Biden Sets New Bullshit Record

You two wrinkled clowns need to get a sense of humor. Instead of the typical anal screeching created by your overheated leftist rhetoric, you might laugh instead, which coming from your other end would allow a more amicable escape of the pressures of your politics. Laughter has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved immune function, reduced stress hormones, and even pain relief. :D
Indeed, I agree wholeheartedly that laughter is beneficial, though not at the expense of our current political quagmires. My apologies; I didn't recognize that your post was an attempt at humor. That's why I likened it to Stephen Colbert's Meanwhile segment – that type of humor seems far too acerbic for my tastes.

As you aspire to become a comedic writer, I suggest you might want to signify to your audience in the future that what you write is 'attempted humor.'

I find your regular rants to be generally humorous, even though it appears you don't intend those to be. I suppose it will be hard to recognize the difference from now on unless you distinguish them for us. As you indicated in this post with an emoji, perhaps add a smiling face or a laughing emoji to the rest of your posts to help out the overheated anal screeching members among us?;):giggle:

Or, just go ahead and mark your attempted serious posts with the available 💩 emoji so we know when you are attempting to be more rightwing bat-shit crazy.:nana:

I understand you're deeply concerned about the direction our country is taking and believe that certain political leaders, like Donald Trump, represent a necessary shift away from what they perceive as detrimental policies. There are clear, significant divisions in our society. Each of those 'leaders' represents a story and input into how we march forward. It's important to listen to and empathize with those who feel marginalized or unheard with equal respect for the wealthy that Trump stems from and seeks coddling. We are, after all, known as a 'national melting pot' or at least we once were characterized in that manner.

However, it's also essential to recognize that there are diverse perspectives on what constitutes our nation's founding principles and the best path forward. While some see Trump as a messenger for change, others view his actions and rhetoric as divisive and contrary to the values of inclusivity and equality. Personally, I look at Trump as being someone lacking any principled leadership. His objectives seem to be designed to build a personal brand that can withstand all attempts at fostering common ideals for most Americans.

Rather than attributing our challenges solely to the actions of one party or individual, why not strive for a more nuanced understanding of the complex issues facing our country? The potential for building bridges and finding common ground, even amid differing viewpoints, is not just a possibility but an essential step for moving forward together as a nation.

At the moment, we face a choice between two individuals competing in November. One is divisive, lacks a common ground platform, faces criminal charges, and lacks business and moral principles. The other, while elderly and criticized as not likely to make it through the term for four more years, has a history of reaching across aisles to build bipartisan decisions. Which of those will be chosen as our lighthouse beacon for the leadership role?

Why not elect an individual known to work across the aisle and build a bipartisan and mutually beneficial form of representation instead of electing a person mired in personal animosity and some fifty-plus years of business graft?
Too boring and nonsensical.
I know. You like the boat load of lies you ingest from your fearless leader on the regular. It’s never boring, always needing a decoder ring to figure out what the hell he is saying.

But seems typical for a guy like you. The loner. Just happy to feel included in any way you can.
Indeed, I agree wholeheartedly that laughter is beneficial, though not at the expense of our current political quagmires. My apologies; I didn't recognize that your post was an attempt at humor. That's why I likened it to Stephen Colbert's Meanwhile segment – that type of humor seems far too acerbic for my tastes.

As you aspire to become a comedic writer, I suggest you might want to signify to your audience in the future that what you write is 'attempted humor.'

I find your regular rants to be generally humorous, even though it appears you don't intend those to be. I suppose it will be hard to recognize the difference from now on unless you distinguish them for us. As you indicated in this post with an emoji, perhaps add a smiling face or a laughing emoji to the rest of your posts to help out the overheated anal screeching members among us?;):giggle:

Or, just go ahead and mark your attempted serious posts with the available 💩 emoji so we know when you are attempting to be more rightwing bat-shit crazy.:nana:
Intend them to be both polemic and humorous. Think of it this way every time you read one of my posts understand that I'm probably snickering behind the scenes.:D
Intend them to be both polemic and humorous. Think of it this way every time you read one of my posts understand that I'm probably snickering behind the scenes.:D
Snickering since you think it’s fun to try to tear down things with lies that you have no solid evidence aside from “I saw it on the internets”.

So you think it’s all a joke, babyboobs thinks it’s all a joke.

You are the joke.

Did you order food tonight from door dash? Just for human contact??
Think of it this way every time you read one of my posts understand that I'm probably snickering behind the scenes.:D
It's actually more like this:

I know. You like the boat load of lies you ingest from your fearless leader on the regular. It’s never boring, always needing a decoder ring to figure out what the hell he is saying.

