Is this a bad idea?


Too young to stress
Feb 26, 2013
I got a lot of tattoos really I lost count neck chest arms hands stomach I will never get a tattoo below the waist the only place left it my face really but not one of them dumb tattoos like mike tyson something like loyalty on my cheek I didn't make my mind up yet but is this a bad idea?
I got a lot of tattoos really I lost count neck chest arms hands stomach I will never get a tattoo below the waist the only place left it my face really but not one of them dumb tattoos like mike tyson something like loyalty on my cheek I didn't make my mind up yet but is this a bad idea?

What's wrong with below the waist? Personally I think face tatts are a really bad idea.
What's wrong with below the waist? Personally I think face tatts are a really bad idea.

Nothing I just think them type of tatts fit a women better I love seeing a women with a tatt on their leg or feet its just so sexy to me and I don't think it find a male... I told myself I would never get a tatt on my face but now that I'm cover up I was just thinking
I got a lot of tattoos really I lost count neck chest arms hands stomach I will never get a tattoo below the waist the only place left it my face really but not one of them dumb tattoos like mike tyson something like loyalty on my cheek I didn't make my mind up yet but is this a bad idea?

Can't tell you about the tattoos, but I know that punctuation is a GREAT idea.
Well I ask about tattoos and I'm a young guy so that is the way I write and fyi I'm not taking a english test

A very bad idea.

A bad idea is a mullet, but it can be changed should your life and outlook change.
Well I ask about tattoos and I'm a young guy so that is the way I write and fyi I'm not taking a english test

But not unlike the idea of face tattooing, especially on a site devoted to writers and readers, if you want people to respect your topic, then you show them respect for answering by respecting their rules of communication, and outside of the Dutch and German boards, that would be taking a stab at proper English usage.
I see what u saying but It was just a thought but a tatt on the face is pretty badass don't you think?

I think if that is the way you would go, then the only appropriate tat says something like "Stupid" or "Self-Destructive."

In short, I think it turns off more high quality women than it attracts sluts.

It will have the same effect on future earnings potential.

(Unless, of course, you are one 'kickass' artist in some sort of field or another, in which case, I would certainly go with the face tat once fame and fortune are secured, but not one day before.)
I see what u saying but It was just a thought but a tatt on the face is pretty badass don't you think?
I think if that is the way you would go, then the only appropriate tat says something like "Stupid" or "Self-Destructive."

In short, I think it turns off more high quality women than it attracts sluts.

It will have the same effect on future earnings potential.

(Unless, of course, you are one 'kickass' artist in some sort of field or another, in which case, I would certainly go with the face tat once fame and fortune are secured, but not one day before.)

Where I from fame and fortune is unreachable that's the last thing on my mind
I got a lot of tattoos really I lost count neck chest arms hands stomach I will never get a tattoo below the waist the only place left it my face really but not one of them dumb tattoos like mike tyson something like loyalty on my cheek I didn't make my mind up yet but is this a bad idea?

I think it depends on what kind of work you do.. ..
I'm still waiting to find that perfect image that I am willing to tote with me till death do us part.
A diffrent part I'm from newark goggle it if u want u will see

Are you in chains?

We got off the reservation and then we got out of Wyandotte County. My teacher used to tell me all the time, look at all those lazy bucks! laying around blaming the white man for all their problems. All they have to do is get a job! I did. You did...

And please, show some respect, I am you, not u.