Isolated BDSM Blurts - Roosters are Vicious

  • Thread starter La damnee elle la licorne
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So just a week or two ago I learned that you Americans had...deep fried butter...

Then I learned that Texas has fried Coca-Cola...

A handful of your states resemble a chef carrying KFC...


And now it's Choco Tacos.


How is the entire population of your country literally not either dead or in perpetual cardiac arrest?
So just a week or two ago I learned that you Americans had...deep fried butter...

Then I learned that Texas has fried Coca-Cola...

A handful of your states resemble a chef carrying KFC...


And now it's Choco Tacos.


How is the entire population of your country literally not either dead or in perpetual cardiac arrest?

Hey. The chicken and tray are new to me.
You forgot the deep fried oreo's.
And most of the population is.
So just a week or two ago I learned that you Americans had...deep fried butter...

Then I learned that Texas has fried Coca-Cola...

A handful of your states resemble a chef carrying KFC...


And now it's Choco Tacos.


How is the entire population of your country literally not either dead or in perpetual cardiac arrest?

Hey! I come from the hat! Everything here is on a stick. Even porkchops!

I couldn't get past the camel on a stick :eek:

It's not as if Britain does not have any highly calorific foods. ( we even invented Kendall mint cake, :(, designed to be calorific) . But deep fried mars Mars are not unheard of, and the obesity and related illness record in uk is not such that those that live here can point fingers merrily elsewhere. :(

Thank you, my dear! Bravo, well said. Sad for the health effects on your (or anyone's) countrymen, but seriously.. there nothing like a pot bitching about a stereotypical kettle :rolleyes:

It's quarter to five. I'm awake because yet again the fogs decided we HAD to go out and scare off a fox. It's good that they are alert and aware, but I'm also a little tired. The sunrise is starting though, so I'm trying to decide whether I stay awake To see the sunrise, or grab more sleep. Now that we are back inside, the dogs are ignoring their beds and cuddled up to me, which is sweet and cosy. But it does seem to emphasise how short the nights G was here for felt. We'll all get into routine soon. :rolleyes::)

Just blame it on the new dog and get a little more sleep :p
there's nothing like a pot bitching about a stereotypical kettle :rolleyes:
I was trying to make a funny quip about the kettle being made from the pot or the pot having hegemony over the kettle but there's not really much to work with.
Sad :(

It's not as if Britain does not have any highly calorific foods. ( we even invented Kendall mint cake, :(, designed to be calorific) . But deep fried mars Mars are not unheard of, and the obesity and related illness record in uk is not such that those that live here can point fingers merrily elsewhere. :(
It was meant to come off as a prod at the stereotype of American food. I wasn't meaning to try and assert some sort of British supremacy.
I'll work on my delivery.
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He has a point tho about fried things. At least HALF of restaurant menus are fried items. A lot of the older generations fried a lot of things. My grandmother, for example, fries EVERYTHING. She also has southern roots...

So are things in many uk restaurants, even things not traditionally made this way. ;). My point about the roots in food is that....American food has culinary riots from other are not unique in frying;). You just happen to have made an art form of it, lol. But. You do not even have the only horrific stats on obesity. There are homes in uk, for example, where fried food is eaten every night, and they eat 'chips' ( French fries) daily or a 'fry up' every morning, or both. In a school lunch campaign where Jamie Oliver tried to lead change, some mothers took fried foods to hand through the fence to their children at lunch time, so abhorant was the idea of healthier food for their children.

I think but cannot be certain that if you look at figures like fastest growing rates of obesity and fastest growing rates of childhood obesity, for example this crown might no longer belong to the States. While other countries point their fingers at America, they smugly avoid their own issues with food and malnutrition ( and racism).

Of course, it's also true that healthy eating and self provision options are put forward by some communities in America. But, it's not as 'funny' :D

Jokes of such manner with other national or racial identity in the 'punchline' few would see as funny over time....

Food is often a socioeconomic issue as much as anything else.

