Isolated Blurt Thread

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Le cinéma des Etats-Unis est privé de la pensée et de la signification. Je le dédaigne avec toute mon âme.
I wonder what that was all about...

On the drive into work today, traffic was more backed up than normal. As I hit the second to last straightaway, I saw a helicopter hovering over the area that traffic was feeding into. Ok, no big deal. Helicopters happen, and I'm not about to stop that. The closer I get, the more helicopters I see. Three at one time, is not normal. I am pretty sure two fo them were news copters, and the third was leaving, so I am assuming an air-lift, which means serious injuries, seeing as how the nearest hospital is only a couple miles away (and I mean two miles at most from where those copters were hovering).

It doesn't sound good though.
*nuzzles* (Because that is what Shang would give you, though they would be much cozier coming from Horsey than me. :rose: )
Don't worry, I'll help you clean next time so you don't have to do it by yourself. ;)
Thank you, fabulous one. I like nuzzles. :)
Oh, and you're so capable of giving nuzzles. You look extremely nuzzle-able in your av.
And the cleaning was just part of it. *sigh* :rolleyes:
I want to go to Egypt.
So do I.

I hate having my day filled with things to do.
:kiss: Je t'ame, Tarakin. Je déteste les Etats-Unis. C'est un endroit exempt de culture et de compassion

They are not that bad, just different. Don't we all like Hollywood films, what Microsoft has invented for us (not the firm itself!) and the American Litsters (who have both culture and compassion and more)? And there's much more the country has to offer!
They are not that bad, just different. Don't we all like Hollywood films, what Microsoft has invented for us (not the firm itself!) and the American Litsters (who have both culture and compassion and more)? And there's much more the country has to offer!

:rolleyes: I'm simply an expat at heart, Tarakin. C'est tout.
Totally Lit related....

So I get a private message from some yahoo that I've never heard of telling me that my comments in public about someone's Av were misleading because the pics aren't of her.....

Whether the pics are really her are irrelavent....

I told the guy to get a life for gossiping about someone to someone else he doesn't even know......:rolleyes:

some people really do need this place.......
Totally Lit related....

So I get a private message from some yahoo that I've never heard of telling me that my comments in public about someone's Av were misleading because the pics aren't of her.....

Whether the pics are really her are irrelavent....

I told the guy to get a life for gossiping about someone to someone else he doesn't even know......:rolleyes:

some people really do need this place.......

lol, I get pm's like that all the time. They now amuse me, even got a few saying mine weren't real and i should stop pretending. They feed on the strangest things sometimes. *shrugs*
lol, I get pm's like that all the time. They now amuse me, even got a few saying mine weren't real and i should stop pretending. They feed on the strangest things sometimes. *shrugs*

it all amuses me in a place that's meant for fun......


gorgeous tushy.... :rose:
I lost something important, or I thought it was important, until I realized I just didn't even need it, and so it's not important anymore.
I just got lost on the lit boards. now i'm trapped and can't escape
For once in my life, I have run out of words.

Fuck you anyway. I should have never met you.
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