It was an omen...


*insert random title here
Feb 23, 2002
Saturday night as I played NFL 2K3 on my Xbox, it turned out that the next game I was about to play on the regular season schedule was the Tennessee Titans (the team I was controlling of course) at Oakland to play the Raiders.

I won that game. I think the score was 24-7 or something. But before I could save the game to memory, my Xbox froze. Now understand my Xbox never freezes. I can't remember the last time it did.. maybe within the first month I bought it about eight months ago.. So this wasn't even something that happens every month.

So of course I lost the result of that game.. I had to re-play it.

The second game? 32-24 Raiders. Tim Brown lit my secondary up for 12 catches or something like that.

I knew as soon as I lost that game what the fate for the real Titans was going to be Sunday. I didn't want to say anything of course... I was hoping if I ignored what happened then it wouldn't mean anything, but I knew better.

btw... Just out of intrest sake, my Xbox likes the Raiders over T-Bay 41-28. Rice should have a few TD's in the game.
A lot of video game web sites use sports games as a way to predict winners.. has been using NFL Fever 2003 all season to predict MNF winners.

NFL 2K3 itself is a realistic looking game, but I don't know if I'd call it very "sim accurate." I mean afterall... it gave the Bengals a playoff spot in the first season I played. :) uses a computer sim from Diamond Mind to predict baseball results.

It's usually wrong.

There's just some things you can't simulate.
