Issue # 9087 with LandLord


Jul 17, 2001
Yes, this is a landlord rant.

My "wonderful" landlord who never answers his phone when you need to reach him has knowingly left us without heat since thursday night. Now, any other time of the year no heat would be no problem, but this is New England, and we are in winter. My major complaint today is I'm sitting infront of my computer wearing two pairs of gloves, three pairs of pants, a teeshirt, sweater, turtleneck, and a sweatshirt and I am still freezing my ass off. Landlord comes over today, what does he do? Looks at the building for about ten minutes, shivers, then gets back in his truck and peels out of the drive way. I am so tempted right now to march my ass over to his house, fins away to disconect his heat and leave him like that for just as long he has left my familey like this.
That illegal in the winter months. Contact your local police station or local "heat assistance" office.

Mind you, he'll be pissed. A friend did this to his landlord last year. Cost the landlord $1000 in fines, plus the cost of repairs.
Contacting the Board of Health is so sounding tempting. It'll be the second report on him (that I know of) in the past three months.

At this point, after how much time and effort he really puts into his tenants, I don't cair if he gets pissed. It's his damned fault that he dosn't keep up with the maintence on his buildings.
Those damn landlords. My toilet seat broke and it hasn't been fixed and I am afraid I am going to get my butt pinched...wait...We own this house!

Damn procrastinating landlords...
