

Literotica Guru
Feb 20, 2002
well if that isn't a goober name for a storm.....

(oh please, oh please head to mexico....i wasn't making fun.....i promise)
Do you know that they name a strom when a tropical disturbance intensifies to tropical storm strength with wind speed above 39 miles per hour...

Beginning in 1953, tropical storms were assigned female names. Names were listed in alphabetical order, with the first tropical storm of the year given a name beginning with "A." In 1978, both men's and women's names were included in the eastern North Pacific storm lists.

If a tropical storm forms in the Atlantic and crosses over to the Pacific, it will be given a new name.

There are six lists of tropical cyclone names, each composed of 23 names from A to W. The lists are used on a rotating basis. For instance, the 1997 names will be used again in the year 2003.

Occasionally, a name is retired from the list when a particular tropical cyclone has caused many deaths or a tremendous amount of damage. Some retired names include Andrew, Bob, Camille, David, Elena, Frederic, Opal, Fran, and Hugo.

I don't care what her name is ... y'all be careful down there :mad: or I'll come down and kick some butt!!
Definitely be careful....this looks to be the first really bad storm of the season. Stock up on water, batteries, and canned food.
may be a goober name, but Hurricane Isi is gaining strength...


i think we have a front coming through saturday....going to keep Isi east of us.....yikes florida though....
i know, Dr. H.....this one kinda snuck up......but i keep hearing that front is going to push him away from us....this is what the Weather Channel is saying right now, though:

Gulf Coast residents eye the storm

Forecasters warned Thursday that confusing weather patterns could send Hurricane Isidore anywhere from Florida to Mexico.

"Anything in the Gulf of Mexico is a potential target in the next six or seven days," said James Franklin, hurricane specialist at the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

Specifically, points at risk extend from the central west Florida coast all the way through New Orleans.

"Or there's even another possibility," Franklin added. "It could turn back west and head toward the Yucatan" peninsula in Mexico.

"The message to everybody along the Gulf coast is that, if you are not prepared in terms of supplies, do so now because, fortunately, there's still time to prepare," Franklin said.

Franklin said Florida need not take a direct landfall to be buffeted or soaked by the storm.

"Even if (Isidore's) physical center remains far offshore off Florida, we think its effects will be felt far from the center, as far as 200 miles away or possibly more," Franklin said.

Isidore could be 180 to 200 miles west of Key West Saturday, according to the hurricane center's forecast track.

In the Florida Keys, Monroe County emergency management officials announced no immediate plans, but asked residents to pay close attention to the storm. Officials in southwest Florida's Collier County did the same.

"We're keeping the public informed, keeping communications open with the hospitals, at risk populations such people as mobile homes, the police, the schools, the state parks, so that they will know what our plans would be at a later time," said Irene Toner, Monroe County's emergency management director.

New Orleans officials on Thursday asked residents to begin securing property and reviewing possible evacuation routes.

we've been so lucky since Andrew.....<nodding>....i may just get some water and stuff today though.....i think i got that from my Daddy.....the rush of getting hurricane supplies......we stocked up when Andrew was hitting florida.....and were very grateful we did....
well that's cool....that lil animated gif i posted yesterday is linked......and is updated.....current map......very cool....
Ginny said:
...we've been so lucky since Andrew.....<nodding>....i may just get some water and stuff today though.....i think i got that from my Daddy.....the rush of getting hurricane supplies......we stocked up when Andrew was hitting florida.....and were very grateful we did....

Thanks for the info, hon. And, yeah, we've been really lucky for 10 years--if ya don't count them 35 inches of rain we got in 3 days last year. That was a mess--but nothing like Andrew.

Better head to Albertson's and stock up on Zapp's.
ooooh yum....zapp's indeed.....the lil miracle is gonna squeal when i whip out the vienna sausage....she just loves processed food andrew i bought a lil battery operated tv that hasn't been used yet.....i better check on batteries.....<nodding>.....and a lil Pat O's Hurricane mix might be called for....;)
I'm so glad Hammy's got his priorities straight. LOL! (Kindof like Bluesboy & cigarettes when he was down here for the last hurricane scare.)

So, okay Weathergirl Ginny ------ the front came through here last night. Is that going to keep this storm pushed out there so it doesn't head our way????

...just call me "Wringing Everything Out Today" but REALLY enjoying the 60's temps this morning!

(I've been told this will be the first GOOD HAIR DAY in six months!)
I wonder what else you might need extry batt'ries for? A couple of days without power ... long, dark nights ... candles burning ... lil miracle's asleep ... can't go anywhere coz there's crap all over the roads .... What's a girl to do?