Haha funny you should mention a healthy lunch campaign. I give you, the Michelle Obama school lunch.

Haha funny you should mention a healthy lunch campaign. I give you, the Michelle Obama school lunch.

(Didn't she try to ban fried foods?)
This type of diet should really be classed as child abuse past a certain point.
Haha funny you should mention a healthy lunch campaign. I give you, the Michelle Obama school lunch.


This is just poor nutritional planning on the part of the school. :rolleyes: Couple that with children that refuse to eat the healthier choices available and you get that sad looking lunch.
This is just poor nutritional planning on the part of the school. :rolleyes: Couple that with children that refuse to eat the healthier choices available and you get that sad looking lunch.

My mom works food service for our school district. Occasionally she'll bring home stuff from the line that didn't get finished or things about to be thrown out because it's close to its expiration (waste not want not). It's...edible. I wouldn't call it much else. Whole wheat, imitation meats, baked not fried, carefully measured and portioned. Salad is available. It's usually soggy or wilted. The district is saving a fortune on kids bringing their own lunches. What makes me sad are the kids who are living in a lower income. For some, this is the only meal they get. Especially in our area where nearly a fourth of our district is on a free or reduced lunch program. It's enough of an issue for there to be a summer program that's income based where they can bring their kids to the school for lunch.
My mom works food service for our school district. Occasionally she'll bring home stuff from the line that didn't get finished or things about to be thrown out because it's close to its expiration (waste not want not). It's...edible. I wouldn't call it much else. Whole wheat, imitation meats, baked not fried, carefully measured and portioned. Salad is available. It's usually soggy or wilted. The district is saving a fortune on kids bringing their own lunches. What makes me sad are the kids who are living in a lower income. For some, this is the only meal they get. Especially in our area where nearly a fourth of our district is on a free or reduced lunch program. It's enough of an issue for there to be a summer program that's income based where they can bring their kids to the school for lunch.

I'm one of those kids that relied on school lunch. There was no summer program for me to be able to get food in the middle of the day. The food wasn't great then but I loved it because it meant I got to have a hot meal. I also know they have choices in line, if that's all that the student took to eat, that's on them.
What is that?

Milk and what else?

I always felt a good school lunch option could be vegetarian; thus catering to the majority ( agreed not all) of dietary / religious restrictions and be cheap to provide. And pretty inclusive.

It's milk. Baked chicken fingers whole wheat cheese bread and low sodium marinara. The burgers are soy, not meat, at least in our district.
I'm one of those kids that relied on school lunch. There was no summer program for me to be able to get food in the middle of the day. The food wasn't great then but I loved it because it meant I got to have a hot meal. I also know they have choices in line, if that's all that the student took to eat, that's on them.

I used to enjoy the lunches provided when I was in school. They were still mostly healthy options, (fruits and veggies, whole wheat breads) it's vastly different now. Even their condiments are measured. At the high school level there's a lot more choices and options.
I always felt a good school lunch option could be vegetarian; thus catering to the majority ( agreed not all) of dietary / religious restrictions and be cheap to provide. And pretty inclusive.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of ready and easily stored food that we have quick access to are all pre-packaged, preservative addled, processed to the point of no nutritional value, GMO garbage. That also includes our pesticide coated produce.

As far as fried foods go, the majority stem from old poverty comfort food. Cheap cuts of meat or affordable vegetables that were breaded/spiced/fried to make them more palatable, now become an easy way for a lot of places to cover up quality by claiming tradition. It's become " trendy " to eat healthy diets that consist of organic foods, hence $$$. Which only perpetuates the increasing health issues due to what's affordable to the vast majority.

But, I digress, I believe those are " fish sticks " :D
We just need to GM typical apple trees to grow bacon and lettuce leaves and carrots as fruit instead of apples.

Create a million new types of tree that spawn ready-to-cook meal ingredients on their branches and throw the seeds into the wind off of the tallest skyscrapers. Then everybody can have a meal-tree in their garden and we solve world hunger.

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