Jenny's Cottage



Miss this thread...hope you are well and happy...:heart:
Okay, guys, I'm back from the store. Where are those steaks we were promised? I have twice baked potatoes to go with them!
Puts away the leftover ice cream in the freezer. I'm proud of myself for not eating the whole carton. The fact that there's maybe 2 tablespoons left is irrelevant. :rolleyes:
*Reaches in the back of the freezer, grabbing a new tub of moose tracks ice cream*

Mm, life is good :)
Jenny! So glad you opened this place back up. I found my old room, just the way I left it. :)

*sticks my head in the door* hi everybody. I brought some quiche and homemade soup. Who's hungry?
*Yawn, stretch* Good morning, everybody! Ready for a nice long weekend?

Oooooo, quiche, soup, wine and moose tracks ice cream! What a perfect brunch!