It's Working: France Wineries Reeling Under Boycott


Warmup Act...
Mar 13, 2003
Thursday, March 20, 2003 11:30 p.m. EST

French wineries are withering as millions of Americans have begun a boycott of French wine and other French goods, the New York Times reported Thursday. The Times report, "A Most Unsettling Time for French Wineries,” appeared on the cover of the World Business section of the paper.

The paper reports: "So the threat of a boycott of French wines by Americans annoyed at the French position on Iraq is hard to take. And it could not come at a worse time for a struggling industry. Last year was a good year, but over all the industry is under siege.”

More: "[O]ne of the biggest Bordeaux wine merchants has faxed copies of The New York Post on his desk, sent by an American friend, with photos of French wines next to California and Australian wines, under the headline ‘Just Say Non.’ Over the non-French wines is printed ‘Oui’; over the French wines ‘Non.’”
Ah well now some wineries have the chance to create a new customer list, with this boycott. Funny how the French wineries were so unconcerned with this boycott originally.
Honestly, these kind of boycots are simply stupid.

What would you say if the whole world started to boycot american products because they started this war? Some times people have be carefull things doesn't backfire.
Duh, don't you remember the recent TRADE wars with France and the EU?


This French intransigence does not have it's roots deep into a pot of noble cause...
Boycotts seem to do very well for enriching Jesse Jackson and his circle of friends, family, and business associates.
The only thing French wineries will be reeling is the extra cash they'll make from all the free publicity.
Uh, Lance, the first thing people think about the French is wine, well, okay, maybe the second after sex, maybe even third if you throw in surrendering to people asking for road directions...

My point being, how much more publicity do they need?
cliffchuff said:
excelent, loads more wine for people with taste:D

It's overpriced and there is too much of it over here.

Just checked my supplies. Australian, New Zealand, USA, and Spain. Nothing overpriced.
California is more important than France when it comes to wines nowadays! Hell, we even have vinyards here in MISERY!

Good go blues!
French Wine always tasted weak to me.........

I've always preferred California and Washington wines.
Didn't the French pinch a couple of tons of vines from us a couple of years ago when they had that fungus?
So French is really American wine?
Overpriced? I can get a ferry over to france for about £45 return, very very decent wine starts at about £1.50 a bottle with superb stuff from £3, I avoid paying tax to B-liar and get pissed as a fart, Whilst there i can eat some super French food and stock up on Fish soup in a hypermarket, Then there's the cheese.

Oh my poor taste buds are salivating.
Some of us don't drink wine to get pissed as a fart.

By the time I add in travelling time and the cost of the ferry or Eurostar, the price of those cheaper bottles is starting to rise.

And whilst I would enjoy getting duty free goods, I don't feel I am paying anything to the boy Tony, (a) because he's not the chancellor and (b) it's been the policy of successive British gvernments for years.
bluespoke said:
Some of us don't drink wine to get pissed as a fart.

More often than not I will drink a glass or two with a meal, But sometimes I need to shut out the wankers;)
cliffchuff said:
More often than not I will drink a glass or two with a meal, But sometimes I need to shut out the wankers;)

Oh, now that I can understand! Just show me another pontificating politician and watch my hand reach for the corkscrew!:D