Isolated Blurt Thread

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Me too! I took a shop class in high school and learned how to weld and braze. It's actually pretty fun!

:D it is yes, I majored in Agriculture education at university. I found out nothing pisses off a bunch of redneck men more than a tiny girl out welding them :D:D Though there are a few of them it brings out their best come on lines... the best one heard 'Want me to help you find your arc baby?'
I just love watching Ru Paul's Drag Race on LOGO. Those drag queens have guts and they are hilarious and wonderful fun to watch.
I'm springtime savage today. Teeth-bared, wanting to say fuck you over and over to this situation. And I have. Worked myself HARD at the gym, get out the anger, get out the anger at what you are. Still not helped. Still want to say fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck fucking you. And then this goddamned stupid smile comes across my face.
Nostalgic, wistful, hopeful, thankful, spring-coiled and ready to fucking pounce.
Just, springtime savage.
Well, it's official. My laptop hinges cannot be fixed by anyone around here without sending it to HP, which would cost $400. Not gonna happen. Totally sucks. I *hate* being chained to the desktop (which is in a HORRIBLE place because the only place we could put it in the new house is right beside the tv... can you say headache??)Grrr... :mad:
I thought she broke up. Who is she crying to now? :rolleyes:
Seriously, my tolerance for drama is too low.
Quel damage. ( I probably didn't spell it right but that was what my brain was thinking. :rolleyes: )

God bless him.
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Mkay. So that played out exactly as I thought it would.
God, I just love when I'm right. :(
Amazon says my new Indigo Girls CD has shipped. So, WHY isn't the MP3 available for download? I want it NOW, damn it!

~ IMPatient
Fucking COLD this morning. What the fuck is up with that? And I left my overcoat and hat in the car last night, so everything I would use to be warm during the drive to work was frozen over. I want spring already...
why oh why is she setting the example and being industrious?

Damn it, now I have to get up off the couch and start working too. The power of leading by example *sigh*
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