Join the Lantern Corps - OOC


Jul 11, 2011
Been thinking about doing this for awhile. It's a completely different format for role-playing because just as much of the game takes place in PMs as it does on the boards. And the players pretty much run the game. It's literally a no-holds barred game. The player is free to do almost anything as long as it does break the boards TOS or the basic game rules. aside for that. It's all good.

This adventure takes place in the world of DC's Green Lantern. each player gets a power ring. But it doesn't have to be a Green one, there are actually 9 other color type of rings you can choose from (but at the start of the game you will only have access to 7) Each color has their own advantages and drawbacks. The rings gives you certain powers. Plus the rings communicate with you, and only you. That's where the PMs come into play, only you know what the rings tell you.

If this sounds like your type of game. choose the color of your ring and PM me.

1, Green - fueled by the power of Will
2, Yellow - fueled by the power of Fear
3, Red - fueled by the power of Rage
4, Orange - fueled by the power of Greed
5, Indigo - fueled by the power of compassion
6, Blue - fueled by the power of Hope
7, Violet - fueled by the power of Love
8, ?????
9, ?????

Each player starts with one ring. Each ring will start with a full charge. But will need to be recharged at some point.

The rules of the game are pretty simple. with each post you can do three things.
Take an action
Move your character
Make and Attack

you can double or triple up these to make three attacks or run three times as much. Using your ring falls under taking an action. even if your using it for an attack.

that's about it. If you got any questions. feel free to post them here. once we get enough players. I'll start the Gaming thread.
This could be fun. Been kinda looking for a way to play a member of the Sinestro corps as a hero. Now, race and sector would be the next idea and I have a few for that as well.
It would be your character. If you wanna go against the Corps and be a hero. Then go for it. more then a few people have. I had Red Lantern guy who broke all the rules and became the biggest hero of the game.

As for sector and race, again, completely up to the player. Your character can be human like or look like a bug. That's what I like about this game. the total freedom of it.
I am a bit full on the RP side, but I am curious, this sounds like a sandbox turn based game. How exactly would you move? I know how you can write up actions and decisions in a kind of CYOS way or even just a RP.

I may sound stupid with asking this even though I'm not going to join, but I am a curious guy :)
No worries DK, you can't learn if you don't ask. right?

You are correct, this actually started out as a tabletop game, Moving covers what the character would do. run, dodge, escape, flight, (in some cases transport) It isn't a defined move. just a telling of where the character is going.
So for example:

Black Lantern goes home.

That counts as a move

Black Lantern recharges ring

That counts as an action

Black Lantern decides to return to the Delta Squadron

That counts as a decision
So for example:

Black Lantern goes home.

That counts as a move

Black Lantern recharges ring

That counts as an action

Black Lantern decides to return to the Delta Squadron

That counts as a decision

yeah, that's about the meat of it, although the last one wouldn't require and action. thoughts and decisions are considered a free action. and recharging the ring takes up a whole post.

And thanks, Wovie rocks, and kudos for knowing about the Black Lanterns.
Comic book fan. I'm the oldest comic book fan I know of since my friend who introduced me to comics is just as old as I am :D

Strange how little people actually know about Mr James Howlett, yet they call themselves fans. Psh.

Ok I'm going to shut up now and leave the thread open for prospective players.
well thanks for stopping by. feel free to drop in anytime. my threads are always open to some who knows wovie's step-grandfather.
Well, after a week of being up, and over 100 views. I'm guessing Wyldfire is the only person interesting in playing. Which is fine. this game system is set up to hold 1 to 100 players and still be pretty balanced. So Wyldfire, if your still interested. go ahead and post your character and it's background. There are no limits here. Human, non-human, it's all up to you. I'll start the game not to long after your character is posted.

