Is the gun OK? Was it scratched?


Dec 31, 2009

After school shooting, Tennessee governor signs bill to shield gun firms further against lawsuits
ABC|27 minutes ago
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has signed off on additional protections for gun and ammunition dealers, manufacturers and sellers against lawsuits within a bill that lawmakers passed after a deadly school ...
If car manufacturers made their product deliberately so that it killed and injured people, yes.

Also, if a car owner used their car whilst drunk or to threaten another person, or to break laws appertaining to its correct operation, they should have their license suspended.
If someone is killed with a knife or a hammer is the manufacturer guilty.
No...but we are allowed to regulate those items. Are there certain knives and "tools" that we can no longer buy? Answer are being set up to fail
Translation: I don't like it when RG rams my argument up my ass

1. "RG"? You think you've earned initials here? 😅

2. Talking about yourself in the 3rd person? Even I don't (or hardly ever) do that! 🤣

3. Man, you are really fixated on things associated with rectums...
No...but we are allowed to regulate those items. Are there certain knives and "tools" that we can no longer buy? Answer are being set up to fail
Nowhere on the planet is a hammer regulated. Switchblades can be illegal but i did not mention switchblades. You probably could not take a hammerer or for sure a knife on a plane.
I think whoever wrote the law that said a gun manufacturer could be sued should be put on a can of Bud Lite.
Try taking a sledge hammer or “Thor” sized sledge hammer or an aluminum bat on an airplane! How about a blow torch?
(Oops… I didn’t realize an aluminum was used today)

Good luck

Gee? Why can’t you take your gun? Please tell me your stupid permit doesn’t permit you to do that.

Why the FUCK were guns not permitted in the NRA national meeting? Or were they??

Trump WANTED guns to be allowed at his Capital speech.

Why the fuck does Michigan allow guns in their capital?
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Insurance for cars exist.
Cars aren't created literally to kill people.

That analogy continues to be dumb and you're dumb for using it again and again and again
Insurance, licensing, yearly registration, inspections, etc. That analogy gets stupider every time it's trotted out.
Insurance, licensing, yearly registration, inspections, etc. That analogy gets stupider every time it's trotted out.
And with every lost human life in America? We realize exactly how stupid gun owners are to not see that implementing some smart limitations or whatever is just smart.

Other countries soooo much smarter than we are! Look at the history! What makes you think that America won’t finally be fed up like many other countries have? Oh yeah! America is broken
in Tennessee, Feds/prosecutors going after 'switches' that transform semi-autos into 'machine guns'

“Switches are illegal and highly dangerous devices that convert semiautomatic firearms into machine guns," Ritz said. “These devices threaten public safety and make the gun violence problem even worse."

Seven of the 15 people who have been convicted of machine gun possession or other firearms-related crime have already received prison sentences of up to 8 1/2 years. Nine others have been charged with offenses related to switches, which make guns much harder to control when fired, prosecutors said.

The devices are inexpensive and can be bought on the internet, said Marcus Watson, special agent in charge for the Nashville field division of the ATF.

Ritz said the devices can come from other countries such as Russia or China, and they can be made on 3-D printers.

“Machine guns have no place in the general public,” Watson said

After school shooting, Tennessee governor signs bill to shield gun firms further against lawsuits
ABC|27 minutes ago
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has signed off on additional protections for gun and ammunition dealers, manufacturers and sellers against lawsuits within a bill that lawmakers passed after a deadly school ...

Auto Makers do not need shields from Lawsuits.

8 people were killed after being run down by a Mexican in an Automobile!
9 Suffered severe injuries as well.

Did the CAR act alone? Or did the Crazy Mexican depress the Throttle and run down the innocent people?

FACT: The Majority of School shootings are in GUN FREE ZONES!
in Tennessee, Feds/prosecutors going after 'switches' that transform semi-autos into 'machine guns'

Definitely keep posting about switches, because Lit Deplorables aren't familiar with them - even though they profess to be "gun experts". 😉
Damn right. Do you think car makers should be sued every time somebody uses one to do bad things?

Insurance for cars exist.
Cars aren't created literally to kill people.

That analogy continues to be dumb and you're dumb for using it again and again and again

Now all you have to do is fight to make it mandatory. Good luck doing that with a right instead of a privilege.


The analogy holds up very well because Car/Gun can easily be replaced with Commodity because no consumer product is created to "literally kill people."

The dummy here is the person who tends to call people with ideas he doesn't agree with "dumb."

dumb | dəm | adjective 1 [predicative] temporarily unable or unwilling to speak: she stood dumb while he poured out a stream of abuse. • [attributive] resulting in or expressed by speechlessness: they stared in dumb amazement. 2 dated or offensive (of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness: he was born deaf, dumb, and blind. • (of animals) unable to speak as a natural state and thus regarded as helpless or deserving pity.

I guess you wish to render him dumb and unable to express his ideas on a forum devoted to free speech. That's STUPID...
Definitely keep posting about switches, because Lit Deplorables aren't familiar with them - even though they profess to be "gun experts". 😉
You have repeatedly proven that your ignorance of guns, gun ownership and gun owners is as deep as the Marianas Trench.

Now all you have to do is fight to make it mandatory. Good luck doing that with a right instead of a privilege.


The analogy holds up very well because Car/Gun can easily be replaced with Commodity because no consumer product is created to "literally kill people."

The dummy here is the person who tends to call people with ideas he doesn't agree with "dumb."

dumb | dəm | adjective 1 [predicative] temporarily unable or unwilling to speak: she stood dumb while he poured out a stream of abuse. • [attributive] resulting in or expressed by speechlessness: they stared in dumb amazement. 2 dated or offensive (of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness: he was born deaf, dumb, and blind. • (of animals) unable to speak as a natural state and thus regarded as helpless or deserving pity.

I guess you wish to render him dumb and unable to express his ideas on a forum devoted to free speech. That's STUPID...
The analogy doesn't ever hold up, unless you specifically discuss intentional deaths by car versus intentional deaths by gun.

And you remove the discussion of required insurance. And probably remove the discussion of recalls be a use of excess deaths. And probably remove any discussion of lack of automobile amendments. And probably remove any discussion .....etc....etc.....

Yah, it's absolutely a stupid analogy that is only used by dipshits who refuse to talk about gun deaths in any serious way.
Murder is against the law and carries with it the severest of penalties regardless of the means by which said murder was committed. It is the individual that is charged and put on trial, not the gun/automobile/knife/hammer/poison or whatever.
Murder is against the law and carries with it the severest of penalties regardless of the means by which said murder was committed. It is the individual that is charged and put on trial, not the gun/automobile/knife/hammer/poison or whatever.
So how many people commit murders with cars and how many commit murders with guns?

And can you also provide those stats specific to school children murders?