Israeli Militants kill American, war on terror officially won


Jul 4, 2002
Israeli Bulldozer Kills U.S. Protester
18 minutes ago

By IBRAHIM BARZAK, Associated Press Writer

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - An American college student in Gaza to protest Israel operations was killed Sunday when she was run over by a bulldozer while trying to block troops from demolishing a Palestinian home.

At least one Palestinian also was killed.

The killing of the student by the Israelis — the first of a foreign activist in 29 months of fighting — came as Israelis and Palestinians wrangled over the terms of a U.S.-backed plan to end the violence and establish a Palestinian state.

Rachel Corrie, 23, of Olympia, Wash., had been with U.S. and British demonstrators in the Rafah refugee camp trying to stop demolitions. She died in the hospital, said Dr. Ali Moussa, a hospital administrator.

The army said soldiers were looking for explosives and tunnels used to smuggle weapons.

The United States "deeply regrets this tragic death of an American citizen," State Department spokesman Lou Fintor said.

He expressed condolences to Corrie's family and said the United States wants an "immediate and full investigation" into her death.

"We again call on the Israeli defense forces to undertake all possible measures to avoid harm to civilians," Fintor's statement said.

Greg Schnabel, 28, of Chicago, said four Americans and four Britons were trying to stop Israeli troops from destroying a building belonging to Dr. Samir Masri.

Israel for months has been tearing down houses of Palestinians it suspects in Islamic militant activity, saying such operations deter attacks on Israel such as suicide bombings.

"Rachel was alone in front of the house as we were trying to get them to stop," Schnabel said. "She waved for the bulldozer to stop. She fell down and the bulldozer kept going. It had completely run over her and then it reversed and ran back over her."

She was wearing a brightly colored jacket when the bulldozer hit her.
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Don't want to die? DON'T BE IN THE FREE FIRE ZONE!!!

She took sides with the same people who chant "death to America!"

Hope its a closed casket funeral.

Too bad she wasn't shot.
Hang out with the enemy, you take your chances. If Hanoi Jane was killed by a US Aircraft straffing a AAA piece, would it have been murder?


Bitch wants to hang out with the enemy, she can die with them.
Evil Attorney said:
Hang out with the enemy, you take your chances. If Hanoi Jane was killed by a US Aircraft straffing a AAA piece, would it have been murder?


Bitch wants to hang out with the enemy, she can die with them.

Exactly how and why are Palestinian citizens our declared enemy?
Heavy equipment is dangerous.

She went to a foreign country and stood in front of a moving bulldozer on purpose...sounds like suicide to me.

You know you can't see something people size very well with the blade up on a large dozer anyway.

If they cared.
You're probably right, Israeli soldiers usually perform solo demolishing missions. Might have been color-blind too.
70/30 said:
Exactly how and why are Palestinian citizens our declared enemy?

You suppose it has anything to do with the street celebrations there on Sept. 11, 2001?
She is dead, let her rot.

Lesson to people that want to go to Gaza, YOU ARE NOT IN THE USA ANYMORE. Civil rights in the Middle East are a more fluid thing.

I'm surprised she wasn't sold into slavery in Iran for ammo.

Its a different world out their. Fuck with it at your peril.
Ham Murabi said:
You suppose it has anything to do with the street celebrations there on Sept. 11, 2001?

So according to you, Islam is our declared enemy. Good to know, although it might be a better to kill the actual Muslims. Also they might want to start by squashing the ones with weapons instead of the girls with sandwich signs.
70/30 said:
So according to you, Islam is our declared enemy. Good to know, although it might be a better to kill the actual Muslims. Also they might want to start by squashing the ones with weapons instead of the girls with sandwich signs.

I don't recall anything in my post referring to any religion. You must be wearing your special glasses tonight.
It was a terrible accident. But who said the house they were standing in front of was a terrorist house? By all accounts, it was a strategic place that Israeli tanks wanted to be stationed at to oversee a Gaza sector.

George Bush himself said that destroying Palestinian homes is not helpful this week. The building of Israel settlements continues and few people are trying to stop one of the very things that seems to fuel continued terrorism.

I don't know that I would step in front of heavy equipment but why is that guy who stepped in front of tanks in Beijing is a hero and this girl is a villian?

Some of the hatred and anger from some of the people here seems out of place.
I live in a US state that thinks the way they do but worse--still we have a PSA billboard showing the Tiananmen Square student standing in front of the tank. It says something like "have courage, stand up for what you believe".

Her's doesn't count as a voice for democracy and freedom, she was supporting an Islamic cause.
70/30 said:

Her's doesn't count as a voice for democracy and freedom, she was supporting an Islamic cause.

Their is a difference between standing up for democracy, and taking the side of people who hate America, free speach and would likely as not close down this BB as Imoral, and declare fatwa on anyone who posts here.

If she wants to side with the palis, she can accept the consequences.

I'm sure she would disagree, but then again, she's dead. Can't debate from the grave, can you hon?

I'm not this heartless on anything other than Middle East politics.

However, since we happen to be dwelling on Middle East politics...running her over with a piece of heavy machinery is not a bad thing.

I consider a bad thing the deliberate targeting of civilians, like the palistinians like to do.

When Israel gets a pali civi, its a fuckup.
When the Palis get a Jewish civilian, its good aim.

If Gaza was napalmed, THEN....I would have some reservations.


Other than that, remember who was chanting death to America. What they wish on us, I wish on them.

If Islam can declare Jihad on America, why can't we give it back to them?
1.3billion reasons why.

Really, why shouldn't their protests link America with Israel? We give them $4billion in aid, more in weapons systems. There are no seams between Sharon and GWB, if this doesn't cause the slightest snag--we'll truly know what's up. Another star will have to be added to the flag.
70/30 said:
1.3billion reasons why.

Really, why shouldn't their protests link America with Israel? We give them $4billion in aid, more in weapons systems. There are no seams between Sharon and GWB, if this doesn't cause the slightest snag--we'll truly know what's up. Another star will have to be added to the flag.

Personally, I just think it is silly to stand in between a bulldozer driven by somebody wants the squash a house and the house he wants to squash.

In discussions I have had with people from both sides, I have come to the conclusion that they are nut jobs.

Do you think that the Palestinians, Islam, Arab Countries, or Arab Culture bear any responsiblity for the current state of Middle Eastern affairs?