What happens when the fun-loving members of an alien surveillance team tasked with only watching the planet below them decide they want the "Human Experience"?
A better question might be what won't happen ... because there are no limits in this RP.
Sex, drugs, drinking, fast driving, bungee jumping, or just sitting under a tree reading a good book ... while staring at the pretty girls and buffed out guys in their skimpy clothes at the lake: it's all possible without being known as aliens, because these aliens are "bodysnatchers", capable of temporarily taking over a human and doing much more with that body -- and doing it better, faster, and with more pleasure -- than the permanent owner ever thought they could do.
There is no one, set plot, but all plots will be connected, directly or indirectly, to my PC, the Mission Commander. He will want to maintain a tight leash on his Crew, but unfortunately -- or fortunately, depending upon your point of view -- he had his human experience ... and now he's torn between his duty to his planet and the pleasures this planet has to offer.
Feel free to post your replies here. Ask questions, make comments, suggest characters ... and so on. I will put up an introductory post tonight that will set the scene.
A very important note: I can not co-write with every writer -- I simply don't have the time -- so I am hoping that each of you will solicit a writing partner on your own (here in this thread is fine). Please, if you do see something you are interested in discussing with another writer, PM them; don't post back and forth messages here, but instead just post your initial ideas and do the rest via PM.
A better question might be what won't happen ... because there are no limits in this RP.
Sex, drugs, drinking, fast driving, bungee jumping, or just sitting under a tree reading a good book ... while staring at the pretty girls and buffed out guys in their skimpy clothes at the lake: it's all possible without being known as aliens, because these aliens are "bodysnatchers", capable of temporarily taking over a human and doing much more with that body -- and doing it better, faster, and with more pleasure -- than the permanent owner ever thought they could do.
There is no one, set plot, but all plots will be connected, directly or indirectly, to my PC, the Mission Commander. He will want to maintain a tight leash on his Crew, but unfortunately -- or fortunately, depending upon your point of view -- he had his human experience ... and now he's torn between his duty to his planet and the pleasures this planet has to offer.
Feel free to post your replies here. Ask questions, make comments, suggest characters ... and so on. I will put up an introductory post tonight that will set the scene.
A very important note: I can not co-write with every writer -- I simply don't have the time -- so I am hoping that each of you will solicit a writing partner on your own (here in this thread is fine). Please, if you do see something you are interested in discussing with another writer, PM them; don't post back and forth messages here, but instead just post your initial ideas and do the rest via PM.