Is there some kind of equation for vote/views?

Dirt Man

Literotica Guru
Dec 19, 2002
So far all of my posted stories are averaging well over 4.08, but the views to votes average is highly suspicious in several of them. For instance one story has 57 votes after 22,900 views, and another story has 111 votes after 319 views. Now I know for sure that my views got stuck for at least 24 hours, but that still doesn't account for such a disparity in votes per view. At least not to me. Not that it matters much to me, but I was just curious if anyone else has experianced such disparities here. BTW the feedback I've gotten for each story is about the same, and very positive.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I think votes and views are updated in the database at different times. I think votes are pretty immediate and views are periodic. I recently posted a poem and after a day it had 3 votes and 0 views, lol.

On the one story I posted so far (another is pending), I did notice the votes and views went up rapidly while it was on the New Stories list, and then slowed down dramatically. I suspect that those who regularly read the New Stories list vote more often than those that just come in and browse occasionally.
Yes, I understand that, but...

Even when the views catch up there is still a great deal of disparity. And remember, all stories are new to start with.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
It's odd. I just posted my first story on the 29th, and after three days it had 95 views and 25 votes.

Now, in a space of 12 hours, it still has 25 votes, but with 1,800 views.

East 76th
There's a tremendous disparity in votes.views. My average is about 75,000 views and 140 votes. This is all over the place. You'll notice a lot of stories end with the author asking/begging for votes. I imagine that works.

Votes update real time.
Views update once a night about midnight PST.
Yeah, I've seen the pleading for votes. I figure screw it, it's enough that the story is being read.

East 76th
I have not yet got to the point of begging people to vote

People do as they will do, and there's no way we can change that. But my interest came about because the one story took on a great many more votes per views than the others that I had submitted thus breaking a preconceived Bell curve.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man