Joke That Never Ends


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
Toddler Trump the Illegitimate President has not stopped acting like a baby.

Trump canceled (then uncanceled) a meeting with the "failing" New York Times.
Chewed out the news media for not acting as if journalism was something Trump purchased.

They invited him to the adult's table and they had a chat.

16 floors up, in the boardroom of the NY Times publisher.

Toddler Trump got his way, and his remarks were left off the record.

"... 15-minute one on one with Sulzberger in the Churchill Room on the 16th floor of the Times building. A Times spokeswoman said it was “short and cordial” but declined to say anything about the tete-a-tete since it was off the record."

After meeting with Sulzberger, Trump answered questions at a lunch with 23 Times editors, reporters and columnists in the company boardroom.

"By the end of the meeting, the tone was downright cordial. According to one person present, Trump was heard calling the paper "a great, great American jewel — a world jewel."

Toddler Trump whine-

“I have great respect for the New York Times. I have tremendous respect,” Trump said to the assembled group, according to a stream of live tweets from Times reporter Michael Grynbaum. “I think I've been treated very rough."

Trump stabs at musicians through his mouthpieces/Trump trolls.
Nobody that is legitimate and famous wants anything to do with Trump.
Trump camp makes false claims, musicians step forward to dent the claims.
Who is going to help Trump celebrate his inauguration ?

Scaramucci, Trump is always hires liars, to replace his old liars.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio is still telling lies about President Obama!

Toddler Trump had a tantrum in Scotland

"... Trump had a series of meetings with the then First Minister, Labour’s Jack McConnell. Trump was making plans to build a vast new golf course on the Menie Estate just north of Aberdeen. The Scottish Government wanted to show the world the country was open for business, and making friends with Trump seemed a pretty canny way to do it.

Trump promises more than a Billion dollars!
50 million is nothing to scoff at.

Six thousand jobs, promised.
Who is doing the 95 jobs that are real ?

Yuuuuge hotel promised.
Eight stories high!
450 Trump luxury rooms!
Plus 950 time share apartments!
World famous golf courses!


Trump did what he always does.
He bought a building and remodeled it.
He took a home and converted it into a hotel/ clubhouse.
16 rooms.

Golf club is losing money.
Workers were illegal aliens.
Housing provided for alien imported workers.
The many promised temp jobs and the permanent jobs that an International Heritage site was sacrificed for, never materialized.

" golf course that meanders through the sand dunes, a clubhouse with a restaurant and 19 rooms for rent in a renovated mansion and former carriage house. There is also a maintenance facility and a road running through the property. Lonely and desolate, the resort has attracted no major tournaments, and neighbors say the parking lot is rarely, if ever, full.

Everyone that has anything to do with Trump, regretted it.

Thank you, for making America into "losers."

Trump punished a 90 something old woman for not letting Toddler Trump have his way.He took away her electrical power, her telephone, her fresh water. He punished her neighbors, too. Oops, so many accidents while building a golf course.Built big earth dams (berms). Put in a row of trees to cut off their view of the ocean.Sent Trump goons to make the neighbors miserable.

They were all a bit confused as Trump repeatedly referred to himself as “Scotch.”

One nation's National Treasure, is Trump's opportunity.
I hope America does not corrupted and ripped off like Trump's other victims.

Two films

You've Been Trumped investigates the social, economic and environmental impact of American tycoon Donald Trump's attempts to build what he claims will be 'the world's greatest golf course' on one of Britain's last wilderness areas.

A Dangerous Game is the explosive documentary from filmmaker and investigative journalist Anthony Baxter (You've Been Trumped), which examines the eco-impact of luxury golf resorts around the world. Featuring exclusive interviews with Alec Baldwin, Robert Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump, the film takes viewers on a globe-spanning journey to a World Heritage site in Croatia; the extravagant desert city of Dubai, the explosion of new but supposedly illegal courses in China and back to the filmmaker's native Scotland, where Donald Trump continues his controversial building.

gsgs comment-

My loves, these Trump enterprises were never meant to be successful.
He makes a living by evading taxes.
He meant to build a resort in a foggy, freezing cold area.
He does not want to have a resort that makes money.
He would be forced to pay taxes if that happened.

"As well as avoiding corporation tax liability due to those operating losses, Trump also avoided paying any value added tax (VAT), the UK sales tax, at the Aberdeenshire course last year."

