or have you not yet goen to sleep. Want a latte?
jushorny said:
Finishes cleaning, coffee made, hot water for tea and hot chocolate. Muffins, bagels and fresh fruit set out. Sits down to relax.

picks up choc chip muffin and hot choc, how'd you know i need a choccie fix Jus? :kiss: :kiss:
*groans* I am up too early. It's another paper work day. You'd think that would keep me to busy and out of SRP wouldn't you? Bwahaha...no, more to screw around.

A latte would be nice. My barista stand was closed this early so I didn't get grab a cup.
variable Xy said:
*groans* I am up too early. It's another paper work day. You'd think that would keep me to busy and out of SRP wouldn't you? Bwahaha...no, more to screw around.

A latte would be nice. My barista stand was closed this early so I didn't get grab a cup.
Good morning variable Xy... I'm Red ~ Nice to meet you. :)
bustee_mcqueen said:
picks up choc chip muffin and hot choc, how'd you know i need a choccie fix Jus? :kiss: :kiss:

I got my ways Bustee :D
Good morning and Welcome

Runs hands over jus' ass... "mmmm...." Pinch ... to make it feel better.

Morning Jus

Much better now red, thanks :kiss:

*groans* I am up too early. It's another paper work day. You'd think that would keep me to busy and out of SRP wouldn't you? Bwahaha...no, more to screw around.

A latte would be nice. My barista stand was closed this early so I didn't get grab a cup.

Ah, paperwork how fun. I thought in your neck of the words it was written laws that all coffee shops had to be open 24/7. *Slides Latte over his way*
bustee_mcqueen said:
ty, hadn't seen you in awhile so i thought i'd stop by :kiss:

It has been awhile, where you been hiding??
Thanks for stopping in, hope you find the place enjoyable