Is there anyone interested in finding common ground? Instead of hating people because of their perceived political beliefs?


Feral Brat Princess
Sep 16, 2021
This is my first (likely my onl) post in the politics world…

I no longer belong to a political party, because I think both sincerely believe they “clearly“ have moral high ground. And missed the point - we need to find our commonality instead of hating on the “other people”. I now just want to see people recognize that they agree on far more than they disagree with. And the current trend of believing “if you did this, you are that” is stupid. That is just about the best way to destroy harmony by saying if someone has a stance you do not agree with on “this” (no matter what that is), then you should be destroyed and eliminated from existance.

I want to see people find their commonalities instead of negatively focusing on their differences.

And you know what the worst part is? People reading this, are likely spending more energy trying to figure out which “side” I am on, instead of thinking about my lamely presented message. I think both sides are correct… and both sides are wrong.

And I hope I don’t have some ass-hat saying I am a shill for whichever side they hate… instead of actually considering that someone could be asking a sincere concept….
This is my first (likely my onl) post in the politics world…

I no longer belong to a political party, because I think both sincerely believe they “clearly“ have moral high ground. And missed the point - we need to find our commonality instead of hating on the “other people”. I now just want to see people recognize that they agree on far more than they disagree with. And the current trend of believing “if you did this, you are that” is stupid. That is just about the best way to destroy harmony by saying if someone has a stance you do not agree with on “this” (no matter what that is), then you should be destroyed and eliminated from existance.

I want to see people find their commonalities instead of negatively focusing on their differences.

And you know what the worst part is? People reading this, are likely spending more energy trying to figure out which “side” I am on, instead of thinking about my lamely presented message. I think both sides are correct… and both sides are wrong.

And I hope I don’t have some ass-hat saying I am a shill for whichever side they hate… instead of actually considering that someone could be asking a sincere concept….
A sincere and happy holidays to you and your family! Thank you for posting this. I do not believe that you will receive scorn. Well, let’s say that I hope not. Americans have always had more in common than our differences. We live, we love music, we love our family, and we want a better life for our children. The method of achieving those goals is where our differences lie. I am an admitted flame thrower here, but I think I only do that after a person says something that is deserved of scorn. Where are you and I could possibly bump heads and I would give you a slight loving nudge in opposition is that I was once like you. I believed the middle, moderate, conciliatory, middle ground was the reasonable and safe place to be. I am off the belief that that is flawed critical thinking, for example, a woman almost died in Texas this past week from men espousing an extreme religious theology. It is incumbent, I now, believe, of good and righteous Americans to speak out against things such as this.
I'm all for finding common ground where that is possible. But I don't believe there is any common ground to be had between the two major political parties. Fundamentally, one side wants government to function and the other doesn't. How do you compromise on that?
This is my first (likely my onl) post in the politics world…

I no longer belong to a political party, because I think both sincerely believe they “clearly“ have moral high ground. And missed the point - we need to find our commonality instead of hating on the “other people”. I now just want to see people recognize that they agree on far more than they disagree with. And the current trend of believing “if you did this, you are that” is stupid. That is just about the best way to destroy harmony by saying if someone has a stance you do not agree with on “this” (no matter what that is), then you should be destroyed and eliminated from existance.

I want to see people find their commonalities instead of negatively focusing on their differences.

And you know what the worst part is? People reading this, are likely spending more energy trying to figure out which “side” I am on, instead of thinking about my lamely presented message. I think both sides are correct… and both sides are wrong.

And I hope I don’t have some ass-hat saying I am a shill for whichever side they hate… instead of actually considering that someone could be asking a sincere concept….
tits or gtfo
…a woman almost died in Texas this past week from Men is an extreme religious theology...
I am not familiar with this story… not at all. And I am not trolling, I am unaware… a woman almost died and the fault of that is “all men”? I don’t know where you reside on the issue… but I cannot understand (truly cannot) how a person with characteristic “A” somehow represents every other human with characteristic “A”. That makes no sense.
I'm all for finding common ground where that is possible. But I don't believe there is any common ground to be had between the two major political parties. Fundamentally, one side wants government to function and the other doesn't. How do you compromise on that?
And again, I am not impressed with either party… I don’t see either party wanting government to function. It appears there are individuals trying to make the system work… but the two parties seem to stomp on anyone who tries to “cross the aisle”. I could be very wrong, no doubt. Especially since we can no longer trust any news service to be neutral.
I'm a left leaning moderate. I believe in compromise. I understand that changes take place over long periods of time with leaders who unite for the visions of that change.

