It's Time To Clean House At The FBI

You comment on every single anti-Biden corruption or every Trump retort. If someone presents facts, you dis the messenger. I can bring up so many examples - is there any thread you don't comment on?
Here's a newsflash. Everything the left accuse the right of doing - they do! They are at war with the right. Do you know why Biden is against fossil fuels? Because they are owned by conservatives! Do you think they care about global warming? Hahahaha. No! If they did, would Biden have destroyed the Russian pipeline? That caused more damage to the atmosphere than all the cars in the US. It's all a game of grifting - they create nothing. Wake up!
You comment on every single anti-Biden corruption or every Trump retort. If someone presents facts, you dis the messenger. I can bring up so many examples - is there any thread you don't comment on?
I comment on many threads, including ProBiden ones.

I don't ever dispute facts, in dispute analysis of facts.

There are many threads I don't comment on.

Hope this helps 👍

Wernher von Braun built NASA. It was lean, efficient, and focused. von Braun himself was a flawed man to be sure, but he was anything but political. Quite frankly the fact that he wasn't political is one of the criticisms that have been levied against him. After his death NASA move forward on the momentum the von Braun instituted. But the leadership of NASA became political appointments leading to weaker and weaker leadership. Powerful senators and congressmen made it clear that their financial support was going to be predicated on "what can you do for MY district/state?" Of course the weak said "Yes." Today NASA is everywhere with the various locations often working at cross purposes each lobbying their congress critter/senator for funding for their pet projects. The last great achievement by NASA was the shuttle, but at an unbelievable cost in dollars and lives. Today NASA is a bloated, inefficient, ineffective, and largely political organization.

J Edgar Hoover built the FBI. It was lean, efficient, and focused. J Edgar was also a flawed man (aren't we all) but he was mostly apolitical. Today Hoover is vilified by some for his flaws forgetting what he actually accomplished. The FBI was built into a largely respected investigative agency. After Hoover's death the leadership became a series of ever weaker political appointee's. Not unlike NASA the agency continued on in Hoover's legacy for some time for no other reason than momentum. But the political rot is now well settled into the leadership of the agency. They have slowly become the enemy of the people. I know that there are many of you reading this that are in full agreement with the agencies actions but let me remind you that political winds change and you may well find yourself next on the list.

NASA and the FBI are two very different organizations that have followed very similar trajectories. NASA produces 'things' and their downfall is coming from private industry. The FBI's allegiance is supposed to be to the Constitution and the rule of law. Their downfall will come as a result of forgetting their allegiance.
If they try to steal the election in 24, I'm taking my gun and killing some enemies. Woke will die.

...if it's that easy to "kill" Woke, which as of yet is seemingly un-killable, then...why haven't you done so already?



you'd be celebrated as a hero, Milly! You'd be festooned by legions of disenfranchised straight White men! Their wives would get down on their knees and fellate your pickle-like cock until you spew! Death to Woke is all they've been wanting for over a decade! (even though "woke" as an appropriated term by the RW was only butchered in the media for the last five or six years)
If they try to steal the election in 24, I'm taking my gun and killing some enemies. Woke will die. Sucks that they already grifted trillions.
In your little, pathetic childish mind, the only way the election WONT be "Stolen" is if the Republican candidate wins. Otherwise, it's automatically "Stolen" by default. Because, nooooobody could possibly think differently than you.

"You are taking your gun and killing some enemies."
Tim McVeigh said this too.
That's why we need the FBI- to target extremists like you, who resort to violence to get your way when the ballot box does not go your way.

"Woke will die."

And we need the FBI to target racist KKK shit stains like you as well. Go put your white sheet on and fuck off, Vetteman. And what's with all these new screen names; I see you must have taken a cue from hisarpy/Chobham there.
The FBI needs to be dismantled and reorganized. The Durham investigation proves the the Obama administration, the FBI, the Clinton Campaign, and the Democrat Party, all conspired to rig the 2016 election, and then to subvert the Trump presidency.
Trump should have fired Wray on the way out the door, as long as the directors of DOJ and FBI are political appointees the political majorities will get their man and that leads to corruption. I don’t know what the answer is. The DOJ since Robert Kenned always flew wingman for POTUS. IMHO

And we need the FBI to target racist KKK shit stains like you as well. Go put your white sheet on and fuck off, Vetteman. And what's with all these new screen names; I see you must have taken a cue from hisarpy/Chobham there.
And yet, when violence is found at public rallies, they are generally political gatherings of the Left.

When hate is found in discourse, it's usually in posts from the Left of which yours is a great exemplar.
Trump should have fired Wray on the way out the door, as long as the directors of DOJ and FBI are political appointees the political majorities will get their man and that leads to corruption. I don’t know what the answer is. The DOJ since Robert Kenned always flew wingman for POTUS. IMHO

Recall that the DOJ and the AG are not in the Constitution. They are creatures of the Congress, so maybe the Congress can rethink their duties and purpose as well.;)
And yet, when violence is found at public rallies, they are generally political gatherings of the Left.
This is a blatant lie because you're a lazy partisan moron who lumps anything left of Reagan "the left" which includes BLM and antifa in your fucked up narrative.
You would love the republicans to shut up. Then the dems lies and 100% corruption and grifting would go unnoticed.

