It looks like they fucked up the book

The "swarm like ants" take is different. Been a while since I read the book, so I'll need to refresh my memory.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

I truly hate the big screen crap today.

I'm being extra generous to World War Z because really the book is probably unfilmable. It's just doesn't have a narrative that works with movies. If they capture the essence of it and stick with the major plot points then I'll be ok. Not sure about the fast zombies. I have a love/hate relationship with them.
The "swarm like ants" take is different. Been a while since I read the book, so I'll need to refresh my memory.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

Hard to say right now but my thought is that they use the fast zombies and those swarms to give a feeling of being overwhelmed. In the book you can do that with slow zombies but it's harder in movies. Even Romero never quite got that feeling of being hopelessly overwhelmed by zombies.
The book was published in the '50s.

Why the fuck they can't just make a movie from the book is beyond me. They've tried like 3 or 4 times now and always fuck it up. Just make the fucking book, people! It's a fairly simple concept. Nothing fancy about it at all. They keep trying to over-stylize it.
Why the fuck they can't just make a movie from the book is beyond me. They've tried like 3 or 4 times now and always fuck it up. Just make the fucking book, people! It's a fairly simple concept. Nothing fancy about it at all. They keep trying to over-stylize it.

It's not easy to fit an entire book into a two hour movie, but they should try to remain as accurate as possible to the source material. I think that they did a good job of that with Lord of the Rings. They cut a ton of shit out, but they didn't turn Frodo into a heroin-addicted detective in dystopian 2035 Chicago.
It's not easy to fit an entire book into a two hour movie, but they should try to remain as accurate as possible to the source material. I think that they did a good job of that with Lord of the Rings. They cut a ton of shit out, but they didn't turn Frodo into a heroin-addicted detective in dystopian 2035 Chicago.

Although that would have been pretty fuckin' cool.
The book is near brilliant. No zombie book should be as good as it is.

"near brilliant" is pushing it. it was entertaining.
but you're right about it being unfilmable, not the right sort of narrative structure for a movie. but that never stopped the money-grubbing hollywood juggernaut before.

'based on' this, 'inspired by' that ... ugh :(
Read The Passage.

I wonder if they'll ever try to film that, seems unfilmable as well. But they may try.