The accounts for both companies, published this week, state that their financial viability rests on Trump’s loans and his continued willingness to underwrite their losses. But neither set of accounts makes any mention of his bid to become US president and the fate of his investments were he to win the White House in November. Trump has said his children would run his businesses if he is elected.

In his filings last year to the US FEC, Trump declared that Turnberry generated income of $20.4m (£16.6m today) in 2014 and the Aberdeenshire course earned him $4.4m (£3.6m today).

His UK company accounts showed hefty losses on both resorts in that year, of £1.1m at the Aberdeenshire course and £3.6m at Turnberry. Last year’s operating losses at Turnberry were £8.4m. Trump lost a further £2m in dollar-to-sterling currency exchanges, bringing total losses for Trump to £10.5m last year. In 2014, he reports losing £3.1m in currency transactions at Turnberry, bringing his total losses to £6.7m in 2014. The result was an overall loss of £26m.
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Trump travels through life, with this the phrase on his lips- "So long, suckers."

While it's standard for the Secret Service to pay for lodging for its officers when they protect the president outside of Washington, D.C., it's not standard for the payment to go directly to a property owned by the president. The cost for the two floors in Trump Tower could be as high as $3 million per year, according to the Post, a cost that will be born by taxpayers.

More free stuff for Trump!

More saddened citizens, left holding the bag.
Trump travels through life, with this the phrase on his lips- "So long, suckers."

While it's standard for the Secret Service to pay for lodging for its officers when they protect the president outside of Washington, D.C., it's not standard for the payment to go directly to a property owned by the president. The cost for the two floors in Trump Tower could be as high as $3 million per year, according to the Post, a cost that will be born by taxpayers.

More free stuff for Trump!

More saddened citizens, left holding the bag.
Congress can defund the Secret Service.
Beyond Trump himself, who claims a net worth of more than $10 billion, the president-elect has tapped businesswoman Betsy DeVos, whose family is worth 5.1 billion.

A think tank supported by DeVos and her husband earlier this month published an article calling for a return of child labor.

"...dismantling the range of excessive legal restrictions, minimum wage fixings, and regulations that lead our children to work less and work later? "

Wealthy donors fund nonprofit think tanks and tax exempt advocacy groups that further a wealth-protection agenda in the political arena. As journalist Jane Mayer has documented in her book Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, a segment of multimillionaire donors have “weaponized philanthropy” to advance a self-interested public policy agenda of tax cuts, deregulation, and opposition to climate change policy.

Big League Billionaires, Bigly, for Trump

New York Times newspaper lists 35 billion dollar cabinet for Trump

Where the wealthy place their money
Betsy DeVos is Trump's choice for Secretary of education.

Massachusetts chose not to allow more charter schools to eat up the money meant for public schools.

Michigan Education Association President Steven Cook-

"In Michigan, we know firsthand how disastrous DeVos' ideology is, as she has spent decades wielding her family's money and influence to destroy public education and turn our schools and students over to for-profit corporations," said Cook in a press release.

Trump has spoken about school choice on the campaign trail, and proposed a $20 billion initiative to support school choice.

But it's unclear how much power a Secretary of Education would actually have over vouchers directly, said MSU Associate Professor of Education Policy Joshua Cowen. The U.S. Department of Education has historically used federal funding to incentivize state behavior, not taken over directly.

New York Times examines what Bestsy DeVos has done, and what her intention might involve.

Why is Betsy DeVos so focused on the voucher system?

DeVos has been called the “four-star general of the pro-voucher movement.” She and her husband, Amway heir Dick DeVos, have devoted an enormous amount of time and money promoting voucher initiatives — the use of public funds to finance private schools — around the country. Chalkbeat reports:

In 2000, she helped get a ballot measure before Michigan voters that would have enshrined a right to vouchers in the state’s Constitution. After the measure failed, she and her husband formed a political action committee to support pro-voucher candidates nationally. Less than a decade later, the group counted a 121-60 win-loss record.

One recipient of its support: former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who created the voucher program that Trump’s vice president-elect, Mike Pence, later expanded.

"Trump has decisively associated himself with people who would be perfectly happy with a future in which the only thing “public” about schools will be the taxpayer subsidies."

