Is there such thing as a bad blow job?

She was inexperienced with it. She had been with her husband for 8 years, had kids. And when she wrapped her lips around me, it was bad. Sloppy. My dick went limp and I had to ask her to stop so I could take over. I couldn't teach her what to do, because I didn't need her going back home and showing her husband her new method.
No such thing

Hmmmm a bad BJ? Never had one. Is that possible? Teeth can be a turn on if done erotically.

only time I have called someone a woodchuck................

Have you ever had a bad blow job? And if so, what made it bad?

I've never had horrible ones, but I've had indifferent. My ex-girlfriend used to give me BJs that weren't great. I could never cum from it. No foreplay, and tight, thin lips, with no tongue. That's not very good...
Best is lots of teasing, and I love it when they breathe on me through my briefs.
My wife is amazing at it. Lots of tongue, uses her tongue stud under the head of my cock and uses the friction from as much of her lips as possible. God, it's incredible with her.

One woman I know has a ridiculously small mouth. Its almost impossible for her to keep her teeth out of the way, her jaw is just so small. Ouch.

Another woman I know gets way too rough. It starts out good, but then she starts squeezing the base of my cock and twisting it like she's turning a screwdriver.

In general, any time there's too much hand action is bad for me. On a similar note, any time she won't take more than an inch or two into her mouth is also a disappointment.
Have you ever had a bad blow job? And if so, what made it bad?

Yes there can be a bad blowjob when someone has no idea what to do. It could indeed be their first time and they really don't know what to do, or they could just be totally uninterested or put off by doing it in the first place.

One problem, as some have pointed out, is teeth. It doesn't take much scraping of teeth on a sensitive cock to be a turn off. Had a girlfriend like this till she was taught the right way.

Another is actually sucking like someone is trying to literally suck the chrome off the trailer hitch. The term "sucking cock" can be confusing to some people and think that's what they're supposed to do. Suck like crazy. They don't understand that just a little suction goes a long way and it's mostly "mouth fucking" and licking and such. I knew a woman who actually gave me a "hicky on my dicky" because she sucked like a fucking vacuum cleaner and broke blood vessles in the head of my dick.

Third is the "do nothing". They take your cock, put it in their mouth and it lays there like a dead fish unless maybe you just go ahead and fuck her mouth. They think putting your cock in their mouth is the end of it. No tongue action, no "fucking" action. No licking. They simply think that just putting your cock in their mouth is supposed to send you into ecastcy.

Finally, there's the "don't you dare let that thing cum" woman. They may be willing to blow you a little but God help you if you cum in their mouth or on their face. It's all good if there's no orgasm involved, and it's only "foreplay.". For me, that's only good so often. At least some of the time, I want a genuine cum-in-the-mouth swallow-it-all blowjob.

Finally, there's the woman that absolutely is grossed out by taking your cock in her mouth after you've taken it out of her cunt. I like to go back and forth between getting my cock sucked, eating pussy, fucking, 69, back to some fucking, back to finishing in her mouth or eating some creamiepie if I come in her snatch. It always surprised me how many women were happy to let you lick your cum out of her pussy but God help you if you then tried to kiss her. I also had one woman actually turn her head away and act completely grossed out because I took my dick out of her pussy and tried to put it in her mouth. Ladies, in my book, if you don't like the taste of cum or even the taste of your own pussy, it's time to find another guy. It may sound like a male pig, but it's the way I see it.

She was inexperienced, she made this big deal about doing something special for me and basically wrapped her mouth around me and held it there with no movement.
still learning

I find this a facinating topic and really like reading what you men like.
I also am curious if any men tell their partners what they like and don't like, that is to say "school them" in what to do for them regarding bj preferences. I like learning new things so I will peek in and read more when you guys offer more advice.....Thanks

I have "schooled" lovers in the past, but usually I just pick out the obvious stuff. Otherwise I'm just happy that they want me in their mouth. ;)
No, I've never had a bad blow job. Call me whatever, but for me even the less expert ones have had this sense of, 'wow, you're willing to take my cock in my mouth; that is so class'. Low expectations? The pleasure's all mine.

Tell you though, I ADORE the taste of my cock in her mouth when she moves up to snog with me; is it that delicious for the girls as they do it?
Oh yes.

Poor technique is one issue. Teeth, small mouth, too dry, too much handjob.

Poor attitude is worse. Grudging, not into it, just doing it because it is expected. These are boner-killers.

