It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official


AntiSocial Extrovert
Dec 16, 2010

It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official

Fokkks lies Democracy dies
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  • Georgia's former Lt. gov., Geoff Duncan, discussed Dominion's Fox News lawsuit.
  • He accused the network of pushing election fraud claims that had damaged the GOP.
  • Dominion's Fox News lawsuit alleges the network made claims that its executives knew were false.

First, you simps were fooled by morons and then you believed the lies that were repeated by bad actors who know they were spreading bullshit to rubes.

Republican former Lt. gov. of Georgia Geoff Duncan said it would take a decade to undo the damage
to the GOP caused by Fox News in allegedly promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

Speaking on CNN's 'State of the Union' Sunday, Duncan, who is an analyst on the network, addressed
claims in a lawsuit released last week by election machines company Dominion.

Dominion is suing Fox News for $1.6 billion, arguing it promoted baseless claims that the company was
involved in a vast conspiracy to deprive Donald Trump of victory in the 2020 presidential election.

'Trump is a demonic force, a destroyer. But he's not going to destroy us.... What Trump is good at is destroying things. He's the World Champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we get it wrong.'

From the Tucker Emails Collection, 6th January.
With the right wing puppets controlling their own strings in the house? It’s the whole country that’s at stake. The GOP was murdered by Trump and stayed mum as it happened

One lovely “Great American” suggested that the red and blue states should be separated. I wonder, did she realize that her state is BLUE with two democratic senators who gave the Senate to the Dems? No? Well? She’s green batshit stupid!!
Submitted for your approval......


... suppose, just for a moment, that the service long thought to be an agent of the GOP were in truth an agent of the Democrats determined to destroy that very GOP. An agent carefully crafted, in the Twilight Zone.
all you faux news viewers... this is what they really think of you
"I'll read you this exchange. It's between Raj Shah and Alex Pfeiffer, a former producer for Tucker Carlson. Raj Shah texts Pfeiffer. He says, 'You might want to address this, but this stuff is so f-ing insane. Vote rigging to the tune of millions? C'mon.' Alex Pfeiffer responds, 'Is it even worth addressing again tonight? It is so insane but our viewers believe it so addressing again how her stupid Venezuela affidavit isn't proof might insult them.'

And then Pfeiffer goes on, later on in this exchange, he says, 'This whole thing is surreal. Like negotiating with terrorists, but especially dumb ones. Cousin,' – redacted – 'types, not Saudi royalty.' And so, I mean, this really highlights what they thought about Trump's election lies. Privately trashing them behind the scenes, but entertaining them on air because the audience wanted it," Darcy explained.
anyone think that redacted word is 'fucker'? cousin-fucker types fits exactly with their context. in other words, they're citing their audience as "redneck" terrorists
One lovely “Great American” suggested that the red and blue states should be separated. I wonder, did she realize that her state is BLUE with two democratic senators who gave the Senate to the Dems? No? Well? She’s green batshit stupid!!
With a Republican governor and legislature, isn't Georgia purple rather than blue?
It could take a decade to undo damage to America caused by the Republican Party promoting election fraud claims and all their other hogwash.
If only FOX would stop its lies.
How about after losing $2 billion?
Why were each of their talking heads sued too!!??
And downright stupid
Oh!! And Greedy!
All those poor fools in jail because of them
If Corporations are people? Kill this one dead!
I’m not sure I find this all funny or really sad. On one side you have a group that is Anti Fox News, Republicans, Maga, and of course Trump. Good for you guys. You should be questioning all of those things, because none of them are great for the working class of this country.
The problem that I do see with this group is that even though you are correct, like I pointed out already, but you all are so far wrong at the same time. Let me go over a few for you guys and I’m sure most, if not all of you, will take it personally.
1st thing…the first clue of spewing BS is when the only thing you rebuttal with is simply attacking and putting the ”other“ side down. Treasonous, disgusting, traitors etc… explain to us why you feel this way. Some examples, quotes, laws supported, quotes and so on would be what you use. So far, you guys really have nothing besides orange facists is an ego driven racist, who is goi g to kill us all type of drivel.
If you are going to attack one side by parroting the other sides talking points, then it’s safe to say you are ProDems, Biden, MSNBC, CNN etc….
Fox News is horrible and they wrote the book on smearing and spewing outrageous accusations since before Bill Oreilly. But you all can’t be serious when you are choosing to stick your heads in the sand with the outrageous lies MSNBC and CNN have bestowed upon us in the past 8 years especially.
Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough and their coworkers are still pushing a debunked Russian Collusion narative. You all realize that Russiagate, The Moeller report, Bellingcat, the FBI and most of the DNC have been proved to be absolutely full of shit. Right? Yet many of you still regurgitate the shit, and the fact that the politicians and news media giants like Maddow aren’t literally in prison…is absolutely disgusting.
Just like the people who wanted to throw antivaxxers(not that they actually were antivax) in concentration camps and called them ignorant and antiscience etc… Most of you are people who refused to look at the science, the truth, or call out the hypocrisy behind hating on one side for whatever, and then turning a blind eye abd even supporting it when came to your side.
If you haven’t come to terms with Russiagate, Covid Vax, Election fraud on both sides, The war crimes committed by the US empire, and the dangerous game our leaders are pushing the entire world in to…. Then stfu and go away because lif you are still refusing to see and accept facts, admit being wrong, then you’re no better then the pedophiles that are running this country.
Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough and their coworkers are still pushing a debunked Russian Collusion narative. You all realize that Russiagate, The Moeller report, Bellingcat, the FBI and most of the DNC have been proved to be absolutely full of shit. Right? Y
I somehow knew your post would get around to revealing the seditious craziness you are being paid to peddle in the media. We don't often counter the crap you Trumpettes and Ruskees peddle because when we did you just ignored it and what you espouse is such outrageous lies that there's really no reason to take it seriously enough to try the truth on you.
are still pushing a debunked Russian Collusion narative. You all realize that Russiagate, The Moeller report, Bellingcat, the FBI and most of the DNC have been proved to be absolutely full of shit. Right?
There are people in prison for those things, meaning they've gone through court where evidence has been presented and judged factual and truthful by a Judge and/or jury.
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It could take a decade to undo damage to America caused by the Republican Party promoting election fraud claims and all their other hogwash.
We'll be lucky if that's all it takes!

