Isolated Blurt Thread

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Or...they could abuse their Gaydar and tell you that the woman you have your eye on is a lesbian, only so that they can throw you off and then attempt to get in her pants themselves :D

But of course, lesbians are too kind and innocent to pull shit like that :D

This is why ya switch on and off. When she's eying a cute lesbian, the guy hits on her, and in her moment of disgust, the girl slips in to "reassure her she's too attractive for guys" or something like that :D
This is why ya switch on and off. When she's eying a cute lesbian, the guy hits on her, and in her moment of disgust, the girl slips in to "reassure her she's too attractive for guys" or something like that :D

I see you know where the saying "If you can't lick 'em, join 'em" came from!!! :D
Monday I gave blood and got the world's worst phlebotomist. She had my arm rotated a good 45 degrees when she stuck me so as I tried to relax, it rolled back and cut off the flow. She missed the vein twice, and kept moving and adjusting it. After an hour of it all, I finally gave enough to fill the bag but my fingers were tingling, and my forearm was numb. Then she asked if she could stick the right arm to fill the tubes for testing.


I like giving blood and all but damn this one hurt bad.

:( I hate that, I really do. Wonder if you got the same tech that I got awhile back. I was sick with god-knows-what and I couldn't shake it and the doc said I needed blood drawn to nail down the infection...I ended up with subcutaneous bleeding so bad that I was laying in bed watching the streak get bigger and bigger.

-chuckles- Reason #1 for having a lesbian as a friend. They're often better analysts of future girlfriends than guys are, and unlike hetero-female friends, don't have the possibility of giving bad info due to jealousy :D

I've found that despite not having any interest in men at all, they have an interesting sense of which man is a good man and which one isn't. Or at least Dana did

Or...they could abuse their Gaydar and tell you that the woman you have your eye on is a lesbian, only so that they can throw you off and then attempt to get in her pants themselves :D

But of course, lesbians are too kind and innocent to pull shit like that :D

Nyuh huh. ;)
I've found that despite not having any interest in men at all, they have an interesting sense of which man is a good man and which one isn't. Or at least Dana did

It could very well boil down to the fact that perhaps they're not as distracted by the looks of a guy and thus are able to see a man for who he is versus who you want to believe he is.
It could very well boil down to the fact that perhaps they're not as distracted by the looks of a guy and thus are able to see a man for who he is versus who you want to believe he is.

Ah very very true. I did not think of that. ;) the same way with have a close hetero male...we'll tell ya who is a piece of shit just looking for some tail and who actually would give a damn about you.

Yah. That's why I've always liked having a good mix of friends. They can see things from different points of view, often ones that you hadn't considered. :)
Sadly, I think Auburn is gonna get their asses handed to them in this game. :(
Woo Hoo! My balls are almost back to their normal size and the bruising has gone WAY down!

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