Is the proportion of adult themed threads on the GB too high?

"Are there too many adult themed threads on an adult themed message board?" 🤔🤯

I think someone needs a hobby.
Yep, about 75% are adult themed. Seems quite high, I’d have thought given all the other sections that tailor to that. Would have thought there would be more community building/general interest than 25% (yes, I do know there is the Lounge too)
The point is, windowlicker, I snipped it before your edit.
I take it you are not familiar with how specialist forums usually work, then?

I’m not sure what you’re on about. The forums don’t filter threads unless a moderator gets around to moving a misplaced posting.

Doesn’t this Lit“erotica” based forum “work” by adult-only members creating whatever threads they want? Aren’t they bumped by members who are interested in the topics?

Seems to me like it’s working as can be expected. 🤷‍♀️
I’m not sure what you’re on about. The forums don’t filter threads unless a moderator gets around to moving a misplaced posting.

Doesn’t this Lit“erotica” based forum “work” by adult-only members creating whatever threads they want? Aren’t they bumped by members who are interested in the topics?

Seems to me like it’s working as can be expected. 🤷‍♀️
Possibly but from my experience, specialist forums, whether it be about gardening, erotica, football, stamp collecting normally conform broadly to The Pareto Principle. This forum falls lower that that and was intrigued as to why. Not a pop at anybody or anything, I just found it of interest, and thought other members might have a view.