I've only ever had one . . .


A god in a past life
Sep 20, 2002
. . . wet dream in my life. But at 27 years old, I think I awoke barely in time to avoid needing to change the sheets today.
I'mVan said:
. . . wet dream in my life. But at 27 years old, I think I awoke barely in time to avoid needing to change the sheets today.

What was it.. that I said last night as we signed off Yahoo? And remind me what you said..

Re: Re: I've only ever had one . . .

freakygurl said:
What was it.. that I said last night as we signed off Yahoo? And remind me what you said..


Lol, I know! I was so thinking of that when I woke up this morning and realised what had been going on overnight.

lil stranger, who you calling new? :p
Re: Re: Re: Re: I've only ever had one . . .

pretty_lil_stranger said:
You, and that other person who was talking about being wet...lol.

*chuckle*, I'll tell you a secret, step really close, and click on my WWW ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I've only ever had one . . .

*bratcat* said:
hehe...make sure you are sitting down and have a towel under you, pls...;)

LMFAO, twit
pretty_lil_stranger said:
I confuse easily...which www would that be my dear?
The one right under my post between E-mail and Search
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Lol, I said I got it dear. So why are you trolling?

I think the definition of troll don't fit here beautiful. But if you must - check out the last post for the other user . . .
*bratcat* said:
Baby, if you are a troll...can I get the home version?? ;)

The downloadable version has a few extra features not available in the web enabled version. You sure you can handle it?
lol @ Brat. Yeah baby, you've got three of the four things that make a girl attractive. But when it comes right down to it, you're just not my type. *sigh*