ivey takes the bow for opening new 6-mile stretch of highway


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

ivey cuts ribbons to open new 6-mile stretch of highway

all part of Governor Kay Ivey’s Rebuild Alabama Program. This new six-mile highway between Turkeytown and Leesburg will provide Cherokee County with its first four-lane connection to an interstate.
"Really this is one of the crowning achievements of the governors Rebuild Alabama Program. The governor ask folks to invest a dollar more per week that drive in Alabama and we’re seeing the results,” said State Senator Andrew Jones.

now i don't know if the infrastructure money was used in this specific project but i would imagine it likely, yet ivey takes the bow for getting it done for 'bama without a mention of it despite voting against the bill. Perhaps its funding was all wrapped up (despite all the 'problems' it had) and those additional extra one dollars helped finish it, huh?

Almost $2.9 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding has been announced and is headed to Alabama with over 90 specific projects identified for funding. Since the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed, Alabama is set to receive more than $2.5 billion for transportation to invest in roads, bridges, public transit, ports and airports and over $137 million for clean water.

Officials with the Biden Administration also said more than 280,000 households in Alabama are receiving affordable internet under the law.

In Alabama, there are 620 bridges and over 2,961 miles of highway in poor condition. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will rebuild America’s roads and includes the single largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the interstate highway system. Based solely on formula funding, Alabama is expected to receive approximately $5.8 billion over five years in federal funding for highways and bridges.
Do you have a job?
why yes, yes i do: a housewife taking care of our home, as well as being primary carer looking after my 100-year old m-i-l and farming food on our land with my partially disabled 72-year old husband.

i wash, clean, cook, can, freeze, build, dig, plant, raise food crops and look after the outdoor animals. I clean out the gutters, help chop wood and move it about, and make the environment safer for my husband and his mother by laying paver work and pathways. This list is not exclusive, with many other day-to-day activities not mentioned.