Israel Behind 9/11

zipman said:
Ah yes, typical LT gradeschool humor.

Keep trying, one day you'll come up with an effective insult that I didn't hear back in the 5th grade.

Bletherskite, Come oan, get aff! Ye aff yer heid?
Away an stoap bumpin yer gums. Ga' :p an bile yer heid ya numpty,ye dinnae ken whit yer talkin aboot.
zipman said:
Ah yes, typical LT gradeschool humor.

Keep trying, one day you'll come up with an effective insult that I didn't hear back in the 5th grade.

Bletherskite, Come oan, get aff! Ye aff yer heid?
Away an stoap bumpin yer gums. Ga'an bile yer heid ya numpty,ye dinnae ken whit yer talkin aboot. :nana:
krastner said:
Avery. It would overwhelm both of us if all the things that Zionist Israel is responsible for. It would be too much to process. It would be too horrible to contemplate. But just the little that i do come across is chilling.. I don't think that any of the tyrants of the past can come close to what the zionist have and are doing..

and we shouldnt destroy Iran cause they are such a good neighbor?? A nice peaceful country??
Beco said:
and we shouldnt destroy Iran cause they are such a good neighbor?? A nice peaceful country??

Ah yeah, spoken like a true Zionist sycophant from the war mongering capital of the world ready to exploit another Muslim country for its oil and the strategic benefits for the Israel puppeteers. You guys are so fucking shallow and so pussywhipped with the Israelis wanking your dick for you.
Is anyone even remotely surprised by Woody and Kras bellyflopping so rudely in the fever swamp of abject insanity and vile anti-semitism?

These guys are fucked in the head. Full stop.
Beco said:
A nice peaceful country??

BUSH: ( in his first term) We have agreed on a Roadmap to peace with the Palestinian people.

Sharon: What the fuck, I will agree to anything on the surface


Weisglass: The Roadmap is off the table and wont be back till the Palestinians become Finns.

Sharon: Those dumb Goys will chase their tails over this for months while we get Jerusalem tied down with their money. Bwahahahahahahahha


RICE: There is a roapmap and it require a cessation of settlement development and the creation of a contiguous Palestinian State in accord with 1967 borders,

SHARON: Yada, yada, yada. What would a woman know, stupid cow. Lets get rid of that expensive hellhole, Gaza and put our efforts into exploiting the West Bank so they cany ever kick us out.

BUSH: Our friend and ally, Mr Sharon, is working on a peace plan with the Palestinian people.

Sharon: You dupe so easily, farmboy. Shoot, even the Nazis got away with that line till 1944 and you havent learned that it still works. Just open your legs a bit more so I can get a bit further up you arse. Jesus , I am good or are you Gentiles just so stupid.

BUSH: Yes , You are the MAN, master.
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Gringao said:
Is anyone even remotely surprised by Woody and Kras bellyflopping so rudely in the fever swamp of abject insanity and vile anti-semitism?

These guys are fucked in the head. Full stop.

Its seen that way by you because you are a bigotted sycophant supporting the apartheid State of Israel.

There is abject insanity and vile antisemitism but the architects of the horor are the Zionist government of Israel against their neighboring Semites.

The Zionistas have always used terrorism, violence and deception to get into Israel, but they want more.

It is perhaps unfortunate that all the old stereotypes about Jewry are front and centre in the Israeli dealings with its neighbors, who would have guessed?
Gringao said:
Is anyone even remotely surprised by Woody and Kras bellyflopping so rudely in the fever swamp of abject insanity and vile anti-semitism?

These guys are fucked in the head. Full stop.

In all honesty, they crack me up. They spend all their time trying to change people's minds while in reality they've become the joke of the GB and they don't even realize it. :D

In their desperation to demonize jews under the mask of anti-zionism they get more and more ridiculous and consequently, fewer and fewer people listen to a thing they say.
zipman said:
In all honesty, they crack me up. They spend all their time trying to change people's minds while in reality they've become the joke of the GB and they don't even realize it. :D

In their desperation to demonize jews under the mask of anti-zionism they get more and more ridiculous and consequently, fewer and fewer people listen to a thing they say.

Hear no evil, speak no evil, huh? Zippy.

If you read my posts objectively you will see that I am more against anti semitism that you and your ilk that are in the Zionist Zombie Army who rabidly support racism against real Semites in the Middle East.

Keep it up, whiteboy, you are just a Redneck of a different cultural persuasion.
woody54 said:
Hear no evil, speak no evil, huh? Zippy.

If you read my posts objectively you will see that I am more against anti semitism that you and your ilk that are in the Zionist Zombie Army who rabidly support racism against real Semites in the Middle East.

Keep it up, whiteboy, you are just a Redneck of a different cultural persuasion.


You can keep billing yourself as the "objective voice from NZ" all you want but everyone here sees you for what you are, an obsessed bigot.

