Is this the single most boring night in Lit's History?

Fucking *Yaaaaawn* right?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 18, 1999
I think it is.

I'm away for 5 days and I come back to this crap?? Sheeesh.

Somebody do something entertaining.


Bollocks. I don't get to come here very foten and I chose the worst date imaginable!
Lasher said:
I think it is.

I'm away for 5 days and I cant think of anything to post but this crap?? Sheeesh.

Somebody do something entertaining because I've obviously lost my touch.



Re: Re: Is this the single most boring night in Lit's History?

Mockingbird said:

Christ, even the trolls suck.

You people do not impress me!
Seeing how the average Lit memory span is just a few days, I'd say "yes".
Re: Re: Re: Is this the single most boring night in Lit's History?

Lasher said:
Christ, even the trolls suck.

(My, a novel concept. I wish I had thought of it first.)

You people do not impress me!

Luscious Lioness said:
Actually, Lasher, my boy... I'm looking at Lukky's nipple tribute thread. I find that if the entertainment isn't there you seek it out.

No, no, no, lol. Too much effort. I want instant gratification - juggling bears and crap like that.

Watching the snow fall was more exciting than this.
Stout chap said:
Bollocks. I don't get to come here very foten and I chose the worst date imaginable!

There's another wod you can't pronounce correctly. :p
nah, i remember days where the board was full of threads by Busybody and REDWAVE.... now they are boring threads.

I have given up reading them and when they are all there is.... then minesweep gets fired up :D
Lasher said:
I think it is.

I'm away for 5 days and I come back to this crap?? Sheeesh.

Somebody do something entertaining.



Since you're everybody anyway, it's your own fault if the board is boring.

Re: Re: Is this the single most boring night in Lit's History?

morninggirl5 said:
Since you're everybody anyway, it's your own fault if the board is boring.


Lasher, don't you remember?

Close your eyes, think back...

Oh, what a night, late December back in '63. What a very boring time for me...

Oops, I think I might be channeling your song thread. Sorry.
There are threads on XTC & Crowded House in the same night. That's a bonanza of musical taste...I was psyched.