It's not easy being mean


Bad Pennies Always Return
Apr 15, 2002
Mean people suck. Or do they? Are you a meanie? Have you been accused of being one? Is it more fun being a meanie? Inquiring minds want to know...
kidthor said:
I am a paragon of amiability...I am offended. *humph*
That whole paragon thing is a cleverly crafted falsehood. I know the truth about you kid.
I have a deep mean streak, but I'm a nice guy, so i focus my hostility towards people who deserve it. I'm like a superhero that way.

And yes, it is very fun!
I'm mean only when I have to be. I'd rather be nice so no it's not fun for me.
Johnny Mayberry said:
I have a deep mean streak, but I'm a nice guy, so i focus my hostility towards people who deserve it. I'm like a superhero that way.

And yes, it is very fun!
yeah same here and if I sense someone is being condescending, I'll call them on it.
1fiestyredhead said:
That whole paragon thing is a cleverly crafted falsehood. I know the truth about you kid.

What's this then...blackmail? *sigh* Name your price. The world must never know.
Johnny Mayberry said:
I have a deep mean streak, but I'm a nice guy, so i focus my hostility towards people who deserve it. I'm like a superhero that way.

And yes, it is very fun!
So, you always use your mean powers for good?
1fiestyredhead said:
Mean people suck. Or do they? Are you a meanie? Have you been accused of being one? Is it more fun being a meanie? Inquiring minds want to know...

Of course not and I don't like you fucking insinuating that I am.:D
Well, I like to stand up for people who cannot stand for themselves, like little girl cashiers getting bothered by mean customers. They can't say or do anything, so I'll step in, and be mean to teh meanie until they quit. I intervene when some jackass is being rude at a bar, stuff like that.
kidthor said:
What's this then...blackmail? *sigh* Name your price. The world must never know.
Blackmail?? That would be mean!

We'll discuss the terms later....
CoolidgEffect said:
I've been told I'm an asshole. Does that count?
No, assholes are an entirely different breed. Although a meanie could be a fledgling asshole I suppose.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Well, I like to stand up for people who cannot stand for themselves, like little girl cashiers getting bothered by mean customers. They can't say or do anything, so I'll step in, and be mean to teh meanie until they quit. I intervene when some jackass is being rude at a bar, stuff like that.
How come guys like you weren't around when I was cashiering??