You can call me a nazi or whatever your "charge du jour" is but you're just projecting your own hatred outwards. It's almost comical the way you automatically accuse anyone with a differing viewpoint as either being "brainwashed, a sycophant or a redneck."

Please keep posting on the subject, you discredit your cause more and more with each post! :D
zipman said:

You can keep billing yourself as the "objective voice from NZ" all you want but everyone here sees you for what you are, an obsessed bigot.

You can call me a nazi or whatever your "charge du jour" is but you're just projecting your own hatred outwards. It's almost comical the way you automatically accuse anyone with a differing viewpoint as either being "brainwashed, a sycophant or a redneck."

Please keep posting on the subject, you discredit your cause more and more with each post! :D

No, it's your lot of Zombie Zionist supporters that specialise in Godwin's defense, remember. But now you mention it, the US created a huge number of supporters of the National Socialists in the 30's because of their compatible racial policies and their drive towards Corporatism.

There was an equally solid support for South Africa too because of compatible racial ideas.

Yes, I am an obsessed bigot against racism and its amusing that you choose to lecture me on my shortcomings when your own country has hardly allowed the paint to dry over the "NO BLACKS" signs. Yeah, you have the right background to fully justify your support for Israel with its similar policies.

It is me that is amused by your excuses and deflections to support what is out and out racism based on religious doctrine. This is plain lala land stuff in this day and age and ultimately, mankind will expunge this stupidity from existence as it has with other running sore societies in the past.

Enjoy it while you can but remember, it only survives because of the support from the inbuilt hatred emanating from supporters like yourself. There will be a reckoning. Israel cannot stand alone.
zipman said:
In all honesty, they crack me up. They spend all their time trying to change people's minds while in reality they've become the joke of the GB and they don't even realize it. :D

In their desperation to demonize jews under the mask of anti-zionism they get more and more ridiculous and consequently, fewer and fewer people listen to a thing they say.

Originally Posted by Beco
and we shouldnt destroy Iran cause they are such a good neighbor?? A nice peaceful country??

Originally Posted by Gringao
Is anyone even remotely surprised by Woody and Kras bellyflopping so rudely in the fever swamp of abject insanity and vile anti-semitism?

These guys are fucked in the head. Full stop.

Wow all this is really a great be called morons by a bunch of some of the dumbest people on the earth...I think I' have to take a crap on that one.

I don't think Woody and I for a real belly flop watch out for what a belly.. I really had to think about posting what beco said but i f8igured what the hell even worms get to devide once in a while..ugh..
krastner said:
These guys are fucked in the head. Full stop.

Wow all this is really a great be called morons by a bunch of some of the dumbest people on the earth...I think I' have to take a crap on that one.

It defies logic the way everything that is a criticism of Israel gets twisted back to them as Jews personally, who gives a fuck. Its all talking this self pity thing a bit far.
I am interested in the mess in Israel but if the zionist supporters want to jump on the same cart, be my guest.

You will note their defences are always to deny, divert, deride, defame and
disparage those who dont toe their line but most are severely lacking in any intelligible facts on which to argue a defence for the putrid regime in Israel.

Given the creditible base support by many liberal Jews in Israel for a reasoned and fair settlement with the Palestinians, this proves the problem is one of Zionist zealotry and not Jewry in general, as the GB whiners try to make out to cover their own immoral support for Zionism, covering their arses with a hail of abuse about antisemitism.... and who said Zionists are only Jews?
I'll repeat and expand for anyone that didn't get my message the first time. Kras and Woody are:

A couple quarts low
Ready for the Good Humor man
A couple sandwiches short of a party platter
Gringao said:
I'll repeat and expand for anyone that didn't get my message the first time. Kras and Woody are:

A couple quarts low
Ready for the Good Humor man
A couple sandwiches short of a party platter

My favorite is one taco short of a Grande Combo Platter.
Gringao said:
I'll repeat and expand for anyone that didn't get my message the first time. Kras and Woody are:

A couple quarts low
Ready for the Good Humor man
A couple sandwiches short of a party platter

Thankyou for proving my earlier assertion, mindless racist zombie.
woody54 said:
Thankyou for proving my earlier assertion, mindless racist zombie.

Elevator doesn't go to the top
Out of their fucking minds
Gringao said:
Elevator doesn't go to the top
Out of their fucking minds

Here's a word for your "Learn a new word" a day programme.... DEBATE (n).

Look it up, find out what it means and practice it here. Its something adults do.
Uhmmm . . . did I catch a fragment of news today that said something about Israel wanting AmeriKKKa to invade and occupy Iran???

Man . . . that sux!!

