Isolated Blurt Thread

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I was going to suggest caffiene as a solution to headaches. But that sounds like a much better solution.

I've been trying to get in to see a chiropractor for a while. I think one of my legs is longer than the other and it's throwing me off. My partner just thinks I'm paranoid. ;)
I wish someone could explain to me how the male mind works. I think I get it figured out and then confuzzles me.

Don't ask me. According to him whom I won't mention outside the political threads I use feminine argument and logic.

Perhaps having six wives did that?

I think that male minds and female minds follow the same principles - the individual's pattern matters more than the sex. An asshole can be male or female.

Don't ask me. According to him whom I won't mention outside the political threads I use feminine argument and logic.

Perhaps having six wives did that?

I think that male minds and female minds follow the same principles - the individual's pattern matters more than the sex. An asshole can be male or female.


That's true, being an asshole isn't strictly a male trait, however they do seem to do it so much better than most women I know.
Of course! I am surprised you didn't immediately write him back to beg him to tickle your kitty and tell him you will be his undying slave till the end of days!

*sigh* I miss Billy...or, wait...Bobby? No, no. Johnny. That was his name, right? Johnny. :cool:


*Pondering.* Wondering who was the first clever dog to come up with the "tickle your kitty" line. Can't remember. Hmm...
Ah, me. Yet another delightful epistle:


are those tickles self prescribed??

Yes, hot stuff. I'm thinking of you thinking of me tickling my own kitty and am, in fact, tickling my kitty.

Or somethin'. :rolleyes:
I was going to suggest caffiene as a solution to headaches. But that sounds like a much better solution.

I've been trying to get in to see a chiropractor for a while. I think one of my legs is longer than the other and it's throwing me off. My partner just thinks I'm paranoid. ;)
You're probably right, it's super common. I have that and was putting all my weight on my left side She had me put a lift in my shoe on the shorter side and I'm doing a lot better. :)
My left leg seems shorter than my right, but that is because my hips and spine are crooked...
My left leg seems shorter than my right, but that is because my hips and spine are crooked...

My left leg IS shorter than my right which is why my hips are canted.

My spine is now crooked because of ankylosing spondilitis.

My vertebrae are flattened at the back because of "repeated massive trauma" from sporting injuries but most of them are now fused together because of the AS.

The good part? I can't get slipped discs. I haven't got any, just vertebrae grown together to form a rigid spine. :rolleyes:

My left leg IS shorter than my right which is why my hips are canted.

My spine is now crooked because of ankylosing spondilitis.

My vertebrae are flattened at the back because of "repeated massive trauma" from sporting injuries but most of them are now fused together because of the AS.

The good part? I can't get slipped discs. I haven't got any, just vertebrae grown together to form a rigid spine. :rolleyes:

OMG! How do you manage with that? I'd have to get a Pez dispenser for my Vicodin. :rose:
I have a short leg due to military injury. It resulted in bilateral arthritis and, as Ogg pointed out, ankylosing spondilitis. Oh, yeah, and a 40% disability. Oh well, it pays for my toys and trips. Yeah, Scarlett, you need to get a lift for the short-leg shoe. Leveling your hips will be a major relief. I wear 3/4" on the left side.
*headbang* I KNEW I shouldn't have worn this shirt today. Even Smurfette, as cute as she is can't save me from the fact that it's raining. Good thinking me, white shirt + rain.
*headbang* I KNEW I shouldn't have worn this shirt today. Even Smurfette, as cute as she is can't save me from the fact that it's raining. Good thinking me, white shirt + rain.

Hey, I've done that before! :eek: :rolleyes:
I have a short leg due to military injury. It resulted in bilateral arthritis and, as Ogg pointed out, ankylosing spondilitis. Oh, yeah, and a 40% disability. Oh well, it pays for my toys and trips. Yeah, Scarlett, you need to get a lift for the short-leg shoe. Leveling your hips will be a major relief. I wear 3/4" on the left side.
Yep, it's helping already. I'll never be able to wear sexy shoes again, but it's worth it.
Yep, it's helping already. I'll never be able to wear sexy shoes again, but it's worth it.

Oh, you can wear sexy shoes but only for short periods. Like, you go out to a restaurant and wear the pumps in, then sit down while you wait to be seated, then walk to the table, then kick them off under the table cloth and play footsie until it's time to go home.
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