I've got a new name so I'm like a TOTALLY differnt person now.


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
Ok I know people are going to take this personally but it's really not.

I've just noticed that several people have done it over the last few months and when asked why the response is usually something like "I'm not that person anymore, so I needed a new name to go with the new me.

So, does that work? I mean, if everyone knows it's still you (and I'm talking about the people who haven't tried to pretend to be newbies) are they suddenly, or even over time, going to forget everything they know about you?

If I changed my Lit name to Zelda, would everyone forget that I'm opinionated and stubborn and just focus on my amazingly brilliant wit and wholesome modesty?

What's the point? Really.
I'm not happy with any of the name changes. I miss sd412. :(
For A Day R Two I Was Looking Ta Change My Name!

I Was Not A Great Idea, And I'm Glad Laurel Ignored My Request. It Would Have Changed Nothing!
sunstruck said:
Ok I know people are going to take this personally but it's really not.

I've just noticed that several people have done it over the last few months and when asked why the response is usually something like "I'm not that person anymore, so I needed a new name to go with the new me.

So, does that work? I mean, if everyone knows it's still you (and I'm talking about the people who haven't tried to pretend to be newbies) are they suddenly, or even over time, going to forget everything they know about you?

If I changed my Lit name to Zelda, would everyone forget that I'm opinionated and stubborn and just focus on my amazingly brilliant wit and wholesome modesty?

What's the point? Really.

I would adore you even if you cahnged your name to "Hann's bitch"shudder So I must REALLY like you.
I no longer want my name, I'm thinking of trading it in for a newer version.
Are you talking name changes? Or people who start over, perhaps after a sabatical?
I'mVan said:
Are you talking name changes? Or people who start over, perhaps after a sabatical?

LOL Either one. Yes I was thinking of you among others! Not negatively. I simply don't get it.

Bluesman, I still say you only like me for my connections ;) .

Rublylicious have you actually changed your real name before??
I think if they are an asshole on here at some point, leave and come back as a different person it makes sense. As long as they are upfront about who they were, and why and how they've changed. One person that I'm thinking of in particular changed her name a little while back, but is exactly the same as she was with the other, and I don't get it either.

And before anyone says anything I am not referring to Bratcat.
I have explained to a few who actually matter in my life why the name change. The others who do not matter in the least have no reason to know what goes on in my life.

And yes...this thread is directed at someone in particular just like all the threads started by lavy today were directed at one person in particular. At least she has the balls to admit it.

Forgot to add something...I realize that you do not like me. That is your choice...just as it is mine to not like you. But I will not sit and debate my name change with you or anyone else. It really is none of your business.

Oh, and before anyone attempts to call me a drama queen here...please note that I did not start this or any of the other threads about this.

I was not hiding who I was...nor was I advertising it. I did not deny who I was to anyone who had the gumption to ask me personally. This is my last response to this subject....on any thread.

Have a nice evening.
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lovetoread said:
Hmmm....its nice, but.... it needs more pizazz or something.

I am thinking of dropping the love part though.

Tinkles? :D

Yes Freya, but why the name change? Why not just say, I'm sorry I was a bitch but I'd like a second chance? This place can be REALLY forgiving.
Well, I can't talk for anyone else, but here was how it went down for me:

I'd had enough, things here and RL had been up and down a lot, and I was getting nothing positive from Lit. Not to say I never had, I had some wonderful friends and advice from here. So I left, but the allure . . . heh, I couldn't keep away. So after a while I registered a new name and posted a little (very little) and quite anonomously. It was funny to see how a newbie is ignored.

There came a point about a month ago, when I wanted to really come back to the community, but I'd been through a lot. Nearly two years (well, over two years now) and I wasn't the same dude who signed up. So I kept the name (which wasn't all that far from the old one for anyone who pays attention, I know someone did.) But didn't hide who I was, and I don't claim to be a totally different person.

So there you are.
Mia62 said:
And yes...this thread is directed at someone in particular just like all the threads started by lavy today were directed at one person in particular. At least she has the balls to admit it.

Take another prozac hon I really wasn't talking about JUST you. Yes you were the latest and IR's weird stalking of you to point that out made me think I'd finally start this thread but it's NOT about you.

When I found out I'mVan was Juspar I asked him why, same thing with blushing when she changed to Rambling and STG when he became the Heretic. I thought about it with Spin as well and a few others that won't come to mind right now.

My Lit world doesn't revolve around you.
I suppose I qualify to answer this. I had thought about changing my name for months, before I actually did. It was originally based on a personal reason, personal only to me.Then for 9 months, I was most often addressed as Summery, rather than SummerRose. It became less of a nick name, and more the name everyone used. Several friends said they preferred Summery better and it fit my personality. Besides, it's not as if we didn't have enough variations of Roses around here at that time. I wanted a change, I got it, and I am happy with it. It wasn't done obviously to be a new me.
sunstruck said:
Tinkles? :D

Yes Freya, but why the name change? Why not just say, I'm sorry I was a bitch but I'd like a second chance? This place can be REALLY forgiving.

I dont know. Maybe they sense it's not as forgiving as you think? I've never been in that position so I can't comment.

Well I am commenting, but it's meaningless as I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
lovetoread said:
I no longer want my name, I'm thinking of trading it in for a newer version.

Wanna swap?
Or combine?


I'd like to thank Summery and I'mVan for not freaking out on me. lol

What you're saying makes sense to me. There just seemed to be a rash of it and for a while I couldn't keep track. lol I'm still not sure I see the point, but I get the impulse.

If that makes any sense at all.
The whole plastic stigma can just follow a girl around forever.

I think I've changed into a much more exciting and fleshtoned poster. :D
Technichally I never really changed my name.. just dropped the "77" that was after it.

Just dropping some excess baggage I suppose. :)
Cartstruck's Nite on Painkillers, Part 37

sunstruck said:
Ok I know people are going to take this personally but .

NOT that I'm accusing you of asskissing, but

I'm not saying you kiss his ass, but


After a month on painkillers, Cartstruck is starting to get even bitchier than usual.

Please DO NET get too close to her cage.

Thank You.
You need new material. Any chance you could post without referring to posters you don't care for? The set's getting theadbare.