It Is Soooo


Reborn into kitty
Mar 7, 2002
Friggin cold here this morning!!

I'm considering putting on some mittens, but that would inhibit my typing a lil bit.
Well you could be a sweetheart and let me slide my cold hands up your shirt and rest them against your hot skin, to warm me up.

Also if I could take my cold nose and nuzzle it in the crook of your neck that would be grand. ;)
Fair enough, anything to help a lady. :D

I'll use my hot body in any way appripriate ;)
Starblayde said:
The only reason to og the blanket is to get the other person closer ;)

Wonderful way to conserve energy. ;)

Are you sure that my cold tootsies won't be a problem?
Once I've run my lips and tongue over every inch of your skin i'm sure you'll be warm enough

I think you'd be right up there with the biggest flirt at Lit. ;)

So long as that doesn't include my tootsies, I have a weird foot thang. :D
His_kitty said:
You're so accomplished at it, care to teach me oh master of the flirt? ;)
Oh jsut wtch and learn. I'n sure you'll get into voyeurism if you're not already :D ;)
Starblayde said:
Oh just watch and learn. I'm sure you'll get into voyeurism if you're not already :D ;)

Fixed the typo's, you can thank me later *g*


You don't know me well if you need to ask if I'm into voyeurism. ;)
/brief hi-jack of our flirting

Lmao your AV with the Santa hat

Is that a Lego man or am I completely un-hip to new stuff you youngin's like? :D
lol thanks... you are a combination of:

Not being a Star Wars fan
Not knowing the badge of the English Football team

I kinda mish-mashed it together from a football Av, a Total Film magazine cover of Jango Fett which I re-coloured, and a random Santa Hat I got ths morning from Google Image search

I'm sorry! I knew that by asking I'd end up feeling even more like a moron. :D

I see it now btw, the Star Wars bit. But well, my son has a Lego man similiar in appearance. It's a good AV. Though I do have a personal preference to the Fast and the Furious dude...

*clears her throat*

Seriously? Erotic usages eh?

I'm not quite sure I know what you mean...
