Judge strikes down Georgia abortion ban. 🙂🥳


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003
Judge strikes down Georgia ban on abortions, allowing them to resume beyond 6 weeks into pregnancy

A Georgia judge on Monday struck down the state’s abortion law, which took effect in 2022 and effectively prohibited abortions beyond about six weeks of pregnancy.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney wrote in his order that “liberty in Georgia includes in its meaning, in its protections, and in its bundle of rights the power of a woman to control her own body, to decide what happens to it and in it, and to reject state interference with her healthcare choices.”

Judge strikes down Georgia ban on abortions, allowing them to resume beyond 6 weeks into pregnancy

A Georgia judge on Monday struck down the state’s abortion law, which took effect in 2022 and effectively prohibited abortions beyond about six weeks of pregnancy.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney wrote in his order that “liberty in Georgia includes in its meaning, in its protections, and in its bundle of rights the power of a woman to control her own body, to decide what happens to it and in it, and to reject state interference with her healthcare choices.”

Judge strikes down Georgia ban on abortions, allowing them to resume beyond 6 weeks into pregnancy


although likely to be appealed, and with kemp saying the voice of one judge 'overruled' the voice of the people (like, wtf?), it was still an encouraging step forward.
“When a fetus growing inside a woman reaches viability, when society can assume care and responsibility for that separate life, then – and only then – may society intervene. An arbitrary six-week ban on (post-embryonic cardiac activity pregnancy) terminations is inconsistent with these rights and the proper balance that a viability rule establishes between a woman’s rights of liberty and privacy and society’s interest in protecting and caring for unborn infants,” McBurney wrote.

In Monday’s order, McBurney wrote, “a review of our higher courts’ interpretations of ‘liberty’ demonstrates that liberty in Georgia includes in its meaning, in its protections, and in its bundle of rights the power of a woman to control her own body, to decide what happens to it and in it, and to reject state interference with her healthcare choices.”
Yay… but? Now right before election !??
Election interference!!
All women currently in need could have waited !! <—-Sarcasm!!
Turning basic human rights over to the discretion of individual states is never the right thing to do. Decisions about ensuring basic human rights are the domain of the federal government, not the states.
I woke up to this news,so happy for all the women in Georgia, finally got their choice and lives protected 🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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Too late for Amber and Candi. But better late than never.

After the mess that conservative and independent men have made of abortion I'll never trust the majority of men to ever have positions of authority again.

This is what they did with it.
Georgia Supreme Court halts lower court ruling, reinstates 6-week abortion ban

Georgia’s Supreme Court on Monday reinstated the state’s six-week abortion ban, halting a ruling from a trial court judge from just one week ago that had overturned the law.

The order takes effect at 5 p.m. Monday, and will remain in place while the state’s appeal is heard.


So much for that.
Georgia Supreme Court halts lower court ruling, reinstates 6-week abortion ban

Georgia’s Supreme Court on Monday reinstated the state’s six-week abortion ban, halting a ruling from a trial court judge from just one week ago that had overturned the law.

The order takes effect at 5 p.m. Monday, and will remain in place while the state’s appeal is heard.


So much for that.
the ONLY good that may come out of this is that it's keeping things front and center in the voters' minds, making it clear how this is a war, not just a single battle.
I wonder could this swing Georgia to Harris? I mean, she already had a shot there, but...
Despite recent deaths to mothers and an end to their future children.

Yup ! This makes total sense.

GOD’s Bill of Rights!!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Predates the Constitution!

Endowed by GOD!
Prevented by man!

Roast in Hell!

You reach into a woman’s womb but bitch if someone just thinks about putting REGULATIONS on your murder weapon

Thou shalt not KILL” (hmm? Who tried to replace KILL with “murder”?)
Predates Christ!
And… the Jewish People don’t consider life to begin until ????