Isolated Blurt Thread

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Blurt: Can there be insomnia at 8:27 PM?

I passed out as soon as I got home (I couldn't find a spot in library, so I went home) at 1:30, and just woke up now. Delicious, though a bit sore...I have no idea what I've been doing in my sleep. :confused:
I came in here to blurt something and completely forgot what it was after one glance at Grace's lovely ta-tas. Hubba, hubba! :heart:

:eek: thanks McK.

I tried to read that word three times and read it as 'galleys' all of the three times. :rolleyes:

ps. Yes, you should contact her and ask her if she will be willing to teach you. *push* Seriously.

Now, I love all of you but you all really need to stop talking about my love life (lack of it really) on public forums.

Lol :D

I might well do. :) even just to see how she is. made it forum fodder when you said it was a woman. :p
I dreamed that my penis was three times longer, but the same thickness, so it wasn't sturdy at all :(


I got home last night to a postcard from the Showboat saying that I can get a free room there on the last night of my trip in May. I will definitely be taking them up on that offer :D

Now all I need is an attractive young woman to spend those three nights with...
I really, really hate the fact that this bitch is leading the project. I know its going to be a trainwreck because she isn't considering that she's doing this for a "customer" and not for herself. If she's the only one who's going to want to download, install and play the final product, it'll be a total waste of a lot of people's effort.
I'm really fucking sick and tired of this court bullshit.

Look, I don't care you're having issues with your ex and you told her not to show up and that you would take care of it. Blah blah blah. She was asked to make an appearance at court, that isn't something you get to decide she doesn't have to do, genius. She signed the contract, and if she didn't know that this was in it, well then she should read anything she signs a lot more carefully in the future. I don't give a fuck about any of your personal issues.

You could have avoided all of this by simply doing what the contract you signed stated you had to do. But to not even return any of our calls for half a year is adding insult to injury, and considering the fact that we haven't even received anything close to an apology for you being such a douche and apparently assuming that we only asked you to do that work for shits and giggles, your "personal plea letter" is too little, too late.

So go fuck yourself.
There is absolutely no fucking way i will be able to make it to 6pm on friday without a fucking cigarette.

I'm sorry, but i'm freaking out just over a practice run of questions with Misty, there is no way i can do friday without cigarettes.
There is absolutely no fucking way i will be able to make it to 6pm on friday without a fucking cigarette.

I'm sorry, but i'm freaking out just over a practice run of questions with Misty, there is no way i can do friday without cigarettes.

Gnaw on some of those carrot sticks you keep threatening Misty with!
Do not want to read all these long-winded jargon-filled shitty long ass outdated articles. ARGH.
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