Judge finds Trump 'more likely than not' committed obstruction in election effort


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
ABC News.

A federal judge has found that former President Donald Trump "more likely than not" committed felony obstruction in the effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
U.S District Judge David Carter said in the ruling that Trump's former lawyer John Eastman must turn over most documents he is withholding from the Jan. 6 House committee investigating the attack on the U.S Capitol.

"Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021," the judge wrote.

Judge Carter, who reviewed Eastman's documents, ordered Eastman to turn over all but ten that the court found privileged.
An opinion as part of a ruling to enforce a subpoena by the Jan 6 committee. The judge agreed with the committees assessment.
The judge was being tongue in cheek, I think. Any sentient being knows that Trump is a criminal in multiple categories. The question is how long is he going to be permitted to float above the law?

“The panel is expected to produce a report by year's end. If the November midterms see the House flipped to Republican control, it is highly likely that inquiries into the Trump administration and Jan. 6 will end.”

“The panel is expected to produce a report by year's end. If the November midterms see the House flipped to Republican control, it is highly likely that inquiries into the Trump administration and Jan. 6 will end.”
True, but if the DOJ has started a criminal investigation by that point, there would be very little the Republicans could do to end it. The committee and the report yes, but the DOJ, nope that is under Biden's presidency till 2024. ( and even then, if the Republicans took over the Presidency I doubt they could stop the DOJ). Trump already tried it seems and failed.
The judge was being tongue in cheek, I think. Any sentient being knows that Trump is a criminal in multiple categories. The question is how long is he going to be permitted to float above the law?
All this time, and still no charges.......anything to distract voters from the trainwreck unfolding in front of our eyes on a daily basis. Not sure this country has been more fucked up since the 1920's. Seemed ok 2 years ago. Certainly better. Much better......

True, but if the DOJ has started a criminal investigation by that point, there would be very little the Republicans could do to end it. The committee and the report yes, but the DOJ, nope that is under Biden's presidency till 2024. ( and even then, if the Republicans took over the Presidency I doubt they could stop the DOJ). Trump already tried it seems and failed.
True… if your hypothetical if becomes reality.

And if the hot potato is handed to Merrick Garland…

….his appointment as AG after his failed Scotus nomination makes him a gift to the political narrative and appeal processes that would surely follow…

….if the first ever criminal charges against a President ever actually proceeded to trial before he died.

Those are a lot of Ifs, right?
True… if your hypothetical if becomes reality.

And if the hot potato is handed to Merrick Garland…

….his appointment as AG after his failed Scotus nomination makes him a gift to the political narrative and appeal processes that would surely follow…

….if the first ever criminal charges against a President ever actually proceeded to trial before he died.

Those are a lot of Ifs, right?
Ah yes, Garland. That's where it's going to get on the ugly side.

First of all re. your comment about the post mid-term politics. I'm pretty sure the republicans are going to continue, but with the goal of answering the questions that aren't being asked in the current committee.

Garland, in his haste to do the White House's bidding has set himself up for enhanced scrutiny. Scrutiny regarding actions he's taken that have nothing to do with Jan. 6th by the way. To say he'll be on shaky ground would be an understatement.
All this time, and still no charges.......anything to distract voters from the trainwreck unfolding in front of our eyes on a daily basis. Not sure this country has been more fucked up since the 1920's. Seemed ok 2 years ago. Certainly better. Much better......
We you alive for Watergate? If you were not, didn't you take a history course on Watergate? If either of the previous questions answers are yes, you would not make statements as uninformed and idiotic as the one you just made.
Garland, in his haste to do the White House's bidding has set himself up for enhanced scrutiny. Scrutiny regarding actions he's taken that have nothing to do with Jan. 6th by the way. To say he'll be on shaky ground would be an understatement.
I love how each side views Garland. One side says he hasn't don't anything while the other says he's doing a bunch of shit, all at the command of the President.

Btw- him being blocked from SCOTUS doesn't reflect in any way on him or his rulings. That was all McConnell. Nothing he has done indicates any such revenge fetish and Trump wouldn't be the target anyway
“The panel is expected to produce a report by year's end. If the November midterms see the House flipped to Republican control, it is highly likely that inquiries into the Trump administration and Jan. 6 will end.”
In which case the dems should double down on what evidence they have and smear repubs with nonstop coverup, whitewashing and rule of law hypocrits to 2024 and beyond.
Do you ever stop to wonder why everyone sees the other political party as evil and corrupt and irredeemable?