- Ed Kilgore

November 23, 2016

Trump Picks Wealthy Voucher Proponent to Head Education Department

By Ed Kilgore

Oh yeah, a Hero in his own mind.
‘Honey bunches of a-holes’: Internet eviscerates rightwing boycott of Kellogg’s with #BreitbartCereals

On Wednesday, conservative website Breitbart waged all-out war against Kellogg’s after the brand pulled its advertising from the so-called “alt-right” platform in an effort to “ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren’t aligned with our values as set forth in our advertising guidelines.”

In response, Breitbart—whose executive chairman Steve Bannon took a leave of absence to become Donald Trump’s campaign manager and future chief White House strategist—demanded readers boycott Kellogg’s, calling the brand’s decision “unAmerican.”

“Kellogg’s decision to blacklist one of the largest conservative media outlets in America is economic censorship of mainstream conservative political discourse,” Breitbart said in a statement. “That is as un-American as it gets.”

Referencing these reports, Twitter user @JoyAnnReid asked why Kellogg’s was advertising on Breitbart in the first place.

“They thought they were selling ‘Race Krispies,’” @drskyskull replied.

And thus, #BreitbartCereals was born. Check out some of the best suggestions

Shredded Constitution #BreitbartCereals

Race Krispies #breitbartcereals

Cream of White #BreitbartCereals

Special KKK: Start Your Day Alt-Right #BreitbartCereals:rolleyes:

Honey Nut GestapOoos! So good, the Nazis will kick your door down for them! #BreitbartCereals

And more with Box Designs.:D:D
Here is how Mike Pence is getting trolled by his new DC neighbors

Now that Vice President-elect Mike Pence is temporarily residing in Northwest D.C., his neighbors have taken up an act of silent protest by trolling Pence with rainbow Pride flags, ABC7 reports.

One of the residents, Ilse Heintzen said, “A respectful message showing, in my case, my disagreement with some of his thinking.” Flags started popping up around the area once he moved in.

“I have no idea what he will think about,” Heintzen said, “But I hope he will change his mind.” According to ABC7’s reporting, there are at present a half-dozen pride flags hanging on the block, but there will likely be more popping up.

gsgs comment-

All that I know,is, the world started to become sane, again, when President Obama was elected. Sanity continued, when Hillary Clinton stepped forward.

We could expect the continuation of justice, equality, and and more progress toward fairness.

Women would not fear the loss of choice. Minorities could expect improvement. Children could have hope.

It is for sure, that the world of business would continue to operate as it has always has done. But, there would be someone standing up for human beings.

In the meantime, most were aware that a bizarro version of the world had formed, due to internet freedom, White Supremacy, and Southern Strategy.

Eruptions would rise to the surface, in the form of lone wolves. Resulting in death.

The crazies pushed their luck, and faced off with the law.

The crazies took over a national park in regon, and the nation stared at the display of crazy.

I never expected a candidate to rise on a wave of crazy.

Next up, was a crazy person with a gun, on a mission of crazy.

Was the confused young man looking for attention from DT, The Illegitimate ?

From what I had understood, the campaign of trolling had ended.

The Orange King of Trolls had won the election.

Nope. Once a troll, always a troll.

Like any troll, our soon to be President is trolling the American public for the lols.


More, is the fool,me.

Our soon to be President was last seen trolling Mitt Romney.

President Obama was forced to interact with the orange skin bag filled with sewerage, that won the election.

The voters that chose Trump wanted to troll America with their choice.

They have what they wanted.

Unfortunately, there will be repercussions,for everyone.
/end gsgs comment

Post-Truth America, Breitbart Attacks Kellogg's and Rightbloggers Turn Snowflake

December 5, 2016

"The Leader (DT the Illegitmate) can’t be judged like an ordinary President — that his success proved that he had transcended your foolish libtard logic; indeed, transcended logic itself."

"And anyone who thought otherwise was oppressing them with political correctness — just like those liberal fascists who make Kellogg’s Corn Flakes."

The most well-known examples of this "post-truth" thinking came from The Leader’s own aides and surrogates. Corey Lewandowski, for example, applauded the American people's ability to appreciate that sometimes "you’re going to say things, and sometimes you don’t have all the facts to back it up.”

At CNN, Republican operative Brad Todd told the press to “stop taking Trump literally.”

Cornflakes, from the heart of America, feed all Americans!

Why did Cornflakes stop giving money to the crazies ?

"The digital ad firm decided the publication had breached a policy against content that incites violence, according to a spokesman for the company."