My hurricane survival skills have been well honed. How about yours, Ginny?
Hamletmaschine said:
Holy shit! I had no idea this was out there.

What?!? I've been watching and worrying about it for a few days now .. and I'm in Michigan!

*note to self: keep Hamlet abreast of his own news:p*
We haven't been hit bad up here in over a decade. You guys usually take the brunt of it's strength before it gets up here.

Thank you for that. lol

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys, but doesn't it look to be headed right for you? UGH. BE CAREFUL!!!
celiaKitten said:
I don't care what her name is ... y'all be careful down there :mad: or I'll come down and kick some butt!!

I agree...better yet...don't even touch land.
Hamletmaschine said:
LOL - you know I don't watch the news.

MmmHmm .. I rather thought someone would drag your nose to this bit ... BUT .. now I see I'll have to play weathergirl in the future.
Storm schmorm! Ride out party at my place! :D

Seriously now they weather gurus are predicting she'll hit the Gulf and flounder around a bit probably getting bigger! She's category 2 now and will likely be category 3 by the Sunday and still not be giving much of an indication on where she'll make landfall. She could really decide to go anywhere from Naples to Brownsville!

Brace yourselves.
someplace said:
So, okay Weathergirl Ginny ------ the front came through here last night. Is that going to keep this storm pushed out there so it doesn't head our way?

oh you lucky thang....first cool front of Fall....god it was hotter than.....yep....a witch's yesterday....ugggg......yay on GOOD HAIR days.... WeatherGirl Ginny....i checked my local forecast.....looks like front is moving SLOW....just passing through Beaumont....end of it.....prolly be through here tomorrow...

can't get a good forecast on what the front is gonna do with Hurricane Isidore.....i guess if the front is strong enough it'll force Isidore up and east......but if front breaks up....pulls more'll pull Isidore East....YIKES......

Isidore is already a Category 2.....after he finishes with Cuba.....that lil spell over open water may help him strengthen before hitting Keys....IF he continues north.....yuckola Isidore sitting in Gulf strengthening heading eastward....

someplace said:
My hurricane survival skills have been well honed. How about yours, Ginny?

oooh just a lil in from the Gulf Coast for all my life....and daughter of General Hurricane Preparedness......i know my hurricane surviving.....when i was a lil girl.....i just liked it cause we got to miss my twenties we had like a major rash of just tropical storms hit.....not hurricanes....and 1992.....Andrew.....which is the first hurricane we've had......where i was really scared.....omg what a mess that a warzone.....

so anyway......i have a lil listy going for Wally World at noon....stuff we'll use regardless of where Isi goes (the lil miracle will be loving those vienna sausage)......but omg....nothing is worse that hitting a grocery store or Home Depot right before the storm comes through.....the crowds, lines, desperation....i'm gonna get ready now.....and just be thankful when he passes us by.....

my Dad's in the hospital....and when i mentioned the Hurricane this morning on the phone.....he perked up.....went into General HP mode.....and rattled off the things i needed to make sure i got....then.....<smiling softly>.....he said for me to go by his house and see if the chainsaw was working (i've never started a chainsaw in my life!).....and get gas for it.....bless his heart.....

WeatherGirl Ginny shall report back later......;)
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Hamletmaschine said:
I wonder what else you might need extry batt'ries for? A couple of days without power ... long, dark nights ... candles burning ... lil miracle's asleep ... can't go anywhere coz there's crap all over the roads .... What's a girl to do?

<ordering battery operated vibe and buttplug from Adam & Eve for Saturday delivery>

my buzzer thang i use ELECTRIC....yikes.....;)

though...of course.......i love my index finger as you know.....but i better get a backup.....just in case said finger is whooped from cleanup.....BE PREPARED!'m a goob.....
No you're not Ginny

If you've been through one that's knocked you on your butt for more than a day, you KNOW you've got to have certain things handy or your life will be much more unpleasant. (Alicia was my first after moving to Houston -- I'd only been here a couple of weeks).

Chainsaws are good. Especially when fallen trees are blocking your driveway. I remember how impressed I was after Alicia when all my mom's neighbors formed teams afterwards. One group had cameras full of film and took pictures of all the damage (trees on cars & smashed into houses), then the second gang came along -- a veritable chain saw army and got all the fallen trees sawn, moved and stacked. While the third gang was busy BBQing all the meat from everyone's freezers. It was great!

We were without power for nearly a week. Thank GOD for gas!

St. Isidore of Seville

He looks harmless enough, doesn't he?

<nervous chuckle, trying not to worry>

Ginny is at Wal-Mart as I type this, getting a few hurricane supplies.