It's almost as if someone is manipulating us all. Some group out there is playing both sides against the middle.

They make us hate and mistrust one another - this divides us. Then they manipulate both sides just enough to get what they want (like Conservatives voting for gun control laws).

And, no one ever looks at this and says "the game is rigged. Neither side is really working on our behalf."
Guess that answers that.
I'm so used to the person getting banned and showing up in a couple of days with a new alt....strange to see that not happen. Unless one of our new posters is laying low as his new one
Ah yes, Garland. That's where it's going to get on the ugly side.

First of all re. your comment about the post mid-term politics. I'm pretty sure the republicans are going to continue, but with the goal of answering the questions that aren't being asked in the current committee.

Garland, in his haste to do the White House's bidding has set himself up for enhanced scrutiny. Scrutiny regarding actions he's taken that have nothing to do with Jan. 6th by the way. To say he'll be on shaky ground would be an understatement.

High stakes politics reminds me of Spock playing 3 dimensional chess (with checkers players as the expert commentators.)

To me, it feels like “all of this” is more likely to trend Republican.
Do you ever stop to wonder why everyone sees the other political party as evil and corrupt and irredeemable?
Sorry, i don't see it that way, so your use of the word "everyone" is factually incorrect. Like most of your other posts.
No shit Sherlock....given Russia's current behaviour, what do you think we should be doing? Helping Russia get stronger....fuck you're an idiot.
No shit. I DID become Sherlock over the last months.

My knowledge of history is generally rudimentary, but since the war I've listened to hundreds of hours of interviews given by European historians,analysts and writers of all sorts of nationalities.
You guys are doing here something similar to what I did upon emigrating: force myself to think like an Anglo, which I can never do at my age.

That's why I intervened. It's becoming painful to listen to you American guys and even ogg - (not Lupus, whose only fault is wishful thinking out of desperation)
You're really talking nonsense in these threads. So was I 3 months ago, before engaging in this time-consuming journey.
Drop American or British analysts for a week, and listen to French, Southern or Eastern European ones just for a week.
Nothing that the Second Amendment can't fix. It fixes everything
That's why I intervened. It's becoming painful to listen to you American guys and even ogg - (not Lupus, whose only fault is wishful thinking out of desperation)
I'm not an American. Can't you get anything right....fucking pathetic....learn how to research, before you post, and you will not look like such a fucking idiot....*chuckles*
Do you ever stop to wonder why everyone sees the other political party as evil and corrupt and irredeemable?

It's almost as if someone is manipulating us all. Some group out there is playing both sides against the middle.

They make us hate and mistrust one another - this divides us. Then they manipulate both sides just enough to get what they want (like Conservatives voting for gun control laws).

And, no one ever looks at this and says "the game is rigged. Neither side is really working on our behalf."
Because one side wants us in endless wars, supports torture, just took away a woman's right to choose, look poised to go after gay marriage. They want nothing to do with moving this country forward. These are concrete things. And your side has done a fantastic job of moving so far right that that we can't even hold basic human dignity together in this country. You guys do not want solutions. Its that simple.

The game is rigged but Founders Rigged it before our parents parents parents were born.
Because one side wants us in endless wars, supports torture, just took away a woman's right to choose, look poised to go after gay marriage. They want nothing to do with moving this country forward. These are concrete things. And your side has done a fantastic job of moving so far right that that we can't even hold basic human dignity together in this country. You guys do not want solutions. Its that simple.

The game is rigged but Founders Rigged it before our parents parents parents were born.
Both sides want endless wars. Both sides support torture. The Supreme Court just made a technical ruling on a point of law. Your idea of forward is different than theirs.

The Right is not my side. Politicians are AIDS. Government is AIDS. The idea that a group of people gets to determine how everyone else lives and put them in cages when they disobey is insane.

But you are being played. A group of politicians have taught you that all of the problems you are experiencing are the fault of the other side, and you believe them. All the while another group of politicians have blamed your side for all the problems. You and people exactly like you are spending all your time hating the other political party, and neither you nor them realize that this is all a con job and you are the sucker. You aren't seeing the United States of America crumbling around you because of megalomaniacal politicians that falsely think they can run the world, you see the US falling apart because of the other political party.

You hating the other side is a part of your party's plan. Manipulating you into blaming everything on them is a strategy. Now you'll be their puppet and do what they want you to without critical thought.