"It's the Economy, Stupid!"


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Remember that saying? It's deja vu all over again!

A new poll indicates most Americans are more concerned about the dismal state of the economy than they are about the big Iraq attack. They want to hear politicians, both Dems and Repubs, talking more about that, and they want Bush to focus more on the economy. Silly rabbits-- Bush is beating the war drums against Iraq to try to divert attention from the global recession/depression (take your pick).

You can see it here, too. There is a lot of arguing about whether we should go to war with Iraq, not much discussion about the enormous toll in human suffering caused by the latest crisis of the capitalist system.

So let's talk the economy. Are you out of work, on strike, or otherwise feeling the pinch of hard times? If you're a business owner, is your business struggling? What are the underlying problems with the U.S. and world economies, and what should be done to solve them?

Everyone, of whatever political persuasion, is welcome to participate, but please-- no insults. Anyone who insults any other poster will be ignored, by me at least. (Of course, public figures are fair game-- feel free to insult Bush, Daschle, etc.)
War is good for business and the economy.

Arms are the second leading export in the U.S. behind entertainment.

All we need to do is start dropping them to get the buyers buying again. You know, just in case.

Blood and circuses. Wonder where we learned that?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
The next person who posts below me has a momma with no teeth.

She had them removed, because she prefers to suck "The fat of the Land" up with a straw.
Isn't it amazing how poorly educated and informed . .

the poll respondents really are. The Federal government has a specific authority and mandate to provide the common defense of all Americans.

Likewise, they have absolutely NO authority to involve themselves in the economy at all.

If they would only do what they are legitimately authorized, the economy wouldn't be in the sorry condition it is presently. It's because they keep fucking with things about which they have virtually no understanding that they fuck things up perpetually.

It's the Fascist system that is fucking up the economy. But then yone must think to realize that. When one relies on emotional sound bites for their information, it's little wonder they show how little they know when they display their opinions.

But I must agree, for the audience you're addressing ["It's the Economy, Stupid!"], it is the economy.

Thank you for your substantive contribution. However, I disagree with it.

Doesn't the Constitution expressly authorize the federal government to "provide for the general welfare"? Also, what about the implied "police power" of the state, frequently invoked by the Supreme Court in case law, which gives the government the power to protect the "health, safety, and welfare" (some would add "morals") of the public?
You started it with the "stupid" comment, Pinky. Don't think I don't know who you were talking to, because I do know, you know?

Your momma says come pick her up. Bring the big pick-up, she's had a lot of hush-puppies today.
My momma' is so fat that when she went to get her stomach stapled, they had to use an iron girder.

I just made that up. At least I think I did.
Mother Fucker

"Your momma sucks dicks in hell."

I'm sure everyone can name the movie.
A kiss?

I'll pass. Also, I dispute that you won. Technically, you didn't insult any other posters, just their mothers.
Unclebill said:
the poll respondents really are. The Federal government has a specific authority and mandate to provide the common defense of all Americans.

Likewise, they have absolutely NO authority to involve themselves in the economy at all.QUOTE]

Well there is the interstate commerce clause
the coin money and regulate the value thereof clause
the emminate domain clause
the financial clauses about borrowing money on of the credit of the U.S.

any others?

The real problem with you liberatarians is that you have no conception of orginal sin.

Besides those, I rely primarily upon Article I, section 8 of the original Constitution: "The Congress shall have power to . . . provide for the . . . general welfare of the United States."

So does my av, at least according to some people.