Lindsey Graham admits under oath that Trump’s outlandish election conspiracies were farfetched​

"[Graham] said that during that time, if somebody had told Trump that aliens came down and stole Trump ballots, that Trump would've believed it," one juror told the news outlet.
Another juror also said, "I tell my wife if every person in America knew every single word of information we knew, this country would not be divided as it is right now."

under oath, how often they speak the truth, or as close to it as they can stand
People who still watch and believe any cable news are probably stupid. NBC, CNN, Fox, etc. (Some loyal schlubs with hardons for some talking head will probably say Fox is still much worse than whatever they watch.) Both parties may realign with new platforms and bases, fold and be replaced, or continue standing on any BS that currently works at fundraisers.

There are many automobile names that could be new party names. I would join the Fiesta Party.
If you haven’t come to terms with Russiagate, Covid Vax, Election fraud on both sides,
What's the problem in pointing out that Russia has been bank-rolling the Trump mobster family and sending spies to Trump hotels to have meetings with the Trump mobster family?
Where was the election fraud by the Dems?
What's your problem with covid vaccinations?
I see no recovery.

Trump is not a cause but a symptom of a failed state in slow-motion collapse.

Nowhere on the spectrum of official politics do I see a commitment to democratic principles.

Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in attempting to rescue what is lost irredeemably. Nor will I entertain dialogue with the most backward and reactionary layer of the population which exists in every community in the land.

The United States is lost. Recognizing that, I set my eyes to what future it must be that is to replace what was.

Good traditions must not be dismissed lightly or without good reason and even then only with deep respect. But they must be set aside.
I see no recovery.

Trump is not a cause but a symptom of a failed state in slow-motion collapse.

Nowhere on the spectrum of official politics do I see a commitment to democratic principles.

Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in attempting to rescue what is lost irredeemably. Nor will I entertain dialogue with the most backward and reactionary layer of the population which exists in every community in the land.

The United States is lost. Recognizing that, I set my eyes to what future it must be that is to replace what was.

Good traditions must not be dismissed lightly or without good reason and even then only with deep respect. But they must be set aside.
Sounds rough
I see no recovery.

Trump is not a cause but a symptom of a failed state in slow-motion collapse.

Nowhere on the spectrum of official politics do I see a commitment to democratic principles.

Speaking only for myself, I have no interest in attempting to rescue what is lost irredeemably. Nor will I entertain dialogue with the most backward and reactionary layer of the population which exists in every community in the land.

The United States is lost. Recognizing that, I set my eyes to what future it must be that is to replace what was.

Good traditions must not be dismissed lightly or without good reason and even then only with deep respect. But they must be set aside.
lol, shut up.
People who still watch and believe any cable news are probably stupid. NBC, CNN, Fox, etc. (Some loyal schlubs with hardons for some talking head will probably say Fox is still much worse than whatever they watch.) Both parties may realign with new platforms and bases, fold and be replaced, or continue standing on any BS that currently works at fundraisers.

There are many automobile names that could be new party names. I would join the Fiesta Party.
Because its absolute truth the Fox is the worst by far. I don't think I've spent more than five minutes on NBC and CNN has plenty of flaws but is no where near as bad as you're trying to pretend they are. Though if you need real info Reuters, Al Jazeera English, BBC are all much, much better choices.

Fox is so much worse that we have the text messages of them admitting they've been flat out lying, not mistaken, not giving it a bias, just pure as the driven snow lying to their audience. I'm so fucking tired of this both sides do it narrative and I'm pretty close to just labelling "Both siders" as Conservatives and treating them as such.