But, according to the crazies, you can be accused of supporting Liberal fascists, if you do not lend support to fascists that want racism, sexism, anti-Semetic,and bigotry to rule all Americans.

Executives at companies like Kellogg need to understand that ours is not a one-party state,” sputtered John Hinderaker at Power Line.

“The message is simple: stay out of the culture wars or pay for it,” warned the Family Research Council.
Good point...

Trump and Bannon are trolls first; they thrive on inciting reactions from the type of people probably reading these words. Trump doesn’t promise a fascist dystopia. What he offers instead is a right-wing government that will thrive on misdirection. In this thicket of unrealities, the only thing real is the power he will exert.

For the journalists, activists and minorities who now feel under assault, know that your energy and outrage must be marshaled for the fights that matter. Words are much hollower in Trump’s America. Actions, more so than ever, are paramount.

"Trump can’t be judged by his words anymore. Little he says is literal. Statements and interviews are ephemera."

Watch what Trump does, not what he tweets ?
December 7, 2016

Why Cuomo’s Hopes for Trump Infrastructure Cash Could Crumble

In the Public Interest is watching!

"There's only one source of money to pay for infrastructure — that's you and me." This means if the state ends up contracting out a rebuild of the Tappan Zee Bridge or LaGuardia Airport to a private operator, and federal grants aren't available, it will need to hike tolls and fees to ensure that future drivers generate enough revenue to ensure that a private developer turns a profit. Legislators "like these things because they take them off balance sheets," says Cohen, "but we end up paying a ton more."

The risk here is private companies could build stuff and claim that the tax cut was the reason," says Greg LeRoy of the D.C.-based corporate subsidy watchdog Good Jobs First. "That would be an incredible waste of money."

The waste would be by the feds, though, not the cities and states making the actual decisions on what to build. (Ross and Navarro's plan promises to "provide maximum flexibility to the states" in designing P3s.) In the absence of federal criteria — several development experts cite the U.S. Department of Transportation's TIGER grant program as one that's well vetted — governors would have a huge incentive to okay whatever projects private companies proposed in order to get a cut of federal tax credits.
I know this joke! I told it to my niece.

Pete and Repeat are in a boat, Pete falls off, who is left?

Good for hours of fun or an eternity if the person never gets it.

A secret U.S. military investigation in 2010 determined that Michael T. Flynn, the retired Army general tapped to serve as national security adviser in the Trump White House, “inappropriately shared” classified information with foreign military officers in Afghanistan, newly released documents show.

The episode marked the second time in a year that Flynn had drawn official complaints for his handling of classified material.

Former U.S. officials said that Flynn had disclosed sensitive information to Pakistan in late 2009 or early 2010 about secret U.S. intelligence capabilities being used to monitor the Haqqani network, an insurgent group accused of repeated attacks on U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Flynn exposed the capabilities during meetings with Pakistani officials in Islamabad.
Oopsie. Better apologize to Hillary Clinton.
Fucking with reality

Watching what Chief Yam does.

Exclude Twitter corporation representative, because Twitter would not give him a partisan emoji.

*exasperated sigh* Considering, that Twitter made his steps toward the White House possible, Trump's snub of Twitter a petty thing to do.

Twitter’s conspicuous absence from Wednesday’s meeting was reportedly retribution for its refusal to green-light a #CrookedHillary emoji during the campaign.

Trump alluded to companies that called begging for an invite that weren’t big enough to make it to the table — a clear dig at Twitter. “I won’t tell you the hundreds of calls we’ve had, asking to come to this meeting,” he said, “and I will say, Peter [Thiel] would sort of say, ‘No, that company’s too small.’”

Trump has shown us what to expect from him.

The manners and delicacy of approach equal to that of another cartoon character- Hulk, the one that announces that "Hulk, smash!"

December 15, 2016

Donald Trump Denies Thing That 66 Million People Watched With Their Own Eyes As It Happened

Donald Trump insists that if Russia committed the hacks the White House would have said something earlier:

(Where did he say this? He used Twitter to tweet it.)

"Trump was even presented with this information onstage at a presidential debate, where he dismissed it. What’s astonishing is that Trump is not only denying the substance of the accusation, he’s denying that the accusation was even made. Let this sink in: The president-elect of the United States is insisting that something that was witnessed on national television by more than 66 million people never happened."

