Joe Biden Tells His favorite Lie Again


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Joe Biden Peddles His Worst Lie in Front of US Marines During Japan Trip​

Matt Vespa | May 23, 2023 6:25 AM

Joe Biden has spewed numerous lies, some bad, some not so much. There is a difference between a grand slam and a base hit. But this lie is probably the worst for many reasons beyond political gain. Using your dead son to score points is unseemly, especially in front of US servicemembers. During his Japan trip, Biden once again declared that his son Beau, who died of brain cancer, died in Iraq. That’s patently false. Beau wasn’t killed in action over there or the victim of an IED. He died stateside from brain cancer, but Joe keeps trotting out his dead son to channel his inner G.I. Joe, maybe even goading the press to attack him, so he can pull the “I’m a Gold Star parent” card. Again, he can’t do that because he’s not one, nor will he ever be in the case of Beau Biden (via NY Post):

More about Joe's dementia here:

This man is a national embarrassment, the most pitifully unqualified President in American history. All brought to us by a corrupt deep state and media bound to bring down the country.
Yes, we know you worship mental incompetence and live as a low achiever.
I have created exactly one thread about the President.

You're posting at least two or three a day...sometimes repeating the same bullshit you posted yesterday.

Remember when everyone else was obsessed over 45 and you called them out?
Beau Biden was exposed to burn pits during his tour in Iraq. Maybe it caused or worsened his cancer, maybe it didn’t.
the most pitifully unqualified President in American history.
More unqualified than the guy with zero political experience along with numerous bankruptcies, rape allegations, sexual assault liability, who was 2x impeached and fired after a single term?
The man is mentally unfit for office. He is a congenital liar with 50 years of public record to prove it. His presidency will go down as the biggest political swindle in US history.
why would anyone care what an election and science denier thinks?
This man is a national embarrassment, the most pitifully unqualified President in American history.

More unqualified than the guy with zero political experience along with numerous bankruptcies, rape allegations, sexual assault liability, who was 2x impeached and fired after a single term?
Yeah, RightGuide must have missed 45's performance. I mean, people around the world danced in the streets when they learned he lost.
Trump was only in government for 4 years, not 50.
His record is public knowledge though, and there's not much in there to indicate that he should be allowed to manage a beauty pageant never mind the country.
His record is public knowledge though, and there's not much in there to indicate that he should be allowed to manage a beauty pageant never mind the country.

The orange creeper’s record on managing beauty pageants is public knowledge as well. And that record should definitely disqualify that sick fuck from being anywhere near a beauty pageant.

Yeah, RightGuide must have missed 45's performance. I mean, people around the world danced in the streets when they learned he lost.
And yet his fans think Biden is an embarrassment to the rest of the world. Project, project, project.

Joe Biden Peddles His Worst Lie in Front of US Marines During Japan Trip​

Matt Vespa | May 23, 2023 6:25 AM

Joe Biden has spewed numerous lies, some bad, some not so much. There is a difference between a grand slam and a base hit. But this lie is probably the worst for many reasons beyond political gain. Using your dead son to score points is unseemly, especially in front of US servicemembers. During his Japan trip, Biden once again declared that his son Beau, who died of brain cancer, died in Iraq. That’s patently false. Beau wasn’t killed in action over there or the victim of an IED. He died stateside from brain cancer, but Joe keeps trotting out his dead son to channel his inner G.I. Joe, maybe even goading the press to attack him, so he can pull the “I’m a Gold Star parent” card. Again, he can’t do that because he’s not one, nor will he ever be in the case of Beau Biden (via NY Post):

More about Joe's dementia here:

This man is a national embarrassment, the most pitifully unqualified President in American history. All brought to us by a corrupt deep state and media bound to bring down the country.
I don't know if this is his worst lie, there are so many to choose from...

;) ;)
Yeah, RightGuide must have missed 45's performance. I mean, people around the world danced in the streets when they learned he lost.

If someone could harness the power behind that deflection they might be able to provide the entire earth enough fossil fuel free energy for the next 250 years.