ISO F/M Writers for Chain Story: "Cheer Squad Fund Raiser"


Really Experienced
Apr 29, 2013
I want to write a Chain Story about a High School Cheer Squad that "gives their all" to raise the funds necessary for a trip to Regionals.

Characters can include both Male and Female Cheer squad members, Male and Female "contibutors" -- i.e., the people they "service" -- and others. Cheer squad members can be slutty, typical, or even inexperienced in their sexual experience. ALL CHEER SQUAD CHARACTERS are 18-19 years of age.

Each writer creates their own character and writes their own story, building off the previous writer's chapter. A small amount of plot will be pre-planned, but for the most part, what you write is right!

The rules for Chain Stories are different than role play:
  • 750+ words per submission.
  • Spelling and grammar checks are a must.
  • A tentative schedule of who will post when must be established here in this thread for the Moderator to verify (or she won't post the story to the Chain Story category).
  • And a very basic plot must be established, to show that the writers are writing the same story from their own character's perspectives.