All these go for a bad fuck too.
Definately. For the same reason as bad sex - if the people aren't sensitive to each others wants. Inexperience isn't a problem for me, but assumption/arrogance is - the attitude that says "I give good blow jobs", then just doing what has worked with another partner before.
Too much suction at the wrong time can ruin the moment too. But I agree with others, its an opportunity to teach the lass how to please her man.
Tell you though, I ADORE the taste of my cock in her mouth when she moves up to snog with me; is it that delicious for the girls as they do it?

Depends on the girl, but I'd never think of the taste as necessarily delicious. Not to say the it's bad, but an ice cream sundae it is not. ;)

I really appreciate honest feedback while giving head, since each guy is so different as to what turns them on. I'd rather know at the time and accommodate someone than end up as a bad blow job story.
Yes. Teeth are an issue. The worst thing happened often with my first girlfriend. As soon as I would start to cum, she would stop. No stroking, no holding, no licking, and no swallowing. I tried to explain to her that there was a critical moment when stopping was not an option, but she just didn't get it. Most of the time I would just grab my dick and start wanking before I came.

Now the best comes with an enthusiastic, well experienced partner like my wife. Just yesterday we were having a nice well deserved session and she took her time allowing me to work up to a nice hard cum. Lots of foreplay, nipple licking and tweaking. She rubbed my balls while taking my cock as deep in her mouth as she could. More mouth than hand action. She stopped every so often and sucked on my balls while stroking me in a leisurely fashion. Then as the pace picked up she built a steady rhythm of increasing tempo. At the moment I shot my load into her mouth, she shifted position so she was over me, stroking my balls with one hand and my cock with the other. I was still cumming when she pulled her mouth off my cock and while stroking longer and harder with her hands. Moving quickly and without warning she put her lips to mine and snowballed my cum to me. I came even harder. She continued to stroke me while we kissed and I held my cum on my tongue. Slowing down, she returned her mouth to my cock and slid her tongue around the head, licking up any remaining cum. she continued until I was sated.

BIG difference between the two. I will take the later any day.
I've pretty much only had bad blow jobs. Either that, or I'm just so damn good at fucking/stroking. I probably need to do more testing. Any lab assistants around?
IF I am every told that I gave a bad one I can assure you that it will not only be a bad one that he received from me but also the LAST one.
For the women that said they wanted to learn and would appreciate their guys telling them what to do.....bravo. However, it's often difficult for either men or women to tell their partner what they like or dislike regarding sex and sexual technique because it strikes at their personality and tends to make some people feel insecure. It's never good to act like a "school master" and shout instructions on how to suck cock, or eat pussy, or fuck.

Sometimes, "schooling" can be handled by writing each other fantasies about a sexual situation and including passages on how characters reacted to certain things or feet about certain activity. I've used this technique with several partners, but then again, I have no probem writing things like this and have been doing it for years. Sometimes, there are books or articles on the internet about "giving the perfect blowjob" or "how to eat pussy and drive her wild", etc. It's also a person's responsibility, if they want to be a good partner, to exercise some initiative and try to learn by doing their own research or asking questions. Too many people think they "know it all" and just don't bother to find out what their partner likes or doesn't like.

To the women who wish it tasted like "butterscotch" or don't really like it, but did it anyway. I suppose that's a two way street also. A guy should make sure he's clean and groomed if he expects his partner to "go south with the mouth". He should watch his diet if he expects to cum in her mouth because his taste can be affected by such things as smoking, alcohol, certain veggies like asperagus or string beans, etc. Women also have to do the same. Clean well managed pussy is an erotic joy to smell and taste, but if it's not maintained, it can be pretty nasty too. What you eat or smoke can be present in how your na-na smells and tastes as well. I knew women who smelled like tobacco or onions or garlic or even urine. I'm pretty tolerant but some guys may be more squimish.

Sex, like many things in life, is a give and take proposition and a little mutual respect is always wise.
Teaching doesn't really have to be "put your mouth here, move your hand like that" though. I think most people would like to know what their partner likes or finds pleasurable, so that could mean saying "Oh, I really love the way it feels when you do that with your's awesome when you lick me there"...that sort of thing. Or maybe it's something to talk about before she's actually there on her knees or whatever. Casual breakfast conversation? "Honey, pick up that sausage, I want to give you some pointers...";)

I guess if a woman is just sitting there with a dick in her mouth doing nothing at all, it would be hard to say much in the way of encouragment that WOULDN'T sound like barking instructions, but if that were the case, and I were a guy, I'd have to chalk that whole thing up to a lost cause in general. Sucking on a dick like you want to disembowel him through his penis? Trying to imagine the thought process on that and ...nope, can't figure it out.

I'm surprised, truly, that there are women who are totally clueless with regards to this. It seems pretty self-explanitory what should be required at a basic level, and whatever tips, tricks and doo-dads you might throw in is just "sprinkles" based on personal preference.