Joe Biden, Vacation King


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Home to Delaware: Biden on track to set vacationing record​

by Haisten Willis, White House Reporter |
August 01, 2023 06:34 AM

President Joe Biden is on vacation again, raising familiar questions about how much time he spends away from the White House.

The first family is in the middle of a 10-day retreat at Biden's two Delaware homes, biking and reading at the beach while avoiding public appearances. That has Republicans calling him out as the vacationer in chief.

"Joe Biden and Jill, Ed.D., are having a relaxing day at the beach, where Biden will remain for another week," RNC Research posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. "Since taking office, Biden has spent 360 days — 39% of his presidency — on vacation."

Aside from being a liar and a foreign agent, he's the laziest President in history.
I actually would prefer that he take MORE vacay time. It's less time for him to continue to fuck all of us worse than we have been.
Trump set records for playing more rounds of golf than any president, after previously criticizing Obama for far less rounds of golf. All these politicians need to knock the hypocrisy on the head. It's so tiresome! It also insults our intelligence to think that we can't see it.
At least he's not actively making things worse....
...which is, sadly, more than can be said for the previous white house occupant. I'd prefer a weak president who accomplishes nothing, to one that actually fucks up the country.
Main reason why Biden doesn't spend his day golfing is that there's no way he would go for a walk around the countryside without taking his dog.
I did see that you cited an article from NPR.
Yes, the content was really what you should've seen and corroborated as fact....but you've demonstrated that you prefer to ignore those things and just have a different opinion.
I don’t consider NPR to be an unbiased or reliable source for information. You are free to, I just don’t.
That's why I suggested you corroborate the numbers and data. You don't have to trust them. It appears as though you completely ignored my second source, so that's fun.

As I said...the taxpayer money being used isn't your issue, so quit lying by saying that it is.
At least he's not actively making things worse....
...which is, sadly, more than can be said for the previous white house occupant. I'd prefer a weak president who accomplishes nothing, to one that actually fucks up the country.

Apparently someone doesn't believe that quid pro quo deals with our national enemies isn't "actually fucking up the country" and/or not "making things worse."

And I didn't even need to mention the mess Bidenomics has made.
I actually would prefer that he take MORE vacay time. It's less time for him to continue to fuck all of us worse than we have been.
It would be kind of nice to know who has been running the country for the last two and a half years. The names of the people who are engineering and implementing our demise need to be publicly known.
I actually would prefer that he take MORE vacay time. It's less time for him to continue to fuck all of us worse than we have been.
The Biden economy is cranking right now, Derpy.

It's not the President's fault that you're a broke ass loser.
It would be kind of nice to know who has been running the country for the last two and a half years. The names of the people who are engineering and implementing our demise need to be publicly known.

All you need to do to find out is look at who are the biggest Biden sycophants and supporters.
Another Joe Biden bullshit story:

Biden Falsely Claims to Have Convinced Strom Thurmond to Vote for the Civil Rights Act

President Joe Biden made a false claim on Monday when he said that he “literally” convinced former Dixiecrat Sen. Strom Thurmond (SC) to vote for the Civil Rights Act.
PAUL BOIS28 Aug 2023

The president made his outlandish claim while speaking on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the civil rights legal group, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

“Pause for just a moment. I thought things had changed. I was able to literally, not figuratively, talk Strom Thurmond into voting for the Civil Rights Act before he died, and I thought, ‘Well maybe there’s real progress,’ But hate never dies. It just hides, it hides under the rocks,” he said.

Strom Thurmond, who switched to the Republican Party after years as a Democrat, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 before Joe Biden had entered politics, being that he was just 21 years old at the time. Strom Thurmond also died in 2003, many decades after the passing of civil rights.

Thurmond not only voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he also holds the record for the longest-ever filibuster opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

More here:

Joe Biden has lost all concept of reality and is completely unfit to serve the public in any capacity.
The guy is 80 years old, what do people really expect to happen? That he will start lifting weights? Run a marathon and engage the population? He is old, give him a blanket and a nurse.