(Kellyanne)Conway isn’t directly challenging the truth of the allegation, she’s just calling it “remarkable” and “breathtaking” and “disappointing” and “unfortunate” that people mention it in public. That’s how professional liars in Washington do it.

Earnest referenced a remark Trump made at his most recent formal press conference, held in July, when he publicly invited Russian hackers to search for emails deleted from the personal server of Hillary Clinton.

That’s why he was encouraging them to keep doing it,” Earnest continued, referring to the then-GOP presidential candidate’s invitation during a late-July news conference for Russia to find Clinton’s missing emails. At the time, Trump added that Russia would “probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Want an ambassadorship?

The Trump team is offering ambassadorships, to anyone that can get someone famous to agree to perform at the Chief Yam's inauguration.

No takers, so far.

gsgs comment-

The Chief Yam's reputation for making agreements, and not fulfilling obligations, might be having an impact...

The invitations must have a rotten odor to them, if high school marching bands are not enthusiastic about performing for the Chief Yam.

Rally Planned On the Mall Ahead Of Electoral College Vote

DEC 15, 2016

Saturday, two days before the Electoral College convenes.

NBC notes that it may not just be politics that is playing a part in the bands’ lack of interest in participation but, rather, an unwritten rule of the band world. According to University of Maryland band director Eli Osterloh, after performing at an inaugural parade, some bands choose to wait about 10 years before applying again in order to give other applicants a fair shot.

Local universities also did not apply. University of Maryland, College Park, which played in 2013, did not apply. Neither did Bowie State University or University of the District of Columbia.

Students made their opinions about how they felt about Trump becoming the next President, very clear.
Trump stiffed the Freedom Kids, and they had to sue him. Nobody in the industry wants to work for him.
Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for

December 25, 2016

Goldman Sachs

Way back when
"I know the guys at Goldman Sachs," Trump said at a South Carolina rally in February, when he was locked in a fierce primary battle with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. "They have total, total control over him. Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton."

Gary Cohn to lead the White House National Economic Council. Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary nominee, spent 17 years working at Goldman Sachs and Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist and senior counselor, started his career as an investment banker at the firm.

Big Donors

Way back when
"...she's (Hillary Clnton) totally controlled by Wall Street and all these people that gave her millions," Trump said at a May rally in Lynden, Washington."

Trump has stocked his Cabinet with six top donors.

Incoming small business administrator Linda McMahon gave $7.5 million to a super PAC backing Trump, more than a third of the money collected by the political action committee.

News Conferences

Way back when

"She doesn't do news conferences, because she can't."

"She's so dishonest she doesn't want people peppering her with questions."


Trump opened his last news conference on July 27, 2016

Way Back when

Trump makes accusations about The Clinton Foundation

At the very bottom of the search, is a person working for the Clinton Foundation that gave an uncertain answer, Because They did Not Have the Words From the Horse's Mouth.

It was run strictly as a charity to save lives.

It was run scrupulously to stay written legal bounds.
No impropriety was allowed.
Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton were public figures under scrutiny.

Personal gain and personal benefit were never part of the Clinton Foundation.

How does that make Pay for Play ?


Inappropriate,unseemly, and shocking abuse of position are seen because of Trump continued efforts to make property deals, worldwide,

This should have stopped the minute that Trump announced that he had won!

Donald Jr and Eric. And his daughter, Ivanka, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner attempt to auction off access to a man who will soon become POTUS.

A history of using the Trump Foundation of using the Foundation money as if it were his own personal bank account, money laundering, favor trading, and corrupt practices. Trump did whatever he wanted to do, and self dealing was against the rules.

"The most significant consequence, for a charity of the Trump Foundation’s size, would have been a requirement that it submit to annual audits by outside accountants. Trump’s charity never did."

The principles of private foundation governance surely could help prevent self-dealing at the Trump Foundation moving forward; however, they may also represent much more than that.

Given Trump’s substantial conflicts of interest created by his international business holdings, self-dealing at the Trump Foundation should serve as a warning bell for the president-elect – and the rest of us – as he prepares to take the reigns of a much larger taxpayer-subsidized institution.

Self-dealing at a relatively small foundation should be an affront to taxpayers, albeit one with limited repercussions. Self-dealing when you’re the president with an obligation to put the public trust ahead of your own personal and business interests could be calamitous.
He can't shut down the foundation while it's under investigation.

We'll just have to delay the inauguration.