Those who seek immediate, transactional benefits to their cause don't care for any change at all.

And those who rail against small changes that are against them, have no weight on the longer term goals of either.
I'm all for finding common ground where that is possible. But I don't believe there is any common ground to be had between the two major political parties. Fundamentally, one side wants government to function and the other doesn't. How do you compromise on that?

“There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters”

― Daniel Webster

You seek to submit to a preferred master while decrying all others from doing the same without realizing that there is no difference. Some are good, some are bad, but they are all our master.
Do not worry about it. 😀 Knowing the story has no relevance to my overall point which is that I don’t really need you to automatically side with my point of view but I do need you in this fight. This board is toxic and I encourage people to take a break from it, but it cannot be ignored. I need you in this fight because I am of the belief that the more knowledgeable you are, the more you see that other people are determining your future. I actually have this polly Anna view you will be better equipped to determine what you believe is right. And you will be able to look past bombastic rhetoric, even coming from me, to find truth.
I'm a left leaning moderate. I believe in compromise. I understand that changes take place over long periods of time with leaders who unite for the visions of that change.

Those who seek immediate, transactional benefits to their cause don't care for any change at all.

And those who rail against small changes that are against them, have no weight on the longer term goals of either.
What is terrifying to me, is people accepting some very surface area argument for their cause (whatever that is), and don’t bother to dig in and find out that what they are fighting for, is actually going in the absolute opposite direction. Granted, I only have two examples of subjects I have followed for years, but I would be shocked if there aren’t many more.
What is terrifying to me, is people accepting some very surface area argument for their cause (whatever that is), and don’t bother to dig in and find out that what they are fighting for, is actually going in the absolute opposite direction. Granted, I only have two examples of subjects I have followed for years, but I would be shocked if there aren’t many more.
Information Is key. If you have a position,.giving your opposition the same information that led you to that conclusion is key for influencing their perspective.

I hang out in this forum because there's a strong right wing slant and I like knowing their sources and perspectives. Same as I do on Twitter. I hope everyone looks at their opposition perspective to see why and how they come to their conclusions.
What is terrifying to me, is people accepting some very surface area argument for their cause (whatever that is), and don’t bother to dig in and find out that what they are fighting for, is actually going in the absolute opposite direction. Granted, I only have two examples of subjects I have followed for years, but I would be shocked if there aren’t many more.
Here’s a simple recommendation fot novices and new voters that I found helpful. Write down what’s important to you. Write down your concerns. Usually there are just two candidates running for office. Find the one that shares your common interest or has a method that brings you closer to achieving your wants. Then ask of them a lot, and I mean a lot, of questions.
Like most people, there are one or two issues I am hard core, this is my belief and I will not change my opinion on them. I got in to a wonderful conversation with a very close friend several years ago, who at the time, I thought was “the opposite” of my views. I am someone who welcomes hearing a different point of view, because I could be very wrong. What we discovered, was we agreed on everything we talked about. Everything! And my friend said at the end of our wonderful and very friendly conversation was, that both political parties are f-ed up. I explored that idea for a while, and came to believe it is very true.

To me, the thing is, if my neighbor has a different opinion on issue A, that doesn’t mean they are evil, horrible people. That just means we have a different opinion. And when you only have two choices? Clearly, we all have to accept bullshit opinions because we agree with our own issue A.
Information Is key. If you have a position,.giving your opposition the same information that led you to that conclusion is key for influencing their perspective.

I hang out in this forum because there's a strong right wing slant and I like knowing their sources and perspectives. Same as I do on Twitter. I hope everyone looks at their opposition perspective to see why and how they come to their conclusions.
I agree… I might be wrong. For myself, I have flip-flopped on abortion several times in my lifetime. And each opinion seemed super obvious to me, until I heard something else which made me switch again.

Please do not assume I am a dumb bitch who gets easily influenced or other such disrespectful views. That is the only issue I felt strong about, that I changed my mind on… then again… then again… so consider, that means, sometimes I had a very different opinion of a core issue, than “my party”. Now I don’t have “a party”, I think for myself, thank ypu very much. 🥰🥰🥰
You’re not alone in no longer belonging to a political party. I am a Republican and like the two party system but both major parties are shrinking. For those who are dissatisfied with the Democrats and Republicans, and don’t like the fringe third parties, you might want to check out No Labels.
I agree… I might be wrong. For myself, I have flip-flopped on abortion several times in my lifetime. And each opinion seemed super obvious to me, until I heard something else which made me switch again.