You are just as bad as the freaking lying traitors that have betrayed this country. Look at the borders, cities, inflation, clusterfuck of the highest degree, all because the Biden crime family was installed to ruin this country to cover their hi anus asses. You bought it hook line and sinker. It must suck to be you. Dumb MF'r.

The dem lies and corruption don't go unnoticed, they get way more credit than they deserve.

The borders are no different than under Trump other than Covid is mostly over and the economy isn't shit. Cities are fine, inflation isn't even THAT bad. While I don't really want Biden for another four, I want an actual radical we cannot afford to go back to the Trumps.
And yet, when violence is found at public rallies, they are generally political gatherings of the Left.

When hate is found in discourse, it's usually in posts from the Left of which yours is a great exemplar.
You expect people to just sit there and praise the KKK and white nationalist extremists?
When people are bullied, they need to fight back and stand up to bullies- that includes people with sociopathic and anti-social views, and people who use forums like this to spread their hateful views.

Calling someone a racist isn't wrong if they spout racist garbage. It's a valid description.

How to Fix the FBI​

July 10, 2023 About an hour read Download Report

Steven Bradbury
Distinguished Fellow, Executive Vice President’s Office
Steven G. Bradbury is a Distinguished Fellow in the Executive Vice President’s office at The Heritage Foundation.

The liberty of the American people is under threat from politicized national security agencies, exemplified by the abuses of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Congress must act to restrain and reform the FBI and mitigate this threat to our cherished freedoms.

There is good reason to rethink the entire idea of the FBI at a fundamental level—to start over from scratch and reconstruct the Bureau in a new form, one refocused on its core law enforcement responsibilities, brought under effective control and oversight, and subject to the structural restraints needed to protect the constitutional rights of Americans.

After laying out the need for fundamental reform, this paper describes the general elements that would be involved in rebuilding the FBI and offers options for Congress’s consideration. We at The Heritage Foundation stand ready to assist with the foundational research and analytical work needed to flesh out the components of a serious plan for the Bureau’s reconstruction.

Whether or not Congress decides to advance a comprehensive package for reimagining the FBI, there still remains an urgent imperative for Congress to act without delay to end the weaponization of the FBI and the misuse of intelligence authorities. We describe below the minimum set of reforms we believe must be enacted. The push this year for legislation reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)1

U.S.C. § 1881a, (accessed June 26, 2023).
provides a useful opportunity for congressional action. Any reauthorization of Section 702 must include meaningful reforms.

More here on the reconstruction of the FBI:

As I stated earlier, the DOJ and the FBI are not in the Constitution and are complete constructions of Congress. That said, it's high time Congress reconstructs the FBI and vastly diminishes its warrantless intelligence-gathering abilities over the American people. Its headquarters should be moved out of Washington DC as well as it will better serve the American people as a police organization devoid of the politics of Washington. Congress should totally restructure the FBI and redefine its mission statement.

Today the FBI is a rogue agency of a totally politicized DOJ dedicated to the goals of the Democrat Party and regularly employed against their political opponents.

How to Fix the FBI​

July 10, 2023 About an hour read Download Report

Steven Bradbury
Distinguished Fellow, Executive Vice President’s Office
Steven G. Bradbury is a Distinguished Fellow in the Executive Vice President’s office at The Heritage Foundation.

The liberty of the American people is under threat from politicized national security agencies, exemplified by the abuses of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Congress must act to restrain and reform the FBI and mitigate this threat to our cherished freedoms.

There is good reason to rethink the entire idea of the FBI at a fundamental level—to start over from scratch and reconstruct the Bureau in a new form, one refocused on its core law enforcement responsibilities, brought under effective control and oversight, and subject to the structural restraints needed to protect the constitutional rights of Americans.

After laying out the need for fundamental reform, this paper describes the general elements that would be involved in rebuilding the FBI and offers options for Congress’s consideration. We at The Heritage Foundation stand ready to assist with the foundational research and analytical work needed to flesh out the components of a serious plan for the Bureau’s reconstruction.

Whether or not Congress decides to advance a comprehensive package for reimagining the FBI, there still remains an urgent imperative for Congress to act without delay to end the weaponization of the FBI and the misuse of intelligence authorities. We describe below the minimum set of reforms we believe must be enacted. The push this year for legislation reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)1

U.S.C. § 1881a, (accessed June 26, 2023).
provides a useful opportunity for congressional action. Any reauthorization of Section 702 must include meaningful reforms.

More here on the reconstruction of the FBI:

As I stated earlier, the DOJ and the FBI are not in the Constitution and are complete constructions of Congress. That said, it's high time Congress reconstructs the FBI and vastly diminishes its warrantless intelligence-gathering abilities over the American people. Its headquarters should be moved out of Washington DC as well as it will better serve the American people as a police organization devoid of the politics of Washington. Congress should totally restructure the FBI and redefine its mission statement.

Today the FBI is a rogue agency of a totally politicized DOJ dedicated to the goals of the Democrat Party and regularly employed against their political opponents.
The heritage foundation should not have a say in any reforming of any government agency.
The heritage foundation should not have a say in any reforming of any government agency.
Take the FIB and move it into a cabinet position, its alrady political and separate it from the DOJ is a start