January Competition


Literotica Guru
Aug 3, 2002
A board that I Co-host is holding a competition, I thought I would mirror it over here.

January is a month of resolutions, the New year.... the challenge is this:post a poem in this thread about New beginings, what does it mean to you, what images do you see. There are some inspirational pictures in the link provided.

If you wish to enter the other contest the link is down below.

There will be prizes awarded for the top three and honorable mention.
Oh, btw, Unmasked Poet will be the judge for the event at the other board, poems posted here will be voted on by your peers.

Here is the Link, have fun.

Hey, I just checked out the link. How long ago was this board started? Is the Pris there the Pris from lotus? I'll try to submit a poem, but I'm behind on everything right now. I still have to upload some poems you sent me! :eek:
Yes We, one in the same Pris ;) I look forward to seeing your poetry