Please do not assume I am a dumb bitch who gets easily influenced or other such disrespectful views. That is the only issue I felt strong about, that I changed my mind on… then again… then again… so consider, that means, sometimes I had a very different opinion of a core issue, than “my party”. Now I don’t have “a party”, I think for myself, thank ypu very much. 🥰🥰🥰
If you don't change your mind based on information, the you don't truly have any reason for your choices. Regarding abortion, I know medical reasons exist and that I don't have a say in them as a man. I defer to expertise and patients
Here’s a simple recommendation fot novices and new voters that I found helpful. Write down what’s important to you. Write down your concerns. Usually there are just two candidates running for office. Find the one that shares your common interest or has a method that brings you closer to achieving your wants. Then ask of them a lot, and I mean a lot, of questions.
Sure… sounds great. But what about candidate A that supports… oh I don’t know… recycling. I am all for recycling! Yeah! Go! Then I heard out, recycling is expensive, and being outsourced…to China… and they just dump our “recycling“ in the ocean. Is it true? I have no idea. Maybe, maybe not at all. I would rather it goes into the local landfill than gets dumped into the ocean… after using all the fuel to get the barge out to the ocean.

My point is only that you need to do more than just like a buzzword on a candidate.
This is my first (likely my onl) post in the politics world…

I no longer belong to a political party, because I think both sincerely believe they “clearly“ have moral high ground. And missed the point - we need to find our commonality instead of hating on the “other people”. I now just want to see people recognize that they agree on far more than they disagree with. And the current trend of believing “if you did this, you are that” is stupid. That is just about the best way to destroy harmony by saying if someone has a stance you do not agree with on “this” (no matter what that is), then you should be destroyed and eliminated from existance.

I want to see people find their commonalities instead of negatively focusing on their differences.

And you know what the worst part is? People reading this, are likely spending more energy trying to figure out which “side” I am on, instead of thinking about my lamely presented message. I think both sides are correct… and both sides are wrong.

And I hope I don’t have some ass-hat saying I am a shill for whichever side they hate… instead of actually considering that someone could be asking a sincere concept….

The problem you're having is that you're looking at all of what's going on from an American perspective. This isn't how the rest of the world operates.

After stuff happens the news media picks it up and decides to make bank on the clicks they can generate off of the controversy and conflict so instead of reporting truthfully on who/what/where/when they play words games with the truth. This permeates through society until no one can admit the truth, only their "version" of it.

The result:

These people swallowed the kool aid given to them by foreign interests and sweetened by media not reporting the truth about it just so they could make more money. The result is turmoil and an unwillingness to listen or see the truth.

Which is:

This extends across the spectrum into every area of current events. The reason is that the media is to blame for not reporting truthfully and the people are being fed propaganda from the news source they "trust."
Yeah. This is a tough one. I want to always have an open mind to be swayed by persuasive argument, but certainly have lines that I would not cross. That’s why I believe Have a general knowledge of some things and to ask questions. You will Pick up when a person is deflecting and being evasive and giving false answers. You really should come here More often. American politics has never been for the thin skinned. I have nothing to soothe you there, but I think you will find it refreshing and enlightening if you come here engaging honestly, just as you’ve done now.
If you don't change your mind based on information, the you don't truly have any reason for your choices. Regarding abortion, I know medical reasons exist and that I don't have a say in them as a man. I defer to expertise and patients
I think clearly both sides are valid, and the “solution” needs to be a compromise. Neither side gets “their way”, but both sides get recognized as being valid. A shame the dems didn’t ratify Roe VS Wade any of the times they had control enough to do it.
I think clearly both sides are valid, and the “solution” needs to be a compromise. Neither side gets “their way”, but both sides get recognized as being valid. A shame the dems didn’t ratify Roe VS Wade any of the times they had control enough to do it.
I don't agree. Women and their doctors decide.
I don't agree. Women and their doctors decide.
Interesting… you don’t agree… with what? Did I in any way whatsoever say women and doctors don’t decide? I am totally in agreement with you “women and their doctors decide”.