What Did Joe Biden Do With 7.5 Billion For EV Chargers?


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

There's Just One Problem With That $7.5 Billion Congress Spent for EV Chargers​

Leah Barkoukis
Leah Barkoukis | December 06, 2023 3:30 PM

President Biden wants at least 50 percent of new vehicle sales by 2030 to be electric, but doing so requires significant investment in the infrastructure required to make that happen. To this end, Congress in 2021 spent $7.5 billion to invest in EV charging stations across the country through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

There’s just one problem, however. After two years, Biden's goal of "building a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle chargers along America’s highways and in our communities," has gone nowhere, as not a single charger has been installed.

More here: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahb...uilt-so-far-under-infrastructure-law-n2632054

Maybe that's funding the $5000 gift cards the administration is giving illegal aliens who cross our southern border:


There's Just One Problem With That $7.5 Billion Congress Spent for EV Chargers​

Leah Barkoukis
Leah Barkoukis | December 06, 2023 3:30 PM

President Biden wants at least 50 percent of new vehicle sales by 2030 to be electric, but doing so requires significant investment in the infrastructure required to make that happen. To this end, Congress in 2021 spent $7.5 billion to invest in EV charging stations across the country through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

There’s just one problem, however. After two years, Biden's goal of "building a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle chargers along America’s highways and in our communities," has gone nowhere, as not a single charger has been installed.

More here: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahb...uilt-so-far-under-infrastructure-law-n2632054

Maybe that's funding the $5000 gift cards the administration is giving illegal aliens who cross our southern border:

Did it all get channeled directly to hunter?
The funds have been awarded. States are slow to move. Ohio broke ground recently ...PA close behind.

There's Just One Problem With That $7.5 Billion Congress Spent for EV Chargers​

Leah Barkoukis
Leah Barkoukis | December 06, 2023 3:30 PM

President Biden wants at least 50 percent of new vehicle sales by 2030 to be electric, but doing so requires significant investment in the infrastructure required to make that happen. To this end, Congress in 2021 spent $7.5 billion to invest in EV charging stations across the country through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

There’s just one problem, however. After two years, Biden's goal of "building a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle chargers along America’s highways and in our communities," has gone nowhere, as not a single charger has been installed.

More here: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahb...uilt-so-far-under-infrastructure-law-n2632054

Maybe that's funding the $5000 gift cards the administration is giving illegal aliens who cross our southern border:

My reading would clarify, Congress approved spending 7.5B in 2021, about 2B has be appropriated to states, so I’m not seeing where anything points to misappropriation/misspending.
I never see any charging stations… you think the gas stations would be on board
to add to its business with a charging option.
The thing is they've passed all these state laws requiring electric vehicles by certain years but they're not even able to handle the electric vehicles they already have. Horse before the cart Maybe?
Eh... so what's a little bit of dismemberment among friends!?
Munchkin Man.. .the same.
Name another case of BILLIONS going to our "public" servants.
OH... that's right. Kushner was a volunteer. No nepotism there, nor for his wifey!
Ok, hang on a minute. The question posed here is WHAT DID JOE BIDEN do with the money, not whether or not the charging stations are in place yet.

Do you have photos of JOE BIDEN driving off with a truck filled with cash that was left on the White House lawn?

Do you have affidavits from strippers that he left a world record $7.5 billion tip for Lexus Lipps?

Is that bulge in Hunter's pants $7.5 billion in coke, or is he just glad to see us?

JOE BIDEN DID NOT STEAL THE MONEY, as the title of this thread clearly suggests. Most likely it's still sitting in the account of the agency to which it was allocated. QUITE POSSIBLY it has been distributed to (REPUBLICAN-OWNED) businesses that were contracted to build charging stations, and THEY'VE spent it on strippers, or they're off somewhere snorting KOCH.

It's not buried in Biden's backyard.
EV's are dead in the water. They can't give the damn things away.

Tow operators won't tow them due to the fire risk and liability.

Wrecking yards don't want them for the same reason the tow operators don't want to touch them.

They are losing up to 60% of their value the moment they're driven off the dealers lot.

25% of the early adopters are going back to gas.

As pointed out by another poster the grid can't support them.

John and Mary Lunchbucket are voting with their dollars and they don't want the damn things. The dealers don't want the damn things, and the manufacturer's are taking a financial blood bath and don't want to build the damn things either.

"Let's go Brandon"
Dems... deny,deny,deny.....better off now? Simple question. Like how they bankrupted the country? Opened the borders? Joe will join the nation together. Lie upon lie upon lie! He doesn't even know what's true. What 12 ,000 illegals they know of tuesday... what's your address? You can put them up on your dime for awhile right?
Wait republicans own China? Where do you think the solar panels come from? Oh that's right China owns joe....
Nah bidens she'll game. Allocate it for covid or charging stations then move it to another pocket stuffing plan since it didn't work. Oh yah called reallocation of funds... now he's begging for Ukraine again with no accounting of where the money goes honey. Oh wait honey is offensive. I've offended the bees...