FYI . . . there are many Jewish groups in Israel that do not support the Zionist mania represented by Sharon . . . among those groups are Jews who want peace and prosperity with the Palestinians . . . the present Sharon policies look like the Warsaw Ghetto in reverse . . . :)

Oh well Zip . . . you and the other wortking class redneck Republicans better check out the range of comfortable body bags for when Shrubya brings back the U$ draft . . . you know, when all the good little rednecks follow the leader lemming to become cannon fodder for the profits of AmeriKKKan corporate exeKKKutives . . . :)

. . . Oz and NZ were very popular last time . . . I'm sure we can find you a hideaway where the bunyips won't get you . . . but it's really the drop bears that you have to worry about . . . :)
Don K Dyck said:
Oh well Zip . . . you and the other wortking class redneck Republicans better check out the range of comfortable body bags for when Shrubya brings back the U$ draft . . . you know, when all the good little rednecks follow the leader lemming to become cannon fodder for the profits of AmeriKKKan corporate exeKKKutives . . . :)

I've been a registered democrat for 20 years, live in NYC (which is the antithesis of a redneck) and don't support a draft even though I'm too old to ever be drafted.

I have to give you credit though, not many people could be so wrong in one short paragraph. Then again, you've had lots of practice on these boards doing just that. :D
zipman said:
I've been a registered democrat for 20 years, live in NYC (which is the antithesis of a redneck) and don't support a draft even though I'm too old to ever be drafted.

I have to give you credit though, not many people could be so wrong in one short paragraph. Then again, you've had lots of practice on these boards doing just that. :D

Well there you go . . . before the 2004 election I had the distinct impression that you called yourself a Republican . . . :rolleyes:

Now just this evening we saw how two good ole NY boys handled life . . . it was on a television programme called World's Apart, where they took two modern living together couples straight off the streets of NY and put them in Namibia with a Hamba family for nine days . . .

Only got to day 4, but the gals are doin' real well and the guys are real wussies . . . still you get that is every group, I guess . . . tune in next week to see if the guys make it . . . ;)

Oh, and If Sharon wants the U$ to invade Iran, then the only way that the AmeriKKKan invasion force can be formed is by conscripting all those sensible military personnel who left as soon as their enlistment was fulfilled . . . plus anybody else they can find . . . even over 30s . . . :)
Don K Dyck said:
Uhmmm . . . did I catch a fragment of news today that said something about Israel wanting AmeriKKKa to invade and occupy Iran???

Man . . . that sux!!

FYI . . . there are many Jewish groups in Israel that do not support the Zionist mania represented by Sharon . . . among those groups are Jews who want peace and prosperity with the Palestinians . . . the present Sharon policies look like the Warsaw Ghetto in reverse . . . :)

Oh well Zip . . . you and the other wortking class redneck Republicans better check out the range of comfortable body bags for when Shrubya brings back the U$ draft . . . you know, when all the good little rednecks follow the leader lemming to become cannon fodder for the profits of AmeriKKKan corporate exeKKKutives . . . :)

. . . Oz and NZ were very popular last time . . . I'm sure we can find you a hideaway where the bunyips won't get you . . . but it's really the drop bears that you have to worry about . . . :)

Yes Don you did hear Sharon squaking about the US taking care of his Iran problem for him.. It was the opening salvo of israels latest attempt at blackmailing the US to do it's dirty work for it and to get Americans to die for it.

It's political blackmail. Many in the US (look at bush's approval rating) are fed up with israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Sharon is in effect saying that if we take out Iran ( a task I don't think we can do) then it will not occupy the 3500 houses it built on Palestinian land.. Oh by the way do you hear all the squeeking..It's the republican redneck lemmings going over the cliffs
Originally Posted by Gringao
I'll repeat and expand for anyone that didn't get my message the first time. Kras and Woody are:

A couple quarts low
Ready for the Good Humor man
A couple sandwiches short of a party platter

This boy really needs to come up in to the 21 century. Your derogs are to say the least, out dated, out moded and just plain dumb shit..Do better next time or shut up. Woody and I both are used to better insults that the ones you chose.
Don K Dyck said:
Oh, and If Sharon wants the U$ to invade Iran, then the only way that the AmeriKKKan invasion force can be formed is by conscripting all those sensible military personnel who left as soon as their enlistment was fulfilled . . . plus anybody else they can find . . . even over 30s . . . :)

Uhmmm . . . my mates have corrected me on this point . . .

There is another way . . . Korporate mercenaries . . . Bechtel and Halliburton and other corporations have private armies that the American government can hire for the AmeriKKKan dirty work . . . at taxpayer's expense of course . . . :)

<Seem to remember that the Roman Emperor did that . . . with some unexpected consequences . . . ;)>

Think of the benefits . . .

no electoral backlash, no national responsibility . . .

that is just corporations going about making a profit . . .

no need to read any Rules of Engagement, they are either "with us or against us" . . .

AND the cost is carried by the good ole American taxpayer . . . so profits for the corporate exeKKKutives are not reduced . . . :)