But seems typical for a guy like you. The loner. Just happy to feel included in any way you can.
I don't give a shit about feeling "included." I know when I post your ovaries explode and cramp your style.
I don't give a shit about feeling "included." I know when I post your ovaries explode and cramp your style.
Nah, you just want to feel included- that’s why there are the tears.

You gotta keep posting your garbage since you are constantly searching for those who are as gullible as you to believe the opinions you toss out there.

It’s a call for help, pity you have no one to recognize it and help you.

You will turn out to be one of these like gunman or DUI drivers who kill folks just for attention.

Again, give us your locality- we will send you help.
It's actually more like this:

Zumi is a person who consistently deflects his own faults and misfortunes onto others during a debate. It's a simple defense mechanism known as projection. Instead of acknowledging his legendary trove of shortcomings and/or mistakes, he shifts the focus onto someone else, sometimes accusing them of the very things he is guilty of. It's how he sidesteps accountability and obstructs productive discussion. He does this between bags of Oreos and Soy milk. Now with this knowledge in hand, take a look at the image provided and realize this is Zumi letting you know who he is and passing that self-hate to an enemy. It's that simple because he's simple.
Nah, you just want to feel included- that’s why there are the tears.

You gotta keep posting your garbage since you are constantly searching for those who are as gullible as you to believe the opinions you toss out there.

It’s a call for help, pity you have no one to recognize it and help you.

You will turn out to be one of these like gunman or DUI drivers who kill folks just for attention.

Again, give us your locality- we will send you help.
You could help yourself by going back and finishing school.
Snickering since you think it’s fun to try to tear down things with lies that you have no solid evidence aside from “I saw it on the internets”.

So you think it’s all a joke, babyboobs thinks it’s all a joke.

You are the joke.

Did you order food tonight from door dash? Just for human contact??
Door Dash is for pussies. I'm eating some applewood-smoked ribs and watching the river I'll be fishing tomorrow.
Intend them to be both polemic and humorous. Think of it this way every time you read one of my posts understand that I'm probably snickering behind the scenes.:D
Well, now I feel much better about this new knowledge. For a while, I just took you as someone needing help. Now, I can relax and chuckle.
Well, now I feel much better about this new knowledge. For a while, I just took you as someone needing help. Now, I can relax and chuckle.
He still needs help. He will be one who either shoots up a school or uses a car irresponsibly.

I really hope he gets the help he desperately needs and clearly is calling out for.

The mental health crisis is very real, much more real that all of the crap he spews on a daily basis.

I know you have no one to intervene on your behalf, @Rightguide, but please do it for yourself.
The difference is I never create threads out of anger, frustration, or delusion. Mine have a calculated purpose. That is an opposing force to the monotonous drumbeat of propaganda and the stifling censorship of ideas perpetuated by the legacy media. My campaign emerges as a beacon of hope, fueled by the fervor of free thought and the power of digital connectivity which seeks to shatter the echo chambers that pollute the airwaves of mainstream discourse. With a blend of wit, satire, and hard-hitting truths, I intend to challenge the leftist status quo by disrupting the narrative monopolized by traditional Democrat media giants. Through memes, podcasts, and viral videos. I am a disruptor, the antidote to the poison of homogenized thought, reminding us that in the battle for truth, the voice of the people will always be the ultimate weapon. :D
Not bad. But I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to realize the gateway pundit posts Colbert’s Meanwhile segments!
The difference is I never create threads out of anger, frustration, or delusion.
Difference to what? Are you suggesting that 46 doesn't make you angry, frustrated or that you don't believe in unsubstantiated claims against him? Lol

Mine have a calculated purpose. That is an opposing force to the monotonous drumbeat of propaganda and the stifling censorship of ideas perpetuated by the legacy media.
You find articles that denigrate your opposition and agree with your worldview that your political opposition is destroying the world.

My campaign emerges as a beacon of hope, fueled by the fervor of free thought and the power of digital connectivity which seeks to shatter the echo chambers that pollute the airwaves of mainstream discourse. enjoy copy pasta without using the actual quote feature and rarely add anything substantial in commentary.

With a blend of wit, satire, and hard-hitting truths, I intend to challenge the leftist status quo by disrupting the narrative monopolized by traditional Democrat media giants. Through memes, podcasts, and viral videos. I am a disruptor, the antidote to the poison of homogenized thought, reminding us that in the battle for truth, the voice of the people will always be the ultimate weapon. :D
You have no wit. There is no monopoly.

And your voice is not of the people is directly from your right wing media mouths.