Good Luck
This seems like it could be fun. I think I could possibly join as a OrangeLantern or Red Lantern.
It's pretty entertaining game. Red or Orange are pretty powerful colors. It takes Orange a little time to amass it's power. But Red gets it's power at the get go.
Always up for more players. make up a character and post it. I'll put you right in

Ah, A Violet Lantern, AKA The Star Sapphires. excellent choice


Daughter of a former Star Sapphire (she doesn't speak about this though), Celestine is only known by her first name. Most of her friends have given up asking why she never uses her last name, but she has yet to confide in them. It's not lying, but its not forthcoming with information. However some are suspicious of who her mother is because of similarities in personality and appearance.

Wearing the standard open chested violet suit, she is thin and womanly but her eyes appear to be her darkest feature. Almost black, her blue eyes are deep and mysterious.

She accepted the Violet Power Ring when it was presented to her only a few short years ago, but in that time she has learned to harness its energy and use it well.

If you have ideas as to who her mother and father could be, I'd very much appreciate talking it through with you via PM. So far I have no idea, and its not a big selling point, but it could just be someone she doesn't want to be compared to. Or given special consideration because of.


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Once common pickpocket from his home planet, he encountered the ring when an Orange Lantern construct killed a man. When the man began turning into an Orange Lnatern construct, Harkle raced out and grabbed all the valuable belonging to the corpse. One of them happened to be the Orange Lmatern Rng meant for the dead man. He put it on, attracted toit, and the moment he did he was chaned. H was surronded a a brilliant orb of Orange light, and was transformed. When he stepped out, he had the ring in his power now, free from the control of any other Orange Lantern.

He was short compared to a human, but his transformation made him as tall as an average human. He has light green skin, two toes, four fingers, all of them ending in points, and two black eyes on his face that have vertical eyelids. He also has no protruding nose, but slits fro nostrils. He is not often seen in his Orange Lantern suit, more commonly disguised in one of the identities he stole. He has some Orange Lantern constructs under his control, but not too many. He has not yet met another Lantern, but he is preparing for the day he shall.

Do to the change the Ring has done to him, Harkle is constantly eating, no matter the time or the food, as long as it is edible, and possible for him to eat. He has not once taken off his ring, and sees no reason to. He is now the crime lord of his planet, everyone in fear of him. Even the government will do as he says, out of fear of him destroying them. Because of this, he has many resources and weapons at his disposal, and few who to to his planet return to their homes.
Star Sapphire Celestine:

You are called to the throne room by your queen, upon arrival you see your sister sapphires gathered around the large Star Sapphire crystal located at the center of the throne room. You know that this crystal is the largest on the planet Zamaron and has many uses. among them a viewing device that can look just about anywhere in the universe. Currently the image being shown is that of a distressed girl on a strange planet.

"Celestine" the queen calls to you "The sapphire has found a heartbroken one who needs the healing power of love. Go to her and claim her in the name of Star Sapphires"

Orange Lantern Harkle:

You are thoroughly enjoying your one of many meals of the day, you look up as servants bring in more food. as usual they don't look directly at you. they keep their heads bowed low in fear of incurring your wrath due to a stray look. all around your opulent room, which is just short of a palace, there are the greatest treasures from all over the planet. All of which you hoard happily. This is your world, even the planetary government knows that. And nothing can dislodge you from your position. all thanks to the glowing orange ring on your finger.

As you scoop up the last bite of your meal, the whole building begins to shake violently, at first you think it's a planet-quake. but then three large hands punch through the ceiling, and one swift move the hands rip a huge hole, revealing a large orange construct of an alien creature. The strange creature tossing the section of ceiling aside as another alien floats down. The one is slightly larger then your average person, and is reptilian like in appearance. He's wearing a black and orange outfit with a symbol that looks like you ring on his shoulders. Tied around those shoulders is a orange construct of a rope that is tied on to a orange lantern. and on his finger you see a ring just like yours.

The creature looks at you and points his finger at your ring and says in a low deep voice 'MINE!"
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Eyes drawn to the Lantern in the constructs hand, Harkle simply speaks to it. "Wat is yours, my fellow?" is all he does, but summon a protective aura around himself.